
How can I make the browser window smoothly follow an animating element?

In an application I'm writing I'd like to have the browser window smoothly track a div that's animated to move and resize. My current solution is to update the scroll position at a regular interval to be "closer" to the div by using $().offset() and window.scroll in combination. It works, but it's very choppy. I think it's because the ...

Why is this jQuery animation jumping up and down?

Javascript: jQuery(function() { jQuery("#showquickfind").mouseover( function() { jQuery("#quickfind").animate({height:"show",opacity:"show"},"slow"); return false; }); jQuery("#quickfind").hover( function() {}, function() { $("#quickfind").animate({opacity:1.0},1125).slideUp(375); return false; })...

How to display animation in a JTable cell

I am looking for a way to display an animated progress indicator (animated GIF, a rotating wheel rendered through Java2D etc., no preference here) in a table cell until the value that is to be finally displayed has been computed or retrieved. So far I have just put a static "pending..." text into each cell that is not yet ready to speed...

Smooth animations using GTK+

I'm creating a network animator (similar to nam, if you have used it before). Basically, I have nodes represented as small dots on a GTK+ DrawingArea, and I update the positions of these nodes and redraw the DrawingArea in a loop. The resulting animation is fast, but not smooth (there's a lot of flicker). This is probably because I fil...

Creating nice animations with low framerate

Ok, this might sound like a stupid question but i want to know if there is any recommendations on how to animate objects as smoothly and quickly as possible when you know you will have low framerate. What my animation does is that i move approximately 10 2d-rectangles(containing a texture each) about 500 pixels in both x and y and i als...

Smooth animations using Win32 API - without controlling the message pump

Hi everyone ! I'm currently trying to integrate some animation drawing code of mine into a third party application, under the form of an external plugin. This animation code in realtime 3d, based on OpenGL, and is supposed to render as fast as it can, usually at 60 frames per second. In my base application, where I'm the king of the w...

How to set the final value of an Animation to the property when the Animation finishes or is canceled?

I try to animate a DependencyProperty from a value to a target value (in code) and when the animation finishes (or is canceled) set the final value to the property. The final value would be either the To value if the animation finishes or the current computed value (by the animation) when the animation is canceled. By default the Animat...

Cocoa - Modal Window With Animating NSOpenGLView behind it

I have an NSWindow subclass (GameWindow) containing an NSOpenGLView subclass (GameView). The app is windowed (does not go fullscreen). An OpenGL animation in GameView is fired ~30 times a second by a timer. For presentation reasons, the GameView animation MUST continue regardless of what else is happening in the app. The only time it...

Improving Smoothness of Simple Animations

I am developing my first iPhone application, and I have made it past the "machinery" and now I am wrapping up fit & finish details. I have a view that slides in from the bottom of the screen for my settings pane. The view itself has an opacity of 0, and has a UIImageView view inside of it with a PNG creating the actual background for th...

Flash AS3 timer question

Hi I have got a timerEvent that adds 25 movieclips to the stage and animates them from x:0,y:0, this all works fine! What i would like to do is assign each movie clip a y value of 25px more than the last movieClip added to the stage. I did a little test by trying to increment a number value each time the timer did a loop but it didnt inc...

where to download cool animations for testing?

hello, I am looking for some sites where I can download some short clips (5-20seconds) for testing purposes of video import routines. Does anyone has some data sources for wmv, mpeg, mov, etc. ? Thanks! ...

Call XAML animation from VB code in WPF

Guys, here's what I'm trying to do: I have a Storyboard animation for an object done in Expression Blend. What I need is to be able to trigger that animation from the code. Any ideas? Thanks, ...

Debug error when calling a Storyboard to Start.

I have some storyboards in XAML (WPF Project) and I´m calling them from the VB code with this: Dim ServiceOff As Storyboard = DirectCast(FindResource("ServiceStopped"), Storyboard) ServiceOff.Begin() I´m getting the following error when trying to build: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Begin' accepts this number o...

How do I chain scale animations with an iPhone UIImageView?

I'm trying to scale an image down, change the image, then scale it back up. CABasicAnimation* shrink = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.scale"]; shrink.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:0]; shrink.duration = 1; shrink.delegate = self; [myImageView.layer addAnimation:shrink forKey:@"shrink"]; makes the shri...

Why does this silverlight animation make the entire layout disappear?

I'm starting to have a look at Silverlight, and I wanted to start small. All of the examples I'd looked at used keyframe animations, so I wanted to try a different type of animation. I was also somewhat unfamiliar with performing animations from code, so I decided to try this out as well. My ultimate goal is to make some kind of anima...

Best career options for people interested in 3D Animation

My 17 yr old sister loves animation and is a brilliant painter and sketcher in Delhi, India. Was wondering if someone knew what the best career option in animation was, the best international schools and future in this field. She has written and conceptualised an animated cartoon series that she wants to create. I want to fund her, but ...

Best approach for game animation?

I have a course exercise in OpenGL to write a game with simple animation of a few objects While discussing with my partner our design options we've realized we have two major choices for how the animation is going to work, Either Set a timer for a constant interval, say 30 msec, when the timer hits, calculate where objects should be...

How do I prevent a WPF combobox popup from detaching when the combobox is moving?

I've got a textbox stacked on top of a ComboBox. The TextBox gets taller (via animation) when it gets focus, and shrinks back down when it loses focus. The problems start when the TextBox loses focus to the ComboBox. When this happens, the selection Popup (the part that "drops down") appears just below the ComboBox, as expected, but a...

Most useful animation in web or desktop application

Many animation effects are simply gratuitous eye candy -- however, there are situations where animations effectively communicate to the user what's going on. What are some of your favorite uses for animations, and what specific animation type would you use? E.g.: Animate items downwards when a new item is inserted into a list ...

Flipping UIViews From Top / Bottom

I'm well aware that there are only two available UIView transitions, UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft and UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight. I'm wondering if there is anyway that I can implement / emulate a UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromTop or UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromBottom. The only way I can think to do this is ...