
how to do android image animation

hi, i am trying to get a simple image animation going. i want to make it looks as if the helicopter's propeller blades are turning. i have 3 images for the helicopter, and i am showing one of these images depending on the animation progress. the problem is that all three images end up overlapping each other as opposed to just one image...

Problems saving a photo to a file

Man, I am still not able to save a picture when I send an intent asking for a photo to be taken. Here's what I am doing: Make a URI representing the pathname android.content.Context c = getApplicationContext(); String fname = c.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath()+"/parked.jpg"; file = new fname ); Uri fil...

How to render text in TextView which has URL apparence

HI, Can you please if how can I render text TextView with URL like appearance (blue text with an underline)? And it can mixed with regular text (display as plain text)? And when I click on it, it will launch WebView loading that URL? Thank you. ...

Computation on db data then list them using either SimpleCursorAdapter or ArrayAdapter

Hi all, I juststarted programming in android a few weeks ago, so I am not entirely sure how to deal with listing values. Please help me out! I have some questions regarding displaying data sets from db in a list. Currently I have a cursor returned by my db points to a list of rows and I want display 2 columns values in a single row of t...

Android passing objects between activities

Say if I have a locationManager(LM) object in activity A, which is my main menu. All the sub-activities need to use LM. In a good design, should I pass LM object to sub-activities? How? Please suggest some good coding pattern. Thanks. ...

Drop pin in MapView

I readed this: and do all the same. But there is no pin droped on the map, after i call: startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri)); The map centered on that uri-location, but no any pin dropped on the map. So, there is a question: How to drop...

How did you get started with game development in Android?

Looking for any kind of recommendation, like books, articles, anything that aids me in getting started with game development in Android. ...

From AutoComplete textbox to database search and display?

Hello everyone, I have a small problem so I would be grateful if anyone could help me in any way. Thank you ;) I have this little "application", and I want when someone type in a AutoComplete textbox for example "New" it automatically displays "New York" as a option and that (AutoComplete function) works fine. But I want when user type ...

How can I create a drawable which changes depends on state AND also overlay a image?

Hi, I have a TextView which has a drawable changes depends on state: <TextView android:background="@drawable/textbackground"...> And my textbackground.xml is <selector> <item android:state_focused="true" android:drawable="@drawable/highlightborder" /> </selector> And highlightborder.xml is <shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.a...

Android horizontal scrolling showing Cursor data

I have some text data in database which I have retrieved in a Cursor, and I am displaying it in a ListView. What I want to do now is that when you select click a particular row in the list its text content should be displayed in full screen and the user should be able to scroll horizontally (like scrolling between iPhone home screens) to...

Dynamic remove Tab from TabHost problem on android1.5

My codes like this: public void removeTabForLogout(){ if (tabHost.getTabWidget().getChildCount()==4){ tabHost.setCurrentTab(0); tabHost.clearAllTabs(); tabHost.addTab(getTab1()); tabHost.addTab(getTab2()); } } private TabSpec getTab1(){ if (mTab1==null){ mTab1= tabHost.newTabSpec("...

How to add a button to PreferenceScreen

Is there any way to add a button to the bottom of preferences screen and make them work correct when scrolling? ...

How to add CheckBox to any ListView item in android?

Hi everybody, I'm writing an app with ListView layout and i want to add to any line in this ListView CheckBox. How can i do this? This is my XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_h...

Launch Android Default Email application through btn click

Hello Experts, I posted this query here, but as usual, noone knows / no replies How can I launch the android default mail application through the click of a button in my code? I would also like to know, how this can be done to launch the contacts list also. Any help in this regard is...

Is it possible to implement a secure application to block internet on Android in roaming?

I need to develop an application that will check whether the phone is in roaming. If it's in roaming then the application should block internet for all applications except several from white list. In non-roaming mode it should allow all requests. There should be no way for user to kill or suspend the application or turn internet on. I'm ...

Downloading game assets to SD card on Android

I'm developing an Android game that has to download some assets to the SD card to keep the size of the app as small as possible. I was thinking of using an uncompressed zip file to bundle all the assets. A requirement from the client is to protect these assets as much as possible. Being part of the apk is considered enough protection, b...

Dynamically extend the height of the ListView row background image in android?

Hi, I am loading a listview dynamically. I have set a .9.png image as row background image. The main purpose of using .9.png image was to extend the height of the image dynamically according to the contents of the listview. But, the image is not getting extended. The contents which can be displayed within the height of the row are bein...

android select multiple items in ListView?

Hi, I have a ListView and I want to select multiple items in the ListView without using CheckedTextView. Please help !! ...

Android: How can i make my page slide as the user slides finger on the screen?

How can i make my page slide as the user slides finger on the screen in android? Any example code? I just require the same feel as it is on my android g-phone's home screen.The screen moves as the finger moves(also includes the elastic effect). ...

Android ListView

Hi, anyone know how to do a listview which looks like this? I'm interesting in the style of rows with an own background and the selector working fine. ...