
Android, Custom ListAdapter get TextView-Text

Hello guys I coded an own Adapter and added it to my ListActivity via an ListView. The reason why I wrote an own Adapter is, that i had to make some layout changes to the list-entrys. In every entry of the list i've got 3 TextViews. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="

Web Application Architecture?

I’m scoping a new software project and haven’t had much experience with software development. This is a multipart question. What are some recommended books for web application architecture? We are basically looking to develop several front end applications (mobile and websites) that can query a central application pool that’ll hit our...

Android: best practices for SQLite DB and ContentProvider

My Android app is reading and writing to a local SQLite DB from a few different Activities and a Service. Pretty standard. But I'm not happy with the way I've got all the DB details stored as constants that I then use anywhere I access the DB. I've been advised to wrap the DB in a ContentProvider. Sounds good to me. While I'm refactoring...

Highlight layout after delay?

Hi, I've created my own compound widget, something just like this: <LinearLayout> <TextView /> <Button /> </LinearLayout> I'm putting 15 of these in a ScrollView. I want it to behave similar to a ListView (I cannot use a ListView directly for this task). I need the each widget to highlight when pressed. I've gotten this to work,...

How to play media via speaker phone

I'm able to play a media using a MediaPlayer. But how can I play the media with speaker phone only? I have tried: AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) mActivity.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); audioManager.setSpeakerphoneOn(true); That does not work. And I have add this to my Manifest file <uses-permission android:na...

.JAR + Android?

I just purchased an Archos 5 and I'm wondering if it is possible to put a .JAR file on it and use it as an application. I read somewhere that it is possible but saw somewhere else that it wasn't. If it is possible, is there anything I have to do differently? Or do I just run it like I would on my computer? ...

How to set Text Appearance in Android manifest file?

Is it possible to do the equivalent of setTextAppearance(context,; in the manifest file for an Android app? ...

[android] Activity group throw ActivityNotFoundException?

Hi, I want to change the current activity inside a tab in a tab activity, after some research, I know that I need to use activity group to go this. then I created a new class extends ActivityGroup with the code below: public class FavShop extends ActivityGroup{ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCrea...

Android designing application flow

I am creating an android application that has a lot of different screens where the user can navigate to those screens using the buttons or list provided in those screens. What would be the best way to design the entire app's navigation flow? Should I map each screen to be View or an Activity? Can an design an entire android app with just...

does android support JDBC

Hi all I know that on android there is android.database.sqlite package that provides helpfull classes to manage the internal android database. The question is - can i use the standard java.sql package to manipulate android's database without using anything from android.database.sqlite.* I try to open connection using sqlite JDBC driver...

TiledLayer equivalent in Android

To draw landscapes, backgrounds with patterns etc, we used TiledLayer in J2ME. Is there an android counterpart for that. Does android provide an option to set such tiled patterns in the layout XML? ...

Database problem: how to diagnose and fix the problem?

Hi, I created an application which stores values into the database and retrieves the stored data. While running an application in run mode everything seems to work fine (the values are stored and retrieved successfully) but when I run in the debug mode the process throws IllegalStateException and so far haven't found a cause. The metho...

ProgressBar not changeable by user

How can I make a ProgressBar in Android not changeable by user. I don't mean 'disabled', since my application will update it dynamically. I would like the ProgressBar to update by my application but user can't move the bar in the Progress bar to change value? ...

How to get a 1024 x 600 Android emulator working?

I'm trying to emulate an Acer AOD250 that has a 1024x600 screen and comes with Android. If I create an AVD with default settings except for resolution of 1024x600 and SDK 3, the emulator does not start. The largest I can get working is 670x600. At larger resolutions, sometimes the emulator starts, but does not complete the boot. Is t...

Android SMS intercept without notification icon or WAP-PUSH messages

Is there a way to intercept an SMS with BroadcastReceiver as for example here but without showing any notifications to the user and immediately deleting the message that contains for example some keyword EDIT: What I need is to have some communication between android phones, one to one, and I thought that sending SMS messages would s...

Android & Web: What is the equivalent style for the web?

I am quite impressed by the workflow I follow when developing Android applications: Define a layout in an xml file and then write all the code in a code-behind style. Is there an equivalent style for the web? I mean, with a predefined list of widgets that can be defined using a markup language and then control them using code? I have c...

Android intent filter for a particular file extension?

I want to be able to download a file with a particular extension from the 'net, and have it passed to my application to deal with it, but I haven't been able to figure out the intent filter. The filetype is not included in the mimetypes, and I tried using <data android:path="*.ext" /> but I couldn't get that to work. ...

Android: Learning the platform, have any app suggestions?

I'm beginning to learn mobile programming on the Android platform. I'm up for working with any particular base SDK. I just want to hear some suggestions from the community about what types of applications I should start with to help learn more advanced interactions with the platform. There are of course the Standard Hello World, calcula...

Android: Task or application equivalent of onPause

My application uses a remote service to play audio. I do this so that no activity owns the playback of the audio - the user can trigger some audio to be played from one Activity, and the audio will continue to play as they navigate around the app. I do, however, want to tell the service to pause or stop playing audio when the user "unl...

Overriding the Activity/Task behavior in Android

I'm writing a simple Android app, and I'd like better control over the navigation/relationship between the activities. I don't want my activities to act like android activities...I don't want them to stack up within the Task. I want one activity (let's call it MainActivity) to be the landing point and always be at the bottom of the sta...