
Check value to disable/enable Context Menu Item (android)

Hi, In my application has a ListView. When long press on item the "Context Menu" will appear. I want to check the data ID, then set disable/enable to my Context Menu "Items". I can not find out the function like getMenuInfo() or something like this. @Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu , View v, ContextMenuInfo me...

Barcode reading using picture taken using mobile phone camera

How do we do programmatic reading of a barcode that is captured using a mobile phone camera? For example, how do that using iPhone or Android or Java ME? Do we need separate hardware to read bar code or can we do image manipulation? ...

How to trigger an event when scrollView reach the bottom with Android?

Hi Im looking for an event that I can use on the scrollView to be fired when the user has scrolled to the bottom. E.g my list of items should be extended with more items automatically. Any ideas how this can be done? I'm thanksfull for any tip. ...

Android Selected positions in a listview

How can I retrieve the positions of the selected item in a multichoice listView ? The getSelectedItemPosition method returns only the first one... ...

Android text view color don't change when disabled

When I call setEnabled(false) for a TextView object the text color don't change, I expected it will be changed to gray. If I remove the line of "android:textColor" in my XML file, it backs to normal. any ideas ? ...

Is there an example of how to use a TouchDelegate in Android to increase the size of a view's click target?

My understanding is that when you have a view that's too small to easily touch, you're supposed to use a TouchDelegate to increase the clickable region for that view. However, searching for usage examples on Google turn up multiple people asking the question, but few answers. Does anyone know the proper way to set up a touch delegate f...

How to use custom font with Webview

Now i want to display some unicode characters and i have used tag: something herer . But it seems that webview can not find the Arial font because i can only see UFO - Characters . Do i have to copy arial.ttf to somewhere or how can i use this true- type-font with webview? Thanks. ...

Sign in to AppEngine web application from an Android client application

I'm writing an Android application that I want to be able to send requests to a Google App Engine application. In order to do this, the Android app needs to authenticate the user (should be able to just use their Google Account). I'm not sure I'm doing it right, but this is the only way I've found so far: Post email, password, etc. t...

Set ListView display right in position of "item edited" in android

Hi, I choose an item in my list to edit (I use Context Menu) , then I populate data to "refresh" the List and my List will display in "Top-Down" order. I want to display my list right in position of the item I have just edited (I don't have to drag scrollbar down to find it). So, how can I do that? ...

Android SMS MMS outgoing count in 1.5

Hi Any one Help me the coding to get Out going SMS / MMS count in the Android 1.5. it means my code will know automatically, when the SMS or MSS will be sent from the Mobile please help me any one to find the solution thank you ...

Android ListView Understandng Problem

Hi i have a question about the ListView and how to use it. My Prolem is that my listView is only a part of the view and im not shure how to do this.. public class MainActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceStat...

flash + phone camera

for website that embed flash to capture camera (red5..etc). may i know is there any handset that currently support flash and can used to capture image from handset camera? ...

Layout issue for imageview Android

I am facing problem in adding image at the end of the linear layout in android. Alwals it added at the begining. My question? 1)How to add this image at the end of the Layout. 2) After wards Can I add element from begining. ...

Unmarshalling XML files into Java objects in Android?

I'm making use of an API on the internet that is marshalling objects to XML files. Given that the XSD files are also available I'd like to be able to unmarshall them back in to Java objects once I've downloaded the files. After looking around it looks like JAXB is the default library for doing this in Java, but as I'm developing a mobil...

Preventing HttpClient 4 from following redirect

I'm connecting to my AppEngine application using the Apache HttpComponents library. In order to authenticate my users, I need to pass an authentication token along to the application's login address ( and grab a cookie from the header of the response. However, the login page responds with a...

android program crashing (new to platform)

So it is my first real Android program (!hello world), but i do have java experience.The program compiles fine, but on running it crashes as soon as it opens (tried debugging, but it crashes before it hits my breakpoint). Was looking for any advice from anyone who is more experienced with android. package; import an...

How can I put "String" (get from cursor) into an "Array" in android

Hi, I want to put a "All String" data (get from "Cursor") into an "Array". But I don't know why the "Array" just return one value? I'm get lost here. Can someone help me? This is my code snippet private String[] getOneColumn(){ String[] myArray = null; Cursor cursor = mDbHelper.fetchAllNotes(); startManagingCurs...

About Expandable List In Android

How to add image in expandable List in parent in android ? If possible how to customize the child in expandable list? ...

How can I create a list Array with the cursor data in android

How can I create a list Array (the list display First Alphabet when scroll) with the cursor data? ...

Android problem with saving state

I've implemented an onSaveInstanceState function in the main activity of my TabHost-based application. I need to save the state of various objects I am keeping in memory that I have all marked as serializable, as well as some basic int and string values. I have stepped through my application and watched it call the onSaveInstanceState fu...