
Reason for Null pointer Exception

Hi, I cant figure out why my program is showing null pointer exception. Plz help me...Here's the program... public class MusicListActivity extends Activity { List<HashMap<String, String>> songNodeDet = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>(); HashMap<?,?>[] songNodeWeb; XMLRPCClient client; String logInSess; ArrayList<String> paths=new...

Delete ONE SPECIFIC table of a database - leave the rest intact

Hi, I have a database where I store two different kinds of data. One table is for favorite routes, the other stores the retrieved routes from a server. I can retrieve the routes etc just fine. But after retrieving the first Route, pressing back or HOME, and then retrieving another route, the routes table is filled with all the old route...

Strange activity stack behavior when using MapActivity

I have the following activity structure in my application A simple "splash screen" activity is started when the application is fired up (let's call it "Splash"). This activity starts the main activity when the user presses a button (I will call it "Main"). Main can in turn start two activities from the menu. The first activity present...

What does "Failed to find provider info for android.server.checkin" mean?

I get that error message quite often when debugging my android app. What does it mean? ...

printing bit maps:facing memory errors

Hi all, I am, in my android application doing printing and for that i,ve to prepare the formatted page, it include text and bitmaps. am using canvas by a bitmap, on that canvas i am drawing my scaled images(of high resolution). since it altogether is a bitmap, processing it giving out of memory errors and not generating images and text...

document.evalute function giving exception

I have a code like res = doc.evalute(xpathExpr,doc, function(prefix) {return namespaces[prefix] || null;}, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE,null ); Here doc is DOM document node When i run for loop like this for(i in doc) alert(i); it gives evaluate method but when i tried to use this method on dom node ...

Android Marketplace

I'm wondering whether the official google Android Marketplace application has access to some restricted functionality in the OS, or if it just uses the standard APIs available. Anyone up to date on this matter? Update Would it be possible to get an application signed by the manufacturer so that you can access these functionalities, or ...

Intercepting touch events on activity and button on Android

I have an Android activity with an ImageButton. I would like to execute some logic when the button is clicked and show a different image for the pressed state, but also receive the touch event on the activity. By default only the button receives the touch event. If I set the clickable attribute of the button to false then only the activ...

Linear Layout and weight in Android

I always read about this funny weight value in the Android documentations. Now I want to try it for the first time but it isn't working at all. As I understand it from the documentations this layout: <LinearLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="horizontal...

How to use data of one application into other application in Android.

i want to send input data in one application to the other application using "intent" or can we store user input from one application that can be used by other application. ...

How can I show my activity(screen) on top of in-calling screen?

Hi, all! I'm writing an android application which listens the phone calling events. What I want to do is, if there is a call incomes or outgoes, an activity shows with my customized info. I want to this screen keeps showing during the calling period. However, if a call is coming, the system UI which shows the contact always appears on t...

Unable to start Android emulator > 1.5

Hi ! I got this trace when I tried to launch android 1.6 or 2.1. Android 1.5 is working fine. I tried to reinstall each SDK, but there is no way to get it working. I created those AVD with Eclipse plugin. geo@geo-laptop:~> android/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/emulator -avd a16 *** glibc detected *** android/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/emu...

get the current location (gps/wifi)

I'm trying to get my location using it like this: LocationManager myLocationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.setAccuracy(Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE); criteria.setAltitudeRequired(false); criteria.setBearingRequired(false); criteria.setCostAllowed(true);...

Why is 1px sometimes 2px when specified in Android XML?

I've got a desire for a one-pixel divider line, just for looks. I thought I could accomplish this using a View of height 1px, with a defined background. However, I'm getting some very odd behavior on different devices - sometimes the 1px ends up as 2px. Take this sample layout for example: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas....

Android: How to set the contents of a Edit text from a Button click?

Hi, I am a rookie to android. I am thinking of implementing a simple calculator in android to get a hold of the basics in android. I want to display a keypad with numbers and mathematical operations and when the user presses the keys the corresponding number is displayed in edit text. I tried using gettext() and updating the contents of...

Processing RSS Feeds with Namespaces in Android

I'm trying to write an XML parser that takes an RSS feed & fetches the image urls shown in the url attribute of the <media:thumbnail> tag. This is all being done via android.Util.Xml, & is an adaptation of the code shown here. An example RSS feed that I'm trying to use is the BBC News RSS feed. However, media is an additional namespac...

New to Android: openOrCreateDatabase(): where does the sqlite file go?

When I call myDB = this.openOrCreateDatabase("DatabaseName", MODE_PRIVATE, null); Where does the database file get created? I can't find it anywhere. o_O ...

Changing Encoding while Xml.parse() with SaxFeedParser Java

Hi , I am trying to load hebrew rss using the fllow : Xml.parse(_InputStream, Xml.Encoding.ISO_8859_1 , root.getContentHandler()); taken from ibm site : link text I would like to use other Encoding like "ISO8859_8" rather than : Xml.Encoding.ISO_8859_1, Xml.Encoding.US_ASCII, Xml.Encoding.UTF_16, Xml.Encoding.UTF_8 Thanks a lot...

stdexcept On Android

I'm trying to compile SoundTouch on Android. I started with this configure line: ./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/Volumes/android-build/mydroid/development/ndk/build/platforms/android-3/arch-arm/usr/include/" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath-link=/Volumes/android-build/mydroid/development/ndk/build/platforms/android-3/arch-arm/usr/lib -L/Volumes/android-bu...

How to hide specific rows of a Cursor in android

Hey, I have a cursor, and it got, lets say, 40 rows, I want to hide some rows when the user check a checkbox. one way is run the query again on the cursor, but it doesn't help me because the condition is done by Java (calculate balance, with many logic). I need something that will get the current row, and return if it can be show or n...