
How can I make an app on android start automatically, when an email arrives?

I would like my Android application to react to an incoming email from specific address. I've heard that you can do it with incoming SMS, but emails are cheaper. Unfortunately, I am not an expert on Android's "intents", so would be really grateful for your help. ...

Android Marketplace: Changing application's package

Any android developers had any success changing the package name of your application (in the manifest) of an application already being distributed in the Market? During my upgrade progress, I decided to change the package name slightly, which means that android identifies it as a new application. So, I suppose saved preferences will be ...

Image icon in expandable list view in android

Hi, I want to add an image icon in expandable list view .I have seen the tutorial they have added only in child elements .Is there any other way to add image icon in parent Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

How to create a SpreadSheet kind of display in Android?

Hi, I am trying to display a SpreadSheet in the Android application with auot adjustable columns and each columns should surrounded by lines.I used the Table Layout the data are displayed in the Table format but i dont know how to surround each column with lines, auto adjustment.If anyone knows it please help me. ...

Reliable repeating background task on android

I'm trying to run a background task which runs every minute or so for an android application but I am struggling to ensure that the task actually runs every minute. I've tried a variety of approaches from using SystemClock.sleep() to the AlarmManager (both repeating alarm and a fixed alarm) but it seems that unless the device is charging...

How to open a process for opening file in Android?

I have a doc file in my project located at /data/data/........./files/abc.doc I want to open this file like the Android built-in feature to open file. I want this through my Android application. Can anyone help me? It is urgent. ...

IOException: "Received authentication challenge is null" (Apache Harmony/Android)

Hi, I am trying to send a GET via Android's HttpURLConnection (which is an, and upon receiving the response, an IOException is thrown: in doRequestInternal(): "Received authentication challenge is null" What does this error mean, and what is causing this? I am w...

How to set the width of a layout in Android?

Is there Any way to set the width of the Layout. Because most of the time it doesn't work? ...

how can I launch an activity directly from my activity

Hi, In my android project, I have 2 Activities. How can I launch an Activity from an Activity. I know I can do 'startActivity', but my activity has NOT registered for any Intent, is there anyway I can still launch it from my activity? Thank you. ...

Is there any Android XML documentation?

Is there any sort of xml reference? I found this which turned out to be invaluable for me but I can't figure out how I was supposed to know how to do that, had I not found that post. I know that the api reference has xml attributes listed for many of the classes......

Android - register button click and take action based on radio selection

I'm trying to teach myself how to write android apps and I'm having trouble registering a button click and taking actions based on which radio button is selected at the time. This is a simple tip calculator: import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import androi...

Convert String to Array (android)

I get a String data from Cursor, but I don't know how to convert it to Array. How can I do that? String[] mString; for(cursor.moveToFirst(); cursor.moveToNext(); cursor.isAfterLast()) { mTitleRaw = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SBooksDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE_RAW)); } mString = mTitleRaw ???? ...

Option to create new contact from pick list

My application wants a functionality of picking a contact from the phone contact, I have achieved this using the following intent Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, People.CONTENT_URI); startActivityForResult(intent, 001); How do i start pick contact activity with an option to create a new contact from the pick list, si...

How to make android EditText smaller than default in height?

How to make android EditText smaller than default in height? This is the default hight: If I change the height, I can't see my text, but it has extra blank on bottom. check this image: ...

Access LAN on Android without wifi

I'm working on a web-app at work, and would like to access my development computer from my HTC Hero device. Preferably linux, but I have access to windows and mac computers. The emulator can debug locally, and helps a lot, but it's not good enough to debug real touch-events. Ad-hoc wifi will breach our strict network policy. No matter h...

How to install the same application more than once on Android?

Hi, I have an application that differs for different languages by resources. Is there a possibility to install the same application on Android several times? So, as a result I will have German version, French version, English version of the same program, but each installed as a separate applications with different icons. Thanks. ...

How to Customize the Spinner widget in android?

Hi, I am using Spinner control in my application and my Code is Spinner s1=new Spinner(this); s1.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(100,30)); ArrayAdapter adapter=new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1); adapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); ad...

multiple item in ListView

how to select multiple item in ListView in android. ...

Any good tutorial about developing Android apps with IntelliJ IDEA

Hi, Does anyone know any good tutorial about setting up environment and importing libraries for Android development with IntelliJ IDEA? I downloaded some Android plugins but still the IDE marks all Android objects (Activity, SurfaceHolder...) red. Thanks! ...

How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen?

I am using an activity with the dialog theme set, and I want it to be full screen. I tried all sorts of things, even going through the WindowManager to expand the window to full width and height manually, but nothing works. Apparently, a dialog window (or an activity with the dialog theme) will only expand according to its contents, but...