
Android relative layout problem

Hello! I just can't display the button at the bottom of the screen. I have 2 textviews and 2 edittexts set as gone, and they become visible when user clicks checkbox. It's only then that my button gets positioned properly Otherwise it sits on top of the app at launch of my app.(see here:

Using the hardware keyboard to simulate button press on Android

Hello, it is difficult to test a game with the mouse pointer on android buttons. I would like to control those buttons with the hardware keyboard. Actually I don't want to control the buttons itself but I want to control the behaviour the buttons would also do. For example I have 4 buttons in the android application with "arrow up, down,...

Android AVD With GoogleApi, Not Getting Network Connection

I am working on a Windows XP Machine. When running AVDs out of Eclipse, I am getting "No Network Connection" when I am plugged into my company's network and using an AVD that was built with the "Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API 7, revision 1". If I use this same AVD (Google API) and connect to the internet through a Verizon Wirel...

Demo Version of Application

What is the recommended way of creating a demo version for an application. Basically, the demo version will be fully functional, but will be limited to running it 25 times. My worry is that if the user uninstalls and reinstalls, the count will be reset. I thought about writing a data file to the SD Card with the count of executions (h...

Problem saving file on Motorola Droid, Android 2.1?

Two of my users have reported a problem with my Android application, OftSeen Gestures. Both of them are using a Motorola Droid. The app saves a text file which is just a list of gesture names and phone numbers, both strings. It saves the file to the private data area. I don't know that it is this code that is failing but they report the ...

using git on android

Hi all, I have a desktop application using git for synchronization. I have also an android application which do the same as the desktop, but I don't know how to do the synchronization part on it. I haven't found any implementation of git on android. I found a jgit, but its unwell documented and I was not able to do even a commit with th...

Access a custom ListView item

Hello, l'm new here so hope to follow guidelines as I'm a newbie for both the side and android. For my first app I'm trying to make a world clock. In order to check it the time is shown and update in seconds. (00:00:00) As the only thing I want to update every second is the time I don't want to use: ListView's notfiyDataHasChanged() I ...

Is it possible to use an Idea 9 Android module in a Teamcity IPR runner?

As per my question here... Is it possible to use TeamCity with an Idea 9 project project that has 3 .iml modules where 2 are Java based and 1 in an Android module? ...

How to deal with multiple screensizes + dynamic controls in Android?

Hi I am learning how to program on Android phone. However I am unsure how to make my application work for the different screen sizes and resolutions. I read the tutorial on the android site and still unsure how to do it. First I know there are different files so could make a layout for each of the sizes but my problem is most of the s...

Android File Picker

Is there a good solution for picking a file in an android application? I need the user to be able to browse their SD card for a file they would like to load. However, it cannot use an outside application (like andExplorer or OI File Manager). It must stay contained inside my application and not require users to install other applications...

Sqlite table constraint - unique on multiple columns

I can find syntax "charts" on this on the sqlite website, but no examples and my code is crashing. I have other tables with unique constraints on a single column, but I want to add a constraint to the table on two columns. This is what I have that is causing a SQLiteException with the message "syntax error". CREATE TABLE name (column ...

Building Android app from ant via Hudson - chicken and egg problem

When using an Android-generated ant build file, the file references your SDK installation via an sdk.dir property inside the files which is generated by "android update project -p .". The comments in build.xml suggest that should NOT be checked into version control. BUT, when you run your build from Hu...

Invoking activity from APK in another android application

Hi all, I have an android application that starts an activity and is running well. I need other developers to be able to integrate my APK into their applications in such a way that they can start the activity in my APK from their android applications. What are the ways of achieving this? Thanks George ...

Creating custom Android project templates in Eclipse?

Every app I make starts out with a number of common base classes, interfaces, utility classes and a basic package structure that has been working for me. Is there a way for me to set up a project template in Eclipse that will give me all of the basic Android project stuff PLUS a bunch of custom packages, classes and interfaces? I guess...

Android List with section headers

Hi, I'm trying to create a list with headers above a grouping of items. I was looking at SeperatedListAdapter available here: but I ran into an error (ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2025): java.lang.IllegalStateException: ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a...

Language resources in separate APK?

I'm wondering if it is possible to create a separate APK file which contains only language specific strings and somehow persuade my program to try to read the string resources first from that package's resource and then from the program's own resources... I would like to have a main program with 2-3 mayor laguages and the rest of the lan...

How to change colors for ListView, alternating row color?

I have a couple of list views, one uses TextViews laid out with xml, the other uses a custom class derived from View. The default halloween color scheme is pretty ugly. How can I change the background and selection colors for the list elements. Ideally, I'd like to be able to do this in code not xml, to handle the custom view. Thanks...

Android ASync task ProgressDialog isn't showing until background thread finishes

I've got an Android activity which grabs an RSS feed from a URL, and uses the SAX parser to stick each item from the XML into an array. This all works fine but, as expected, takes a bit of time, so I want to use AsyncActivity to do it in the background. My code is as follows: class AddTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Item, Void> { prot...

Problem with ImageButton.setVisibility()

Hello guys! I'm having a problem when setting the visibility of two image buttons one on top of the other. The idea is to implement a play/pause control. The problem is that the only part where setting the visibility actually works is in the click listeners of the buttons. If I try to change it somewhere else nothing happens. Any idea w...

How to make animated GIFs work from Android WebView

Animated GIF images rendered by Android's WebView do not seem to animate. Has anyone figured out how to make them work? I'm testing on an N1 with 2.1-u1. None of the web settings available seem applicable. ...