
When do we get java.lang.NoSuchMethodError even when the jar/class has the particualar method

I am using IText library to facilitate pdf export in an applet. During the export call it fails with following error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable.completeRow()V I opened the Itext jar/PdfPtable.class in JD Decompiler and confirmed that the class has completeRow as a public method. Can somebody explain th...

Java Deployment Toolkit - beforeRedirect hook?

I'm using the Java Deployment Toolkit to deploy a java applet in an iframe. javaDeploy.js automatically redirects the iframe to the java download page if the users browser does not have the plugin installed however I'd like to give some kind of notice to the user before this happens as its a little weird just to see the java download p...

How to show a textbox, button, etc in a Java Applet?

How can I show common GUI elements such as : Textbox Button Radios/Dropdowns Labels etc in a java applet which would be run from a web browser? ...

How to do file uploads via a Java applet?

Specifically how can I: Show a button which will let the user browse through his computer and select a file Show a progress bar as the files are uploaded And store the files to a location on the server of the website on which the applet is being run Any ideas? And yes, I must do this in an applet, and I will make it a trusted/signed ... Invalid Keystore format

Hello, Does anyone know how to solve this? I tryed many things non of them work :( And when i click more details i get this: at Source)$JKS.engineLoad(Unknown Source) at Source) at

JApplet Not Stopping or Reacting to Keyboard Input

Hi, I've been messing around with awt/swing lately trying to learn how to do applets. I have written the following short JApplet example code, which on the surface seems to work. The problems I have occur when I try to exit it: Pressing ESC does nothing, in fact line 38 is never reached when I run it in the debugger (nor is line 94 -...

Share an applet across many jsp pages

In my web application, a series of jsp pages are navigated. These jsp pages appear on the Right Hand side (frame) of the screen. On the left frame, I have an applet. This applet is common to all jsps. From all of the jsps, I want to invoke a method on the applet. The javascript code is inside of each jsp. Is there a way to do this ? An...

Get Windows Service Pack Version from Java Applet?

Hello I am writing a Java Applet. When run on Windows, I need to be able to get the clients OS version, e.g. Windows XP SP3 or Windows 2000 SP4. I can currently use the following: String os_name = System.getProperty( "" ); String os_version = System.getProperty( "os.version" ); System.out.println( "Running on " + os_name + ...

signed applet gives AccessControlException: access denied, when calling from javascript

I have an easy self-signed an applet (done with keytool and the jarsigner): public class NetAppletLauncher extends JApplet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void init() { exec("notepad c:/hello.txt"); } public void exec(String command) { try { // launch EXE and grab stdin/stdout and stderr Proc...

Setting to false for applets with Apple's 1.5 update 4

Apple seems to have quart rendering on by default: However there are cases where this is attrociously slow. From a desktop app, I merely add: This fixes the slow rendering. But there's isn't a place in the Java preferences panel to se...

Communcation between Java and applet

How do I get a Java Class's variable which is dynamically modified from an applet. The problem here is since the applet is loaded in separate class loaders the updated value is not available when the applet is loaded a second and subsequent times. ...

Java URLConnection crashes the entire process when I call getInputStream

I am writing a Java applet that downloads images from a web server and displays them to the user. It works fine in Java 1.6.0_3 and later, but on older versions it will completely crash the process about once every 20 page views. There are no error messages in the Java console, because the process is completely frozen. I've waited for al...

Java 1.6 Applet and Mac OS X, is there an official issue here?

I'm developing an applet in Java 1.6 which is supposed (ofcourse) to run on Mac and PC. However people with Mac seems to all have Java 1.5 installed even due they keep thier software updated with the Mac update tool. This seems very strange to me that Java isn't automatically updated by Apple as Java 1.6 was released in 2006. Is there...

Do beautiful, user-friendly Java applets exist?

When I use Java applets, they tend to be slow, don't integrate very well with the browser environment and often require a few click throughs ("No, I don't want to give this unsigned application free reign of my hard disk"). So, I'm curious. Are these problems insurmountable? Are there Java applets out there which integrate well with th...

Minimum version of Java required to run my applet

Hi, How can you determine the minimum version of Java required on a client's browser to run an applet that I've developed? I would like to do this so that I can determine, through, javascript, if the browser the user is running is capable of running my applet and displaying a message if not. Thanks in advance, Tim ...

Unkown error when calling Java applet from JavaScript

Here's the JavaScript (on an aspx page): function WriteDocument(clientRef, system, branch, category, pdfXML) { AppletReturnValue = document.DocApplet.WriteDocument(clientRef, apmBROOMS, branch, category, pdfXML); if (AppletReturnValue.length > 0) { document.getElementById('pdfData').value = ""; CallServer...

How do I determine if I'm going to get an inline or redirecting java install?

I'm using the following Java Deployment Toolkit: Now, I've searched the docs, and I cannot find when the inline java installer is possible. If the user has absolutely no java installed, they will be redirected to the get java page. If java has be...

Can I supress the loading dialogs in Java Web Start?

I'm trying to put together a Java Webstart app, but don't want it to display the Webstart splash screen, or "downloading app" boxes. Is there any way I can turn them off? (I'm fine with it displaying the Permissions Request box, but nothing else). ...

JavaFX applet

How can I place JavaFX applet in a html page not using SUN's javascript? <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; I.e. I want something like <APPLET CODE="AppletSubclass.class" ARCHIVE="file1, file2" WIDTH=anInt HEIGHT=anInt></APPLET> I tried using com.sun.javafx.runtime.adapter.Applet class in my scrip...

Displaying an applet in HTML

hello ... iam having problem writing java applet and link it with html file java applet is about drawing a pie chart 3 values sales, membership and adds. the code for java applet : import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; /** * Class AppDemo - write a description of the class here * * @author (your na...