
[Android] Are static fields in Activity classes guaranteed to outlive a create/destroy cycle?

Hi, I frequently run into the problem that I have to preserve state between several invocations of an activity (i.e. going through several onCreate()/onDelete() cycles). Unfortunately, Android's support for doing that is really poor. As an easy way to preserve state, I thought that since the class is only loaded once by the class loade...

[Android] How do I preserve a complex object across Activity restarts?

Say I have a Java Bean object which is serializable. I want to store it away safely when an Activity goes through onDestroy() on purpose (i.e. onSaveInstanceState() is not called). I am looking for a way which doesn't involve creating a database and write the object to that (mostly since a) Android's DB API is horrible and b) since data...

How do I install the apps that I develop on liveandroid distribution

How do I install the android apps on live-android distribution? Is it even possible? ...

Can Linux apps be run in Android?

Android is based on Linux; can native Linux applications be run on Android? ...

Filtering accelerometer data noise

Hi How do I filter noise of the accelerometer data in Android? I would like to create a high-pass filter for my sample data so that I could eliminate low frequency components and focus on the high frequency components. I have read that Kalman filter might be the best candidate for this, but how do I integrate or use this method in my ap...

How to adjust text kerning in Android TextView?

Is there a way to adjust the spacing between characters in an Android TextView? I believe this is typically called "kerning". I'm aware of the android:textScaleX attribute, but that compresses the characters along with the spacing. ...

AlertDialog MultiChoiceItems Listener problems.

I am currently using the AlertDialog.builder to create a multichoice list for the user (checkboxes). This works great, except we want one of the buttons to deselect all of the others in the list. builder.setMultiChoiceItems(list, checked, new DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialo...

Android: Java v. Python

Is there any reason to favor Python or Java over the other for developing on Android phones, other than the usual Python v. Java issues? ...

How to make two parallel and adjacent lines in Android xml?

I'm trying to make a custom list divider. It has one horizontal line that's a subtle gradient, and a second horizontal white line immediately below it as a sort of "drop shadow". I'm trying to use <layer-list> to accomplish what I want, but it's not working out the way I expect. Here's the code: <layer-list xmlns:android="http://...

Hiding images that failed to load.

I have an Android application that generates some HTML which is rendered locally, in a Webkit view. The details of the HTML generation aren't really that important except for: the bulk of it comes from one place, and I cannot change it the template around that HTML (including headers, footers, HEAD etc), the CSS, and Javascript is un...

Targeting Android 1.5 and 1.6 from the 2.0 SDK

I'm interested in learning Android development.... but if I install the latest 2.0 SDK, will I still be able to target 1.5 and 1.6 devices? (since there is only one 2.0 device right now) Basically I'm wondering if it will tell me if I'm doing something that won't work on older versions of the OS ...

How to edit Google Android Code

I am new to google android will anyone please tell me how to edit google android code to develop my own applications? ...

Provide a database packaged with the .APK file or host it separately on a website?

Here is some background about my app: I am developing an Android app that will display a random quote or verse to the user. For this I am using an SQLite database. The size of the DB would be approximately 5K to 10K records, possibly increasing to upto 1M in later versions as new quotes and verses are added. Thus the user would need to ...

Android:Handling my function under Power(Red) button programmatiacally.

Does anyone know how to handle Android HTC device Red (power) button programatically to stop my operation. I want to stop running some of my operation when user presses REd button when user is in my screen. I know for other buttons like Back button i could use "keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK" event. But what is for Power(End) Red butto...

Fake a real call on Android

Is there any chance to fake a call on Android? I want it to ring and behave like there´s a real call (without the need of a second phone). I searched the whole web. In the emulator I would telnet it and type "gsm call 12345", but I don´t know how to do it on a real device (rooted). Thanks, Tom ...

How can I filter ListView data when typing on EditText in android

I have a ListView and a EditText. How can I filter ListView data when typing on EditText ? ...

Can I access my websites MS SQL 2008 database from another application

Basically I am creating a database driven website in Web Developer 2008. The database is stored in the App_Data folder of my website project. Could I have an iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian, Windows Phone, webOS or Android app access the database via an HTTP (or some other type of) request? I would like to know if this is possible before I ...

How do I link from free to paid app in the Android market?

If I have a free version of a paid app in the Android market how can I place a button in the free app that opens the paid version in the market? ...

Android - Including custom component causes it to be hidden behind main view

Hi folks, The app I'm working on has 4 tabs, 3 of which share many features, including a navigation bar a the bottom with Back, Edit, and Map buttons. There is exactly the same xml in all 3 layouts, so I'm trying to DRY this out by extracting that xml into a separate component, including it, and then going from there. Previously I had...

How to create an alert dialog with radio button on the side?

Hi, How to create an alert dialog with radio button on the side? I can create a dialog with 3 selection strings using AlertDialog.Builder, but how can I create the one with radio button on the side (i.e. allow only 1 selection)? Thank you. ...