
Android - What is the best way to create different select (touch regions) on an image button/view

I would like to have different select regions on and image button that are not rectangular? Is that possible? ...

Is Android IPC plumbing exposed in any official and/or supported way?

I'm interested in knowing how much the IPC mechanisms are meant to be exposed to the outside world. That is, if I wanted to impersonate a dalvik VM instance without having my app actually written in Java, am I allowed to do so, or will the protocol change the next time I look away from the screen? If it's allowed, what are the stability ...

Android Email Programmatic Setup

I have performed some initial research, but have not found exactly what I am looking for (yet). I wanted to know if it is even possible to either set up or modify email account settings programmatically. I do not believe it is, due to email applications controlling their own settings (and thus would depend upon a ContentProvider from...

Android VideoView orientation change

I am having a VideoView playing video on my Android app. When I try it on the potrait orientation, the video fills the screen. But when I change the orientation to landscape, the video takes up only half the screen space. I am using FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT as the layout params. Is there a way I can have the video fill the screen in bot...

Will ServiceRecord be available in future versions of the Bluetooth API for Android?

I have a need to get a list of the Bluetooth Services running on an Android device. I can perform the same functionality from a test app on my Mac using the BlueCove library and the following ServiceRecord class. I'm not able to find similar functionality in the c...

Is there a definitive list of uri patterns for use in android apps made by google?

Apart from (which is quite good but fairly limited in the number of apps/uri's it covers) I've been unable to find a decent reference source for looking up URI's to use when integrating with google apps. I'm currently working on triggering the "add new contact" UI, and have ...

Download and replace Android resource files

My application will have some customisation for each company that uses it. Up until now, I have been loading images and strings from resource files. The idea is that the default resources will be distributed with the application and company specific resources will be loaded from our server after they click on a link from an email to laun...

Android button font size

Hi, I;ve been trying to create a custom button in android using this tutorial - It works well but it doesn't say how to change the font size or weighting. Any ideas? There was another question on here and the only answer was to use html styling but you can't change a font size in html without using...

how to close the activity chooser dialog from progremmatically?

Hi, Help needed. I am developing an application which need to show a chooser dialogue .(Am using a SEND_INTENT) .I need to close the chooser dialog after a particular amount of time,say 15 sec. how can i close the chooser dialog? is it possible? Is there any way to get the first item in the chooser? is there a way to filter the items...

How To Generate Parameter Set for the Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Algorithm in Android

Hello everyone, I am working on mobile/server security related project. I am now stuck in generating a Diffie-Hellman key agreement part. It works fine in server side program but it is not working in mobile side. Thus, I assume that it is not compactible with Android. I used the following class to get the parameters. It returns a comma...

How to build android cts? And how to add and run your test case?

From 2.0 the cts is freely downloadable from android's repository. But there is no documents about it. Does anyone can tell me: how to build cts? Is there a standard procedure? How to run cts? How to add customized test case? Here, share my experience. After repo sync all source, you can't directly run "make" to build all source. Y...

Testing Shake events on Android Emulator

Can any one help with how to test sensor events like shake on Android Emulator. I have found some posts pointing to openintents but can anyone explain how to use it in android 2.0 avd This has some solution but while installing OpenIntents.apk on emulator gives missing library e...

Getting error in integrating Contacts APIs in Android 1.6 and 2.0

Hi All, I have seen the BusinessCard example provide in Android examples. I am using ContactAccessor abstract class to seperate out the SDK versions. My code is running fine for 2.0 onwards, but when I am trying to build the code in Adnroid 1.6 I am getting the following errors: Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR is not resolved. Getting e...

how to upgrade HTC hero from os 1.5 to 2.1?

dear frieds, i have HTC hero phone with operating system 1.5 i want to upgrade it to version 2.1 can any one guide me the complete procedure ? any help would be appriciated. ...

Hey Guy , I want ot streaming video by using VideView class . Can anyone tell me what format is it supports??

Hi , I am the newbie of android, but i hava seen the tutorial and implement some simple applications. The question i met is that I am tring to stream some video from my server to android, but the android VideoView class just plays the audition sololy without "image"@@!~ Here is my setting and android code : 1. android core code: mVi...

Pressing back button in ActivityGroup causes it to pause, and then continue shutting down the next time the app is started

Pressing the back button causes onPause to be called, and the app stays paused until it is re-launched by clicking on the icon, at which point, onDestroy gets called, and the main activity continues to shut down. Simple class to demonstrate. Note, as far as I can tell, this only happens on the Nexus One. I can't reproduce it in the e...

How to generate android styled javadocs ?

Hi, Is it possible to generate android styled javadocs for my android project (like, instead of Is it something regarding using of some custom doclet instead of standard doclet? If yes, then which one I have to us...

Unable to install USB drivers for android

I'm running Win XP 64bit and am connecting a Motocliq to my computer. The device is recognized by windows and shows up in the device manager (Motorola ADB Interface), however when I try to install drivers (manually, from the usb_driver revision 3 provided by Android) it fails giving the error "The hardware was not installed because the w...

window title text size

HI, I'd like to know what kind of attributes should I use in xml to set the window title text size ? ...

Diamonds Are Forever. Services Are Not.

Hi, ive read this article by Mark Murphy, while i was looking for a solution to my case. I have a Listener in my system, which suppose to get a UDP trigger times to times from an outside server, ive done this listener as a service. how could i prevent it being shut off by the user? (SDK 1.5), i`am working for a company which create ce...