
Bouncing Card Algorithm

What's a good algorithm for "bouncing cards" like the ones you see in solitaire games? What's the coolest card animation you've seen? Edit - Any besides the Windows game? ...

I need help with Animation Callbacks (iPhone)

I am creating an application in iPhone and I have several UIViews and layers in it. I am doing some animations using CAKeyframeAnimation class and since the animations have to be chained, I have overridden the animationDidStop method in UIView. I am getting the callbacks properly, however I just couldn't figure out how I can find which ...

Using Core Animation, is there a way to group animations for several CALayers?

I have a situation where I have many CALayers which animate in a "turn based" fashion. I animate the position on each of those CALayers, but they have the exact same duration. Once all of those CALayers are finished animating, a new "turn" is initiated and they animate changing positions again. The whole idea is that with a linear inter...

Have a reloadData for a UITableView animate when changing

Hi everyone. I have a UITableView that has two modes. When we switch between the modes I have a different number of sections and cells per section. Ideally, it would do some cool animation when the table grows or shrinks. Here is the code I tried, but it doesn't do anything: CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); [UI...

jQuery backgroundColor animation

Hello I have a DIV with a link and a SPAN. When clicking the link, it renders a list of items by using AJAX. When an item is clicked, the content of the SPAN is changed. I want to highlight this change, by setting the background-color of the DIV to green, and animating it back to white using jQuery. var originalColor = elementToUpd...

WPF LinkLabel implementation strategy

I am attempting to create a LinkLabel control for WPF. Essentially, I'm going to create the LinkLabel from a TextBlock and handle MouseEnter, MouseLeave, and MouseLeftButtonUp events. In the back end I have a base class that has properties that you would expect to see with a LinkLabel. With most other clickable controls in WPF, there is ...

Method for animating images (like a movie) on iPhone without using MPMoviePlayer

I need to be able to display an animation over a static image. Given that MPMoviePlayer gives you no control over anything useful, the only way I can think to do this is to use multiple static images, which we display (one-by-one) to create a "movie like" animation. I know we could use UIImageView to do this (by setting the UIImageVi...

GLWidget in QT only updating on mousemove

I am currently playing with QT trying to set up a small particle system. Therein I've subclassed the GLWidget and hacked away at it. Everything was going well until I made some unknown change and now the widget only repaints when I move the mouse (it should be doing it all the time due to the QTimer I have firing). Relevant code: Ope...

Scrolling credits screen in WPF... ideas?

I'm looking to create a (possibly 3D) scrolling credits screen for my app, that is similar to what you might see at the end of a movie, but should be able to include graphics, animations, etc. What is the best way to go about doing this? I'm thinking I could create a very tall UserControl that contains the entire content to scroll and t...

What is the best way to slide a panel in WPF?

I have a fairly simple UserControl that I have made (pardon my Xaml I am just learning WPF) and I want to slide the off the screen. To do so I am animating a translate transform (I also tried making the Panel the child of a canvas and animating the X position with the same results), but the panel moves very jerkily, even on a fairly fas...

haXe: Keyframe animation without frames

I would like to do simple (looping) animation (moving, changing alpha etc) in haXe (flash9). I don't have anything that resembles frames in my library, just single frame assets. Since I am a beginner. I am not necessarily looking for a sophisticated framework. I would be happy with something quick & dirty. Maybe ifs checking the frame (...

jQuery animate() and browser performance.

I've got some elements that I'm moving across the page very slowly. Essentially, I'm decreasing the left margin of two images over a span of 40 seconds or so. Visually, it's working beautifully. However, my processor jumps to about 50% usage during the animations. This isn't specific to any single browser either- it's the same way on S...

Cross-browser jQuery transition animation?

Are there any jQuery 1.3 animation-transitions that work in both Firefox 3 and IE7? I have a table with multiple table rows (25 or more), with some of the rows starting hidden (these rows all share a common class; in this example, it's ".hidden"). In the table header is a "Show more" link which is bound via .click() to a function that w...

How do I cross fade text to an NSTextView and an image to an NSImageView in a cocoa app?

I have a Cocoa app I'm writing that has an ImageView with a TextView as a subview sitting on top of the ImageView. I have two functions, one that updates the image in the ImageView and one that updates the text in the TextView. Both of those functions work properly, but I would like the new text to fade in or cross fade from the old te...

C++ 3D Model Animation libraries?

I have my own game engine using C++ and OpenGL, but I have models with individual pieces that can be moved, and Im not sure how to animate them without hardcoding it. Are there any libraries that would provide a solution via scripts or IK or some other animation technique without resorting to a game engine such as Ogre? ...

Is there a good way to do color cycling in javascript?

Here's what I'd like to do: I've got a line of text in an HTML page. I'd like to have that piece of text start at a given color, cycle though the spectrum, wait a second or two, and then repeat. I'd like to do this in javascript if possible (something like flash isn't totally out of the question, but would be some major scope creep of ...

jQuery .animate() Issues

I'm trying to make a autoscrolling/carousel like function for an unordered list of images. When you mouse over the containing div its calling a function that's job is to animate the margin on the <ul> $(".thumbs").animate({"margin-top": (currentMargin - 10) + "px"}, function(){ console.log("margin-top" + (currentMargin - 10) + "px...

is there some dojo.fx.sleep function to use within a dojo.fx.chain animation?

I would like to fadeIn a node over one second. Then leave it on for 10 seconds. Then fadeOut for another 3 seconds. One way of chaining this would be as follows: dojo.fx.chain([ dojo.fadeIn({node:myNode, duration:1000}), // fading in for 1 second dojo.fadeIn({node:myNode, duration:10000}), // this does nothing for 10 seconds ...

Javascript: How can I undo the setting of

I have an element in my document that has a background color and image set through a regular CSS rule. When a certain event happens, I want to animate that item, highlighting it (i'm using Scriptaculous, but this question applies to any framework that'll do the same). new Effect.Highlight(elHighlight, { startcolor: '#ffff99', endcolor:...

how can I use animation in cocos2d ?

hello, I am trying to develop a Roulette game for iPhone. How can I animation (spin) the Roulette board? ...