
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work

I have a Samsung Spica i5700 which I already have updated to Android 2.1. I am using the phone with an application called Run.GPS ( This application logs data such as GPS position, route, speed, bearing etc. It can also log heartrate provided the user has a Zephyr HxM bluetooth heart rate monitor ("HxM"), which I d...

Specs for all android phones

Is there a central place where I can find the specs for the majority of the Android phones available on the market? I want to create avds for each of them. ...

Android MP3 playback with dynamic tempo adjustment

Any ideas how to do this? For example with NDK or something else. ...

How to disable items in a List View???

I have a list view which is populated via records from the database. Now i have to make some records visible but unavailable for selection, how can i achieve that? here's my code public class SomeClass extends ListActivity { private static List<String> products; private DataHelper dh; public void onCreate(...

Cross platform mobile file upload - possible?

I need as simple as possible solution for uploading files (eg. photos) to my website from mobile devices (iPhone, Android, BB, Nokia). Is it possible to do it in same way? Using Java or XHTML? ...

Launching Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android

My app needs to show Google Maps directions from A to B, but I don't want to put the Google Maps into my application - instead, I want to launch it using an Intent. Is this possible? If yes, how? ...

Making the Android emulator run faster

The Android emulator is a bit sluggish. For some devices, like the Motorola Droid and the Nexus One, the app runs faster in the actual device than the emulator. This is a problem when testing games and visual effects. How do you make the emulator run as fast as possible? I've been toying with its parameters but haven't found a configura...

How to check the value entered in EditText is aplhanumeric or not?

My application takes userid from user as input, the userid is alphanumeric i.e just the first character is (a-z), other part is numeric. How can I validate input of this type ( like G34555) ? ...

How can I set drawable to a ListView in android

I am writing a app for android 1.5. I want to use a complex listview to display my data. I want to show a ImageView of a drawable object in my List item. I learned from a demo: ------> listData.put("Img", listData.put("Img", R.drawable.XXX)); listData.put("Time", "100"); listItems.add(listData); It can displ...

Android SQLite: nullColumnHack parameter in insert/replace methods

The Android SDK has some convenience methods for manipulating data with SQLite. However both the insert and replace methods use some nullColumnHack parameter which usage I don't understand. The documentation explains it with the following, but what if a table has multiple columns that allow NULL? I really don't get it :/ SQL doesn't...

Show context menu when link is long pressed in TextView

I have a TextView with its MovementMethod set to LinkMovementMethod. Text added to the TextView is a combination of normal text and URLs. For URLs, I would like to offer a context menu when the URL is long pressed for doing things such as copying the address. I've had a look at the source for LinkMovementMethod but it doesn't seem to hav...

Android set speakerphone on programmatically

Hi, I am trying to set speakerphone on in a call programmatically using audiomanager.setSpeakerphoneOn(true) in a service but it seems it is not working and I don't know why. Should I do something else? Thanks ...

Silverlight/Moonlight on Android devices

Hi! I just got my first Android device, I love it... I also love the fact that you can create your own applications and distribute them as you please. I've read a little bit about Monodroid, and also that apparently Microsoft wants to put Silverlight on these devices, although there is not too much information about either of them... b...

custom button: properties change, button should be redrawn

Hi I'm developing an Android app. I have class derived from button to represent a special type of button. This special type has some properties (integers) and according to these one or more circles have to be drawn on top of the button. So I overrode the onDraw function, which looks the values up and accordingly draws the circles. Bu...

Don't want activity to be destroyed/created when phone is rotated.

I have tried to freeze orientation setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); but thought screen stays in portrait orientation, the activity is still recreated. Any ideas how to solve this? ...

The WeTab will run Android applications but uses an Atom CPU. What does this mean for NDK and MonoDroid?

I'm guessing MonoDroid compiles directly into ARM code. And the NDK, too. ...

Close application on error

I’m currently writing an application for the Android platform that requires a mounted SD card (or ExternalStorage). I know that it might not be the best way to require something like that, but the application will work with quite a lot of data, and I don’t even want to think about storing that on the device’s storage. Anyway, to ensure ...

Application installer tells that my app reads Phone State and identity :-(

Hoi, I have a simple app with a surfaceview nothing special one would say. However when installing on my phone I get two warnings. 1 - Phone calls - read phone state and identity 2 - Storage - modify/delete SD card content. My really is nothing more than a simple puzzle and I dont understand why I get these warnings. Any ideas how to...

In Android, how can i allow the user to choose a color between 4 ?

I'm making an Android App, and i need to put a control that let user choose between 4 different colors. I want to do this with something like radio buttons: the problem is that radiobuttons are round... is there a way to set them looks like square/rect buttons, and assign a color to their inside rect area ? If not, how can i achieve th...

Need help with android WebView

Hello, I am new to Android and java development. I create a WebView object in the OnCreate function. Now I need to be able to pass this same object to other functions in the code, such as the onOptionsItemSelected function. I currently have it where I just create a new WebView object in each function where I need it, but this slows down ...