
Draw 15Km radius around point in Android

Hi, I want to draw a a circle of 15 KM radius around a point on Google Maps by using Android. In Android we only have MapView and MapViewController. How can I implement the drawCircle funciton provided in Google Map Circle example in Android. ...

Is there a way to communicate with USB devices on Android?

Hello folks, I have a really short question: Is it possible to communicate/use USB devices on Android OS? I assume it might be tablet device. Lest say i want to connect some sort of USB card scanner to android tablet. Will it work? Do i need to write drivers by myself? Thanks. ...

Is choiceMode compatible with ExpandableListView?

Is it possible to make a multiple choice list with android:choiceMode="multipleChoice" or setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE) on an ExpandableListView? I am able to do this with CheckBoxes on a plain ListView, but it doesn't seem to be working with ExpandableListView. In the latter, clicking the list item (either parent or chil...

Global Exception Handlers in Java

I am thinking of setting up a global, default Exception handler for my (Android) Mobile application(which uses Java syntax) using Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(...) call. I am thinking of just displaying an Alert Dialog with appropriate message to the user. Are there any gotchas, caveats and rules that one needs to follow wh...

Android preferences when application only contains service

I have a app that only consists of 2 services and a broadcast receiver (they check the internet periodically). I need to store preferences that can be shared across those services. Is this the same as for an activity? Just use getsharedpreferences()? This doesn't seem to be documented very well. ...

Android "Hello World" tutorial program. Error: [Parse Error] There is a problem parsing the package

Today I decided to start developing for the Android OS. I went on their website, downloaded all the required software (Eclipse, The Android SDK, ADT Plugin for Eclipse etc.). I followed the "Hello World" tutorial supplied (link text). I have it using the Android SDK 2.1. The program worked almost flawlessly. It runs fine on the Andro...

Android ListActivity ArrayAdapter filtering with no physical keyboard?

I have a ListActivity based on an ArrayAdapter with setTextFilterEnabled set to true. This works fine on a device with a physical keyboard. When I start typing something on the keyboard, the items get filtered. My question is how to get the same behavior on a device with no physical keyboard? ...

How to get the default gmail user name and password of one android cell phone

How to get the default gmail user name and password of one android cell phone during developing android program. ...

Android local search

Hi! I'm trying to implement a local search in my activity. I've added an appropriate intent filter and metadata tag to manifest file but if I click Search button it invokes standard android search box. What's my problem? Manifest file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="

Set Title in Tab childs

How can I change a title from tab child? I tried a simple setTitle(...) but it won't work. (from the parent tab activity, it does, however...) thanks, Ori ...

Marquee in various TextView at the same time?

Hi, I have a dynamic layout wich has one to six TextViews. All the TextViews are created in the Activity (programatically) and all are created equally. I want to marquee the text in the TextViews, but I don't know how to do it. Apparently, the TextView needs to be focused for the marquee works fine, but how i focus six TextViews at the...

Am I writing this right? [noob]

private final int NUM_SOUND_FILES = 4; private Random rnd = new Random(4); private int mfile[] = new mfile[NUM_SOUND_FILES]; //the second mfile //reports error everytime mfile[0] = R.raw.sound1; mfile[1] = R.raw.sound2; mfile[2] = R.raw.sound3; mfile[3] = R.raw.sound4; int s...

Android - Overlay ImageButton by TextView on xml layout

Hi! I'm looking for how to overlay an ImageButton by a TextView in android xml layout. For the moment when I reduce the the TextView margin top, the TextView is going under the ImageButton. I want the contrary. ...

I want to use Xpath in Android to parse XML

Hi guys, I like to use Xpath to parse XML ins java, but when I am doing the same on android, XPath is not found. any idea how it can be implemented. and also if its not possible then any other parser for android which is fast? Thanks Kai ...

Android 2.1 View's getDrawingCache() method always returns null

Hello, I'm working with Android 2.1 and have the following problem: Using the method View.getDrawingCache() always returns null. getDrawingCache() should return a Bitmap, which is the presentation of View's content. Example code: public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setConten...

delete last row in a table android

Hi everybody, My question is quite straightforward. I have a table, with, lets say x rows, with each an id, but i don't know how many rows i have. Now i want to delete the last row of my table for some reason... Is there an easy way to do that in android? I have been trying to use the last_insert_rowid in my where clause...but no luck ...

fire an intent from the onCreate method in android

Maybe my question might seem a bit weird, but I have an activity in which, in one case , I have to move to another activity before it finishes loading the screen. My condition is in the onCreate method, which means when I encounter it, i get a "startActivity called from outside an activity context" error and the app just crashes... But t...

How can I pass a Context object to a thread on call

I have this code fragment: public static class ExportDatabaseFileTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean> { private final ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(ctx); protected void onPreExecute(); protected Boolean doInBackground(final String... args); protected void onPostExecute(final Boolean success); } ...

how to get count column

Hi I'd like to get the value of Count column from cursor. public Cursor getRCount(String iplace) throws SQLException { try { String strSql = "SELECT COUNT(_id) AS RCount FROM tbName WHERE place= '" + iplace + "'"; return db.rawQuery(strSql, null); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e("Exception on query...

Android: Cannot cast from View to MapView

I'm trying to run the Android MapView example, and am getting a 'Cannot cast from View to MapView' error in Eclipse. My layout is as follows <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/mainlayout" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width=...