
how can I import .apk file of the downloaded file into Eclipse? Do we have this option ?

Hello Guys, I am newb To Android.I just to check out few applications in my Desktop and have downloaded some sample applications. However, they are in the format .apk. Please let me know the procedure to import this file into Eclipse which helps me to run the application. Regards, Serenity. ...

Suggestions on search in android?

i can implement the QSB on my app using onSearchRequested() method.i have 4 column in my table. when i was type in the QSB. it will give some suggestions on the Suggestion window. how to do that? searchable dictionary example shows the dictionary provider class to retrive the suggestions. but on that no data inserted. then how they getti...

Android Nexus One - trackball light

Hi, How can I control the trackball light in a nexus one ? I found something with NotificationManager but the samples do not work for me. Thanks ...

Android : How to get the dirty(changed) properties

How to get the dirty(changed) properties(any controls subclasses of view) amongst a number of properties on a layout. Does android has a dirty flag to mark if the layout has any field that has a changed content?? Actually, i have a layout that has a few edittexts,spinners,datewidgets.Now doing a save should make request to the server o...

Bitmap Crashing upon going back and re-entering Activity

Hello, I'm not sure what is causing this...I have two Activities, first has a button that goes to the second. The second creates a Bitmap object, assigns it a picture from the sdcard and loads it into an ImageView. Problem is when I go into the second Activity, then press the back button, and then go back into the second Activity, it c...

GridView onTouch

I am trying to set up a GridView of buttons that responds to onTouch. For example, if I swipe my finger across the screen horizontally, vertically or diagonally then I want the buttons which were touched to be selected. I tried setting OnTouchListener's for the buttons, but this didn't work, only the first button in the drag event rece...

how to access layout-large layout in the activity?

Hi, I am having layout which I want to render on to different sizes of mobile (like WVGA854). Resource structure is like res\layout\main.xml res\layout-large\main.xml By default it is taking layout main.xml file itself of layout. Its not pointing to layout-large\main.xml its throwing exception:Activity can not start resource not fou...

Android TouchEvent in ListActivity..!!

Hi All, I have created a list activity where i have placed some items and i am using OnListItemClick to get the desired actions through D-pad and KeyLeft and KeyRight Buttons, In Emulator TouchEvent is not working , I want to know whether it works in real Handsets??? How can i enable the TOuchEvent also, Can anyone please help me out ...

Android - How to scan Access Points and select strongest signal?

I am currently trying to write a class in Android that will Scan for access points, calculate which access point has the best signal and then connect to that access point. So the application will be able to scan on the move and attach to new access points on the go. I have the scanning and calculation of the best signal working. But w...

Defining multiple mime-type and file extension (pathPattern) mappings in AndroidManifest.xml?

I'm trying to define two different file extension mappings and two different mime-type IntentFilters in my manifest file but I can't seem to get them all to work; one works and others don't, etc. How does one define multiple pathPatterns in the manifest? Should/can all mime-types and pathPatterns be defined in a single IntentFilter? S...

Hidden links are still clickable on the Android browser

I've got a contextual menu that appears when a button is clicked. This menu has some links and after some seconds is hidden again. The problem is that after the menu has disappeared the links are still there. They are not shown but are clickable and the green border appears. And after some seconds they disappear. I've tryied many ways ...

Interview questions for an Android developer

I'm a Python and iPhone developer, with some previous C# experience. I've been asked to do an initial screen of some candidates so someone with more experience in Android is going to be following up. I did some searching on Stackoverflow and Google but wasn't able to find a good list of interview questions for an Android developer. Does...

programmatically unset a default application

I made a Home application and I'd like to offer the ability to exit it and unset it as the default application. Exit is easy (just starting an intent) but the problem is I don't want my program to be launched again the next time the user click the Home button. I know that this can be done by going in the parameters / Applications / m...

Create custom component based on LinearLayout, declaring layout in XML

I've been trying to create a Compound Control in Android 1.5 (as described here) but havn't been able to find any good examples on how to do this using an XML file to specify a layout. I'm fine with creating an Activity and then loading an xml file using the following in the constructor: setContentView(R.layout.main); However, I want ...

Android - Make default android image viewer to show only images from speciffic dir

Hello! I want to programaticly open androids image application to show only images from speciffic directory on the SDcard. Is there any way to do it? I just cant find a way. ...

How a JIT compiler helps performance of applications?

I just read that Android has a 450% performance improvement because it added a JIT compiler, I know what JIT is, but I don't really understand why is it faster than normal compiled code? or what's the difference with the older approach from the Android platform (the Java like run compiled bytecode). Thanks! EDIT: This is hugely interes...

Android activity with multiple repeating backgrounds.

Hi, I'm still new to android and i'm having trouble creating a layout with two backgrounds that tile in the x direction but not y. I've mocked up what I'm trying to create here... So the top section repeats horizontally, then there's a flat creen section in the middle in which ...

Detect ui language in htc sense on android

Hey, I want to give the users of my app content in the same language as their ui interface. So if someone who has HTC Sense has their ui interface in Norwegian, they should get Norwegian content. However, while HTC Sense has Norwegian UI android does not include the norwegian locale, so the android sdk seems to not use the values-no/stri...

How to get a byte array from a drawable ressource ?

Hi all, I would like to get a byte array from an jpeg image located in my res/drawable file ? Does anyone know how to do that please ? ...

Android 2.1: Muliple Handlers in a Single Activity

Hi, I've more than one Handlers in an Activity. I create all the handlers in the onCreate() of the main activity. My understanding is the handleMessage() method of each handler will never be called at the same time because all messages are put in the same queue (the Activity thread MessageQueue). Therefore, they will be executed in the...