
MMS Attachment Problem

Hi Everyone, I am working on mms and I receive mms data over WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED receiver in which I get mms version and mmsc URL and phone number. So now I want to retrieve attachments. So what should I do now? Any help will be appreciated! Thanks in advance ...

Is Android 2.2 (froyo) going to support the front facing camera on the new phones?

HTC Evo 4G from Sprint has a front facing camera. The Sprint dev site has some info about it My question is: is the front facing camera SDK going to be included in Froyo? ...

Parsing RSS2.0 feeds using Pull Parser on Android

I am trying to parse a RSS2.0 feed, obtained from a remote server, on my Android device using XML Pull Parser. // get a parser instance and set input,encoding XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser(); parser.setInput(getInputStream(), null); I am getting invalid token exceptions after a few items have been parsed: Error pars...

Dismiss a custom dialog?

Hi, I'm trying to make a custom dialog to show a view in this dialog. This is the Builder code: //Getting the layout LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_dialog_simple, (ViewGroup) findViewById(

How to distribute the android reusable code in a package?

Hi, I have developed some reusable android component which is basically a class . This class has some resource dependencies e.g. some png drawables, some xml layouts etc. So this class referenced the auto-generated R file.I would like to distribute this code in a single package like jar file to other developers for use in their applicat...

How to use the MediaController

Hi all, I'm trying to integrate a MediaController on top of a MediaPlayer. The controller is displayed all right, but its buttons are disabled, and the progress slider does not respond properly. I found very little documentation about it and I still don't understand how to use it. This is very important and urgent for me. Can anyo...

Is there any way to test muti-touch on Android Emulator ?

Can multitouch events be tested on Android Emulator ? Or is there any way to test this without actual device ? I am using 2.0 sdk and want to test zoom-in zoom-out on by two fingers. Is there a way out ? ...

How to overlay GLSurfaceView over a MapView in Android?

Hi, I want to create a simple Map based application in android ,where i can display my current position.Instead of overlaying a simple Image on the MapView to represent the position, i want to overlay the GLSurfaceView on the MapView. But i don't know how to achieve this. Is there any way to do that?. Please anybody knows the solution h...

Android: EditText in ListView

I would like to have a custom ListView, where each row contains an EditText field, that may be edited by the user. But when I click on one of the EditTexts I loose the focus, and can't type text there (I suppose because the other raws are redrawed and get the focus). What can I do? ...

How to pass Remote Interface (aidl) throughout Activities ?

Hi All, I am developing an application using services and Remote interface. I have a question about passing the reference of my Remote interface throughout Activities. In my first Activity, I bind my service with my activity, in order to get a reference to my interface I use private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnec...

How to send html content in the Email body

Hi, i am using android code with html tag.. but in mail getting same html tag please help me how can i send html link ... the code is giving below Intent emailIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND); emailIntent.setType("text/html"); emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] {"[EMAIL PROTECTED...

How to load jni from sd card on android 2.1?

I want to load third-party jni library in runtime. I've tried to load directly from sdcard. It expectedly failed. I've tried to copy library from sdcard to /data/data/app/ and then System.load(/data/data/app/ It works on HTC HERO, but fails on HTC Legend with Android 2.1. it fails during execution of native code and write to lo...

Android: custom view onClickEvent with X & Y locations

Hi, I've got a custom view and I want to get the X and Y coordinates of a user click. I've found that I can only get the coordinates from the onTouchEvent and an onClickEvent won't fire if I have an onTouchEvent. Unfortunately the onTouchEventfires when the user drags the screen as well as clicking. I've tried to differentiate betwee...

How to extract color values (#rgb) from an Android theme?

I want to use colors from a Theme to apply it to some HTML my app is rendering. I am wondering if I can do that? I am looking to use colors like they are specified in themes.xml: <item name="colorBackground">@android:color/background_dark</item> <item name="textColorPrimary">@android:color/primary_text_dark</item> So looking ...

PendingIntents in Notifications

I would like to show a notification that displays the progress of an ongoing operation. That works well for me. But at the same time the remote view should contain cancel button to stop the ongoing operation. The usual content intent should still do something else, i.e. not cancel the ongoing operation. It seems though that I can only ha...

android startactivity

Hello, I have an application that contains 3 activities A, B and C. The activity A is the one that gets started when I start my app. From A I start B using mIntent.setClass(A.this, B.class);, then startActivity(mIntent); this goes well. What goes wrong is when I want to start the activity C from B. this how the manifestfile looks like:...

Android: Problem with onMeasure()

Hi I made a custom view. If I add the view to the layout XML file and I set the height to "fill_parent" "specSize" return 0. Why? Code: @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { int measuredHeight = 90; int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec); int specS...

measuring a view before rendering it

hello I need to find out how big a view will be after attaching it to its parent. I have overridden this method: onMeasure(int, int); but it looks like this method is invoked only when I actually add my custom view to it's container using: addView(myView); Do you think there is a way to get this information before rendering the v...

How can I use a 3G internet connection in my Android App?

I have made an App that can connect to a program that I am running on a server, but it only seems to work with WiFi. When I try to use 3G it doesn't make the connection. Is there something special that I have to turn on or set in order to use 3G? ...

How to create a custom listview in android

Hi All, I want to create a list view custom like this link :;width=279 so far I have made a list view with text, and I am not extending list Activity, but I am extending Activity only. please i...