
android bindservice

hi, I get null pointer exception at line mService.start() when i try to bind to an already started service. I do the same thing from different activity(where the service gets started) everythig goes right. All these activities are part of one application. What do you think I do wrong? public class RouteOnMap extends MapActivity{ p...

Starting an Intent to Launch an app to Background in Android

Hi all, I'm using Wikitude API 1.1 as an AR viewer in my application. The problem with Wikitude, if I haven't launched the actual Wikitude application since the phone's bootup, I will get a NullPointerException everytime I start my own application. So I figure if I can start my app first and them check if Wikitude is installed and or r...

Better product to develop for, iPad or Android based tablet in a purely business related application

Hey guys Just wondering what you'd suggest as the best platform for developing a business application for a tablet device. The application needs to be multitouch, have access to a maps API, a database on the device. It will not be going on sale in the app store or Androids market, it is purely for specific business task and not for ...

How do I add a custom view to a HorizontalScrollView?

So, I followed a tutorial for drawing stuff on android. I have created a Panel class that extends SurfaceView that I draw on using a thread. Now I want to put this Panel in a scroll view, specifically one that scrolls horizontally so that I can draw stuff wider than the screen. I would I go about doing that? ...

Error when starting a tab activity in Android?

I followed the directions verbatim in this Android tutorial, copying/pasting the code from the site to my app. However, when I try to run in the Android emulator, I get the error: "The application Hello Tab Widget has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." ...

Android Set up Question - Which API Level do I Install?

Hi all, I'm trying to set up the Android SDK on Ubuntu. Someday I want to make apps that can reach most of the market. I've heard I need to make the apps compatible with Android 1.6 for this. Does that mean everything I install should be for Android 1.6 (API level 4?). Will I have any trouble running the apps on my phone with is Andr...

retrieving information from web service calls

Hi all, I am trying to retrieve information from a web service call. The following is what I have so far. In my text view, it is showing Map {item=anyType{key=TestKey; value=2;}; item=anyType{key=TestField; value=adsfasd; };} When I ran that in the debugger, I can see the information above in the variable, tempvar. But the question i...

ListActivity problem when using with RelativeLayout

Newb alert, I'm sure I'm doing something dumb here. I've been progressively expanding my UI, and I want to add a ListView in the middle of my UI. When I add it and change the activity to extend a ListActivity instead of just an Activity, I'm getting a Force Close. Using 1.5. Does a ListView not work embedded in a RelativeLayout? Tha...

Android: Alignment of four squares

Hello There I am trying to align four equally sized squares on an Android Screen & I have now tried what feels like a million different approaches, yet none of them seem to work :(. What I've got at the moment is the following: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/MasterLayout"...

Android & Eclipse 2 different versions of the same app.

Hello I am a beginning android developer using windows and the eclipse IDE to develop java android applications.I have published one game but there is a free version of the game and a paid version. The google market insists that the different versions must have different package names. So far i have been refactoring the package with 2 di...

Open-sourcing a mobile app

I'm considering making an existing mobile app into an open-source project. It has an Android and iPhone version. While I have used open-source projects and submitted feature requests and bug reports, I have never created an open-source project nor contributed with a patch to an existing one. What are the top things that I should take i...

How to run terminal command in Android application?

How to send a command to the terminal through android app and get the output back? For example, sending "ls /" and getting the output to print it in the GUI? ...

How can I perform a negative match in Android intent filter?

In an Android manifest, how can I use a negative match in the android:pathPattern? I'd like to use a pathPattern that matches on all URLs except for a specific hostname, if it's possible. ...

how to increase the storage space in Android emulator? (Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE)

Hi, I am creating an Android application. My Application has audio and png files which i have saved in res/drawable folder. When i run the app , its giving error Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE and in the logcat it says - ERROR/PackageManager(54): Couldn't copy package file to temp file. I tried creating n...

Changing size of content in HorizontalScrollView when phone is rotated by overriding onConfigurationChanged

Hello fellow Androiders... I have a problem with resizing content in a HorizontalScrollView when the phone is rotated. I'm overriding onConfigurationChanged in my activity containing the HorizontalScrollView, since I want to handle the resizing myself. However, I'm having great problem finding where i should put the resizing of the con...

opengl problem works on droid but not droid eris and others.

This GlRenderer works fine on the moto droid, but does not work well at all on droid eris or other android phones does anyone know why? package com.ntu.way2fungames.spacehockeybase; import; import; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGLC...

Google Maps Api android key

Hi, I have some trouble testing my Android application which includes the google maps API. The ooficial API example worked just fine but if I copy the code into my own project it keeps saying: "The application has stopped unexpectedly". I looked up the key in the keystore several times and registered it with google. Even tried reinstall...

How can I get unfiltered position in filtered ListView?

I am using ListView with ArrayAdapter to filter items in list. I have implemented onListItemClick() method to get clicked item position and call second activity using that value. For example I have countries in my list: Australia Belgium Botswana Belize ... Belgium has position 1 here. However, if i type "Be" to filter items, I g...

Feedback on using ASE on Android?

Has anyone made use of ASE (Android scripting enviroment) for anything other than proof of concept apps? What are the major limitations? Any feedback would be great. ...

In Android: How to Call Function of Activity from a Service?

Hi folks, I have an Activity (A) and a Service (S) which gets started by A like this: Intent i = new Intent(); i.putExtra("updateInterval", 10); i.setClassName("com.blah", "com.blah.S"); startService(i); A have a function like this one in A: public void someInfoArrived(Info i){...} Now I want to call A.someInfoArrived(i) from with...