
Android: get the default gmail username and password

Now I am doing a android porjct. The project needs get the default username and password of Android phone. I don't know how to get the default gmail information of one Android Cell Phone. Can u help me. Thx. ...

Android: Autostart app and load preferences

Hi, I have a problem with initializing my app properly after the autostart. I've managed to get an autostart to work, after a reboot the app is shown as started but the timer's are not. My guess is that the "onCreate" function of MyApp is not called when I call the context.startService(). The timers are set in the doActivity() function ...

Any idea to make wellcome screen

Hello I'm a new android developer. I want to do a welcome page which can display program logo [ full screen image] and loading progress of my main program. My main program has to load a webpage. My question is how to display the web-loading progress of the main program on the welcome page, while showing the welcome page until the downl...

How can I popup when no connection the default Connection Failed dialog?

Whenever a application needs internet and connection fails, I get a message dialog Connection failed This application requires network access. Enable mobile network or Wi-Fi to download data. and two buttons, Settings, Cancel. How do I detect there is no internet connection? How do I popup a same dialog in my application? ...

Zoom events that work in an android Mapview

I need to redraw the overlay after the user zooms. What is the best way to do this? I've tried everything I can think of (saving a getZoomLevel() state, overriding onUserInteraction()), nothing actually works. The problem is, that draw() is being called when the user clicks zoom, so the information my draw method gets (About the map's st...

how to create trackballevent in android custom adapter?

dear friends, i am using following code to create custom adapter for listview. now i want to use trackball click event in it but i dont know how to do that can any one help me out in creating ontracballevent in custom adapter? i have tried writing few lines but not able to solve it. public class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter i...

How do I launch settings directly on Wireless & networks page?

I am about to build my own dialog to notifiy the user the app doesn't reach the internet, and I am planning to put two buttons on it. Settings, and Cancel as it is seen in many other apps. I am wondering now, How do I launch settings directly on Wireless & networks page? ...

Determining where to animate the map given a list of GeoPoints

My android application loads some markers on an overlay onto a MapView. The markers are placed based on a dynamic list of GeoPoints. I want to move the map center and zoom into the area with most items. Naively, I can calculate the superposition of all the points, but I would like to remove the points that are very far from the mass of p...

Android get Current UTC time

What is the function to get the current UTC time. I have tried with System.getCurrentTime but i get the current the of the device. Thanks ...

How to generate links to the android Classes' reference in javadoc ?

Hi, When I generate Javadoc for my android project in eclipse, there are lots of warnings like cannot find symbol symbol : class TextView and warning - Tag @see: reference not found: I also tried -link -link in Extra Javadoc o...

UDP server doesnt accept calls from outside.

Hi, ive implement simple udp server on my Android device.(sdk 1.5) it works fine when i am runnning a local client on the phone sends through it trigger to my server. but when i try to get udp call from an outside server to my phone, it doesnt work. already make sure the outside server isnt blocked by firewall and it's sending the udp t...

Sending and Parsing JSON in Android

In the application I am developing, I would like to send messages in the form of JSON objects to a Django Server and parse the JSON response from the server and populate a custom listview. From the little JSON knowledge I have, I thought this format for the response from server { "post": { "username": "someusername", "message...

Call android inbuilt ContactList

I wanted to know whether we can call Android's inbuilt ContactList. ? ...

Image Pixels Problem in Android?

When I am using the background attribute for a Layout, the Pixels of the background image looks like blurry. I think there must be a resolution Problem. for example in Api Demos there is a module in this path Graphics/BitmapsPixels. My background image is looks like a third image. i would need to show my background image like the second ...

Can't resolve CalledFromWrongThreadException with Handler

I will try to keep it simple: In my main activity I make a handler: public class ARViewer extends ARDisplayActivity { public final MHandler mHandler = new MHandler(this); public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ... The class MHandler: public final class MHandler extends Handler{ //main activity private ARV...

Media Formats in Android?

What is the Difference between Encoder and Decoder in Supported Media Formats in android? What is the Need of it? Which is the recommended image Format by you? ...

How to differentiate two tables

I have two tables and I want to get all records from one table that are different from the records in second table. Eg.: if we have four records in the first table like A,B,C,D and three records in the second table thats A,B,C then the answer of query should be D. I have tried "EXCEPT" operator but it doesn't work fine. Kindly help me ...

Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog

Reading the limited documentation that goggle has provided, I get the feeling that it is possible to change the look (drawable) of a ProgressBar/ProgressDialog by simply creating a new style an assigning it to the style property of the ProgressBar. But I cannot get this to work properly. Here is what I did so far. I created a shape like...

android: pausing an activity until another finishes

When my app starts, it checks to see if it has stored login credentials. if it doesn't, it starts another activity to prompt the user for those credentials. My problem is, that when the prompt activity is started, the first activity continues execution and ends up with null pointers because the prompt activity has not yet returned the ne...

ssl on android strange issue

Hi all, I am trying to upload a file to some url using ssl. I use this code to set trust manager - public static void trustAll () { TrustManage[] trustEverythingTrustManager = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() { public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throw...