
Where to find the Google Talk Android client source code?

I found an app called IM in Android's trunk on git, but that doesn't look like the Google Talk app that comes installed on Android phones. Does anyone know if that source code is even published? ...

Why does the BigFraction class in the Apache-Commons-Math library return incorrect division results?

In the spirit of using existing, tested and stable libraries of code, I started using the Apache-Commons-Math library and its BigFraction class to perform some rational calculations for an Android app I'm writing called RationalCalc. It works great for every task that I have thrown at it, except for one nagging problem. When dividing c...

How to use zoom controls on TextView in Android ?

I want to zoom text that is displayed at center of screen as per user choice. How can I achieve this ? Using pinch multitouch cannot be tested on emulator and I want something that I can test on Android emulator. Can I use zoom in and out controls to control only text view for my layout ? Or Can I use webview to contain a text as webview...

Android exception i don't understand after loading webpage in a webview

I have a webview that loads a webpage. I also have a reload button. Sometimes it works but sometimes it crashes when i hit reload and i get this exceptions: 05-14 10:08:33.958: ERROR/WindowManager(918): Activity com.poslji.gor.Uvod has leaked window$DecorView@435da698 that was originally adde...

ScrollView alawys scrolling to the bottom

I defined a scrollview with a texteedit in my layout: <ScrollView android:fillViewport="true" android:layout_marginBottom="50dip" android:id="@+id/start_scroller" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:fadingEdge="none"> <TextView android:id="@+id/text" android...

Alternatives to java on android

Hello guys, I just got myself an android phone and I'm dying to start coding on it ! However I'm not a big java fan, although I can live with that, I would like to know if there're reasonable alternatives for the android virtual machine. I've done a medium sized project using clojure, however from the reviews I read, it's very slow when ...

How to get installed app list by user

I want get app installed by user,this is all apps List list=getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(0); ...

How to remove “A N D R O I D” text at boot up?

At the Android 2.1 boot up i found "A N D R O I D" text . I want to hide this text or remove it. Do any one have the idea where i am storing this "A N D R O I D" text??? ...

Android - can I pass a parameter when launch other applications from my application?

How to pass a parameter to an application that I call from my Application? ...

API for adding Symbol/Position in portfolio at googleFinance thru android

Hi, I am creating an android application.I am able to do login, able to get portfolio details as well. Now I want to add or delete symbol/position into my portfolio. Does anybody having idea...??????? Regards, Roopali ...

Background ListView becomes black when scrolling

Hi, I have created a specific List which exists out of the following elements to create a scrollable list with every row containing a Image on the left side and some text on the right side : To begin with a "root" layout : <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:la...

Spinner:How to know whether item selection was changed programmatically or by a user action through UI.

i have code that runs onitemselectedlistener event of spinner.So when i am in the method : public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int arg2, long arg3) { //I want to do something here if its a user who changed the the selected item } ... can i know whether item selection was changed programmatically or by a user...

android surfaceview camera preview

I am trying to resize a surfaceview on which I am displaying a video. That doesn't work on the nexus one -> after resizing the surfaceview, the screen is white. ...

Enable mobile network

In my application it is necessary to have internet connection. Therefore i check while starting if a Internet connection is availaible. If not I ask the user if he would establish an Internet Connection, and what type (wifi oder mobile). The wifi connection i can establish with the following code WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager)...

how to add button or Menu in Contacts list?

dear friends, i am using following code to open Android Contacts @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); btnContacts = (Button) findViewById(; txtContacts = (TextView) findViewById(

Android SQL problem on app similar to notepad tutorial:CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 requested, with a size of 0

Hi, im triying to do an app using the notepad tutorial of Android as a guide. I can insert new elements on the table without problems, but if i want to update the fields of one of this elements an error is prompted. I revisited the tutorial lots of times but i cant find the solution. Thank you! Here is the menu (to insert, delete and u...

How to toggle orientation lock in android?

I want to create checkbox in my preference Activity that allows user to toggle orientation change. In similar questions people write only about complete orientation lock (by overriding onConfigurationChanged method or adding configChanges in AndroidManifest.xml) or orientation enforcing ( by setRequestedOrientation ). Is there a way ...

How to remove the LOCK screen that aprear after the emulator boot up to main screen in ANDROID 2.1.

LOCK screen aprears at the main screen, after boot the emulator boot up. I want to disable the locking at main screen, So that while next time i boot up my emulator not LOCK screen apears. Can any body suggest me best solution for this? ...

how to preform an activity at the android lock screen?

I would like to perform an activity at the key guard screen, but the only way I can find to do so is to disable the key guard, do my activity, then re enable the key guard. This would be ok if it didn't cause the key guard screen to flash off and on (disable makes it disappear then re enable brings it back). I am wondering how I can pe...

Android Window Mananger leacked windwo progress dialog

05-14 16:53:52.273: ERROR/WindowManager(412): Activity has leaked window$DecorView@43db2e68 that was originally added here 05-14 16:53:52.273: ERROR/WindowManager(412): android.view.WindowLeaked: Activity com.sss.client.AddClient has leaked window$...