
Signed Java applet doesnt get permissions in Safari

Hi there, I've got a signed java applet (using a self-signed-certificate) which has to access the user's file system. I have to do it, so please no replies ala "you shouldn't do it" :) The thing is, when I execute the Applet from Firefox 3.0 / Mac, everything works as desired, I get all access just as it should. When I use Safar 4 / M...

Java Applet failure

I am running a Java web applet on one of my servers. For some reason a particular user cannot access it (an error text appears in place of the applet that reads "Error. Click for details"; it is not text I placed between the tags, i.e., his JRE is installed and appears to at the very least be installed correctly but for some reason it i...

Opening a URL in a new window Java

I'm trying to make a simple class to open a URL but when I run it it gives a null pointer exception as soon as I initialize the Applet. Here is the class: package com.agentsheets.component; import*; import java.applet.*; public class URLOpener extends Applet{ public void openURL(String inputURL) { try { ...

Connection to a URL from within an applet using Apache's HttpClient vs using the JDK's URLConnection

In the following code, I have verified that connecting to a URL from within an applet preserves the browser's session if JDK's URLConnection class is used. However, this is not the case if Apache's HttpClient library is used. Does anyone know why? Alternatively, is there a way for me to set the connection instance to be used by an Htt...

connection between applet on network

Dears.. i try to make a small applet, this applet is about (Dots-lines)game, and i think all of us konw this game. "Java applet to play the pencil-and-paper game of "Dots and Boxes", also known as "Lines and Boxes". The game board is a rectangular grid. Dots are shown for the corners of the board squares. Players take turns drawing...

Do Applet JSObject javascript calls serialize?

Do applet javascript calls serialize in any proper way? I'm considering implementing a model in which two threads send off javascript commands. One responds to requests from the browser (js), and the other hits the browser periodically. My question is this: what happens if these two javascript requests collide? I'm worried about concurr...

Applet not seeing javascript methods every time.

I have an applet that does extensive communication with javascript and the browser. Now, I've stuck a JSObject call in the init method of the applet to notify the browser that the applet is there and good to go, but I've noticed something strange. Occasionally, when making a javascript call from an applet in its init() method, the call f...

Import outlook contacts from a webpage with an Java Applet or ActiveX Control

Hi I want to import Outlook Contacts of a user when he accessed the webpage with a Java Applet or an ActiveX Control. Is there any library to access the contacts or I can copy the .pst file on my server and then parse it and find the contacts ? I found Java Outlook Connector Thank you ...

Can trusted 1.5 applets execute system commands?

If so, is there any limitation to this ability? Specifically, I need to target Mac OSX. ...

How do i get link that contains string of detected printer?

Hi, I have developed an applet which detects the printers and outputs the list. here's the code for that. import javax.print.*; import java.awt.*; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Test extends java.applet.Applet { public void paint(Graphics g) { PrintService[] printServices = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices...

apple-jdbc-web server

Hi everyone !!! Plz i don't know if my post is in accordance with your policy...for any problem please i present all my desolations. I'm a bsc student in CIT . I have a project i which i want to use java applet and jdbc in a sort of host/client : My applet is working properly in the host but when i deploy it on apache webserver i lose ...

div or iframe over an applet

Hi guys, I want to create a custom video control, I mean over the video itself, with issues like double click on some x and y coordinates of the video to zoom In, but I can't get this result because the real player plugin API is not that flexible, then I Tried to create a transparent layer to handle those events and I can't achieve that ...

Does Java provide some sort of Register\"Cookies" for storing of temporary data?

Does the Java provide some sort of registry- or cookie mechanism where I can store small pieces of data to load next start I start an java application- or applet? For example the application settings such as last opened file etc ...

Internationalize Swing Applet Menu Items in English and Chinese - Examples?

A Java Swing applet needs to display its MenuItems in Chinese or English, depending on how a user has set their system preferences. Has anybody seen compilable examples showing how to do this? I've seen a few articles on the subject of i18n and Java/Swing (for example, this one), but so far I haven't found anything specific to the subj...

seting proxy in javascript

the following is the code for seting proxy on server side. # System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", ""); # System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "80"); I want to achieve the same thing on clint side. Means the people visit my webpage (it will contain some javascript/applet). so my applet /javascript code should do this ...

JavaFX: Embedded JavaFX applet loses width and height?

I have a JavaFX applet with the stage's initial height and width defined as such: var stage:Stage = Stage { title: "Blah" scene: Scene { height: 768 width: 1024 fill: Color.WHITE ... Additionally, I have elements laid out in the scene that are bound to the height and width for layout purposes. All works fine as...

package java applet with minimal dependencies, autojar plugin for buildr?

I'd like to build a java applet with all its dependencies included, but still keeping the jar as small as possible. I'm using buildr. It looks like autojar is the tool I'm looking for. Now I need to integrate the two. This is what I have: package.enhance do |p| p.enhance do |pkg| tempfile = pkg.to_s.sub(/.jar$/, "-unstripped.j...

java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException occurring randomly when attempting to embed applet?

Has anyone ever seen this odd error when attempting to load an applet? I get this in jconsole, although the applet activity is pretty plain. I get this exception after java.lang.NullPointerException at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.loadJarFiles(Unknown Source) ...

How does JavaFX cache http downloads?

Does a JavaFX applet use the browser's cache or any cache when downloading files over http://? I know it will cache the .jar files that define the application. I want to write an audio player that caches the media it downloads. ...

JavaFX Applet web-page refresh and close notifications?

Hi, How do I detect when user closes(navigates away) or refreshes web page with JavaFX applet in it. I want to do some clean up in my code on those events. Java Applet had some callback methods to do that, but how would I do it in JavaFX running in browser? Thanks, ...