
Possible to skip track from an Android application?

I'm planning on doing a application for Android 2.1 that changes song every minute (through what I hope exists in Android, "next") for the application using the audio device atm. So if I have Spotify running in background already, playing music, can I through my program change to the next track? Let me know if I was unclear about anyth...

how to change the default look of a scrollview in android?

I am using a scrollview in my application. I want to know how can it be possible to change the default appearance of a scrollview(i.e a line) to something different, maybe an image or arrows in android. Any kind of help or hint would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance, HM ...

android threads

Hi, I'm searching for some good material on android threads but I couldn't find references for a complete description about this subject. So if you know any valuable reference please point them to me. ...

Can ksoap2 (android) be used for calling Ebay (Finding) web services?

Hi, I am working on a android application that will use Ebay' "Finding" Webservice. I have set up all the parameters such as NAMESPACE="" URL="" METHOD_NAME = "findItemsByKeywords" SOAP_ACTION="

Android Map Performance poor because of many Overlays?

Hi, I have a map in my android application that shows many markers (~20-50). But the app performs very poor when i try to scroll/zoom (in Google Android Maps i did a sample search for pizza and there were also some 20-50 results found and i didn't notice any particular performance problems when zooming/scrolling through the map). Here ...

How to list Activities which match an intent?

I have a few separate applications which are all launched purely through a main application. I am wondering if I'd be able to use intents to retrieve a list of all the sub-applications which match some discovery intent. The main application currently needs to know what Intents to use to START these sub-applications, but is there a way...

question about asynchronous http

Hi , I just want to check if I understood well the way asynchronous Http request work on Android. Suppose I make such a request and set a ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler to handle the response. By doing this is it possible to have the UI thread blocked waiting for the response ? The implication being that the code in the functio...

TimePickerDialog and AM or PM

I have a TimePickerDialog with is24Hour set to false since I want to present the end-user with the more familiar 12 hour format. When the hour, minute and AM PM indicator are set and the time is returned how can I identify whether the end-user has selected AM or PM? This is what I have for the listener: private TimePickerDialog.OnTime...

Trying to understand setting content providers in Android.

Hi there. I wanna change APN settings in a phone. Looked the api and there is a content provider named ACTION_APN_SETTINGS but i'm having a hard time figuring out how to use it. Is there any example or something that does not involve the "contacts" conte...

Distributing Android apps outside of the Android Market

What's your experience distributing Android apps outside of the Android Market? Which alternative markets an Android developer should consider? Any success/horror stories? ...

height worked out dynamically at rendering time

hello I have to make a simple layout in android but have problem with the heigh of the central element. basically I have a header, a body and a footer. header and footer have fixed height but I'd like the body to fill the remaining space. this should be screen size independent so I'd like the height of the body to be dynamically worked ...

Stop All Started Services on App Close / Exit

Is it possible to stop all started services when the user hits the Home Button? I use: startService(new Intent(ClassName.this, ClassName2.class)); stopService(new Intent(ClassName.this, ClassName2.class)); This means I will have to somehow add the 'stopService()' for 7+ of my app classes I've researched this topic and I think there's...

Android - How to Use

Hi all, i'm trying to use SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase( "/data/data/edwin11.myapp/databases/myapp.db", null, (SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY | SQLiteDatabase.NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATORS)); to create/open a database instead of making use of the SQLiteOpenHelper (because i want to pass in the flag SQLiteDatabase.NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATOR...

How to display a non-model, temporary pop-up message in Android?

For an example of what I'm looking for, hit the Home button while you're composing a message in the Gmail app. A little message will pop up at the bottom of the screen for a moment that says "Message saved as Draft." I can't figure out how to display one of those messages myself, and I'm not sure what to call it so I can't do a search f...

Android: Hiding the keyboard in an overrided "Done" keypress of EditText

Hello, I have used a bit of Android code to override the "Done" button in my EditText field: myEditField.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() { @Override public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) { if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE) { ...

How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()?

This problem has been solved! Thanks a lot to Brad, Denis and junkie! You're the heroes! :) This is the working code. It connects to Zeemote and reads data from it. ===== Code ===== public class ZeeTest extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ...

android: how to specify multipe listivews

It seems that android has enforced that a listview must have the name android:id="@android:id/list", is there anyway to create multiple listview then? I have two activities which are both listview but have to control different format of Lists, one with image+text the other is just text. ...

ImageView scale type not working in list activity

I have used ImageView's before and understand the different scale types that can be set... However I am having an incredibly difficult time trying to get an ImageView to scale properly in the row of a ListActivity or an ExpandableListActivity. I have tried setting the android:scaleType property to every single value but the image never ...

How to attach a scroll bar to a canvas in android ?

Hello, I am drawing up a grid on a canvas as below, I have not been able to get the scroll bar to appear, I looked around for examples, but none of them give details on drawing scroll bars for custom views. Your help is much appreciated. public class GridActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInsta...

Screenshot Android

How can I take screenshot of selected area of phone-screen not by any program, but from code. ...