
Move to next item or position in List view on button click

Hi, im new to Android programing I build a listview showing station names, that grabs its data from a URL. I used ArrayAdapter to accomplish listview with data. I need to navigate through station names in listview, using previous, next buttons click. I google for this task and tried in different ways to workout bt im not able to sol...

Android: scaling a button with a background image.

I'm probably just being daft but my Google searches are not working out well. I have a bunch of buttons i add in code that all have dynamic text. I've set a background image for each of these buttons since the default greybutton doesn't work well for my application. This works perfectly and when the text size (or content) changes, the...

Google login service on android 2.1?

I'm trying to run some of the google applications like calendar, market, and email but the google login service doesn't work. The various errors (like NoClassDefFoundError) make it seem like the pieces aren't even installed. Any ideas? ...

How to raise a toast in AsyncTask, I am prompted to used the Looper

I have tasks completed by AsyncTask in background. At some point I need to issue a Toast that something is completed. I've tried and I failed because Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() How can I do that? ...

Start a short video when an incoming call is detected, first case using the emulator.

I want to be able to start a short video on an incoming phone call. The video will loop until the call is answered. I've loaded the video onto the emulator sdcard then created the appropriate level avd with a path to the sdcard.iso file on disk. Since I'm running on a Mac OS x snow leopard I am able to confirm the contents of the sdcard....

Good book for Android game development

What is the best book or online resource for Android game development? ...

Adding an overlay to Google maps with path taken

Hi, I am trying to write a class to track a person's location(s), and to draw the path they've taken on a MapView. This feature of the program is for the user to track their speed, distance, path, etc. while running/cycling (or whatever else) using their Android phone. This is my first Android application, and I am not sure how to do th...

VerifyError When Running jUnit Test on Android 1.6

Here's what I'm trying to run on Android 1.6: package com.healthlogger.test; public class AllTests extends TestSuite { public static Test suite() { return new TestSuiteBuilder(AllTests.class).includeAllPackagesUnderHere().build(); } } and: package com.healthlogger.test; public class RecordTest extends AndroidTes...

Account preferences crashes on ListPreference

I have created an account type using the AccountAuthenticator stuff as done in the SampleSyncAdapter tutorial. I am now trying to get account preferences working. I have added the line android:accountPreferences="@xml/account_preferences" to my account-authenticator and account_preferences.xml looks like so: <?xml version="1.0" encodin...

Android SAX parser not getting full text from between tags

I've created my own DefaultHandler to parse rss feeds and for most feeds it's working fine, however, for ESPN, it is cutting off part of the article url due to the way ESPN formats it's urls. An example of a full article url from ESPN..;amp;campaign=rss&amp;amp;source=ESPNHeadline...

Android - Display Image Caption Below Images in Gridview

Hello - I am utilizing a version of the "Grid View" example from the Android Developers site: And I would like to display a small text caption below each of the images. Can someone please give an example of how this might be accomplished (i.e. what needs to b...

How to update widgets from a service?

I have a background service that can be configured to perform some action every x minutes. I want to implement a widget that gets updated every time my service performs that action. However, I can't get the onUpdate method of my AppWidgetProvider called in any way, except when adding a widget to the homescreen. I tried sending APPWIDGET...

android how to filter system app

get all app method:List list=getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(0); but i want get filter system app,thank you. ...

How to Set Opacity (Alpha) for View in Android

I have a button as in the following: <Button android:text="Submit" android:id="@+id/Button01" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button> In my onCreate event, I am calling Button01 like this: setContentView(R.layout.main); View Button01 = this.findViewById(; Button01.setOnClickLis...

Android: How to change the default shape of a button?

Hi, Is it possible to change the default shape (i.e rectangular) of the button (normal button as well as imagebutton) to something else maybe like star or a triangle in Android? Any tutorials or sample code would be much appreciated. ...

Low level Android Debugging

Is there a way to trace through function calls at the lowest levels of the Android system? Right now when I debug in Eclipse, it goes through the source files that are located inside the frameworks folder, but is it possible to go even lower? For example show what functions are being called from the libcore folder. I am also interested t...

attempt to write a readonly database in Android2.1

This is the error: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: attempt to write a readonly database This is my code: SQLiteDatabase db = mDatabase.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); try { // add new records ContentValues newRecord = new ContentValues(); newRecord.put(Emergencydetails.EMERGENCYNUMBER, emergencyNumber....

What is the best way to do multiple listviews in android?

Hi all, i am writing a software that i have to drill down on content a lot. For example when the program starts a listview is displayed. When user clicks on an item, then a second listview must be displayed. For example: Select Continent > Select Country > Select State > Select City > Select Address What is the best way to do this (l...

Kalman Filter for Android

Is there a Kalman filter implementation I can use to fliter my gyroscope and acceleration data from an Android Phone? ... not found in andorid.jar

I am developing Android Twitter application. I downloaded TwitterClient Demo deom net. But there is a class file "" that is not available in sDK component in android.jar. Please advise on the same. ...