
Implement a top level window from a broadcast receiver

I have a broadcast receiver that listens for incoming calls, then displays a popup. The popup is a dialog type of theme and has FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE and FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE - basically, it's an informational window that goes away after x seconds, and is not meant to interfere or take focus over anything else. The issue is that the incoming...

Android USB driver for Xperia X10a

I've been trying for a couple hours now, and have hit all of the sites Google found, but i cannot get the Android USB driver on my XP box to talk to my new Xperia X10a. I found the lines that some kind soul posted, and has been syndicated repeated, but they don't work for me. The idea is to add them to the Google.NTx86 and Google.NTamd64...

How to move horizontal scroll giving size to left or right ?

Hi guys. How to move horizontal scroll by giving size to left or right using programmable way? Is it possible ? Thanks in advance. ...

Error starting an Android program.

[2010-04-16 23:31:34 - MobileDataKeeper] Error in an XML file: aborting build. [2010-04-16 23:31:57 - MobileDataKeeper] Error in an XML file: aborting build. [2010-04-16 23:32:28 - MobileDataKeeper] Error in an XML file: aborting build. [2010-04-16 23:34:56 - MobileDataKeeper] Error in an XML file: aborting build. [2010-04-16 23:35:14 -...

Unloading vertex buffers in OpenGL

I have an Android live wallpaper that I suspect is leaking memory, probably either textures or vertex arrays. I'm calling glDeleteTextures on my texture IDs, but don't see any sort of equivalent for my vertex buffers. I'd like to be able to be sure both my textures and buffers are getting unloaded by OpenGL, am i missing something? Th...

Replicate behavior of Android browser

Hi all, I am writing for Android, and I can't figure out how to replicate the effect of the Android browser where the progress bar is at the top of the screen, with the webview below it, yet when you scroll down, the bar scrolls with the page. I've tried placing both the webview and the progress bar into a scrollview, but when I do th...

Virtual Keyboard doesn't appear when rotate the screen?

Hi guys. I am facing to a problem related virtual keyboard. I've created a layout that contains Button, TextView and EditText. When its screen orientation is Portrait, it can show the Virtual Keyboard by one touching on the EditText. Then I've changed screen orientation to Landscape. At this moment Virtual Keyboard hasn't been appe...

about startAcitivity problem

Why I start an Intent(this, Demo.class) in Oncreate. It does not run the other Activity right now. but after finish Oncreate ...

How can I erase the old data from logcat?

when I run the command adb logcat while running the android emulator, all of the old logs blow past and so I figure they are stored in a file somewhere. Is there a command I can run to clear the logs and start fresh? If not, is there some other way to do this? ...

TabHost Problem in android

Hi, I want Access a single Activity using 2 different tabs.For Ex I have a single Activity like People and two tabs those names are tab1 and tab2.when i click on tab1 I want to display the people page as my group and when i click on tab2 that same page displayed the show all title.That means I want to Access a single Intent for two tabs...

how can reduce power usage in location based application in android how can implemented

hi how can reduce the power usage in my application ...

File name after MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage

Hi! I am using MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(ContentResolver cr, String imagePath, String name, String description) function to insert a newly created image into gallery. System is naming the file by default, but its diferent than names of pictures taken by orginal app(Time stamp). Is there easy way to set it up? ...

floating image wrapped by text in android

hello I think the title says it all. I need to accomplish this result in android but it looks like there is no easy fix to my problem. Just to clarify a bit more: if I had to do it in html css I would write something like <img src="Image URL" style="float:left; margin-right: 5px;" /> got it? ;) thanks guyz ...

How to use Android in hungarian?

I have checked the regional settings in my emulator and I can't yet choose Hungarian. I am wondering how can I make my application to work in hungarian? How do I set what language to use? ...

Does the Dalvik file format (*.dx) support more instructions than a Java .class file?

Is there anything the Dalvik VM supports (in terms of bytecode) which is not used currently because the .class files don't have it? As an example, if people would write their own Source-to-DX converter for their functional language XYZ, would they be able to implement e. g. full tail calls although the .class file does support tail call...

NetBeans not liking libraries in lib-src

I'm working on a project with a group that is using Eclipse, but I'm using Netbeans. Up until today this wasn't an issue. When updating from the repo they have added some source code as a library under a directory called /lib-src. When I try to compile the code I get an error that it can't find certain packages... these are the packages ...

Android Bluetooth syncing

I am connecting to a bluetooth enabled camera, and I am able to connect using the methods found in the BluetoothChat example. I need to send commands to the camera. The issue is that I also need to get a response BACK from the camera after I send the command in the first place. So basically I need to write a command and receive a resp...

Android vertical line xml

Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to define a verical line (1px thick) to be used as a drawable. to make a horizontal one, it's pretty straightforward: <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="line"> <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#0000FF"/> <size android:height="50dp" /> ...

Android: stop activity appearing when an app is reopened?

Hi there In Android, I have some code to check whether the user has GPS switched on, and launch the Settings for them to turn it on if they don't. It looks like this: private void buildAlertMessageNoGps() { final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder .setMessage( "Your GPS seems to be disa...

Android: How to maintain backwards-compatibility?

According to the instructions found here, to make your app state which screen sizes you can support, you'll need to compile your app against Android 1.6. Using the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion this should run also on Android 1.5: <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" android:targetSdkVersion="4"/> However, when I try...