
How do I send messages from Javascript to Java?

Hi, I'm kind of stuck because I can get JavaScript to send a message to a Java applet. I can get it to work the other way round. Does anyone know a proper way to do this that works everywhere? ...

Java applet and JFrames

Hi all, I've got a java code that I found and adapted to my project. I am trying to build a java applet out of it. My problem is that from some reason the code demands me to add a JFrame to my applet. If I add a JFrame it works fine (The code has several threads its working on, perhaps it's connected?), the problem is that the JFrame ca...

Java 5 Does not validate DTD

I am working with a vendor applet, The applet works fine with JRE 1.4.2_X and 1.6.X but fails on every version of 1.5.X. Running with 1.6 is not an option due to another application conflict that does not play nice with Java 6. The issue I believe is that the DTD is not being validated. This is causing the "not declared" problem and the...

voice recording in Ogg format?

I have created a voice recorder applet. The output sound file will be .wav format. I want to use a compressed file format like .ogg. I have the .ogg decoder applet and it plays the audio file through streaming. But I need an .ogg encoder to record the voice in .ogg format. Any samples or studies are much appreciated! ...

Trusted applet security warning (yes/no) dialog not appearing in Ubuntu 8.10 and firefox.

Has anyone ever had this happen? It appears to lock the browser up until I force quit, and I have a user whose setup can reliably reproduce this, which worries me. Thoughts? ...

Problem with using signed cab files in IE

Hi, I am trying to create a self signed certificate by using the utilities that come along with MS SDK. I am able to successfully create the test certificate and install it in the trusted root store. I created a sample HelloWorld applet. I created a CAB file with the .class file. I used the Visual studio tool to create the CAB file. Als...

applet-server communication, how i can do it?

hi i have an applet and i must request to a web application to get data from server that is in database,i am workin with objects and it is very useful that server response me as objects !! how an applet can communcate with server? i think web services methode, RMI and... make me happy, but wich is the best and reliable? ...

Creating interactive pplets from R Output

Currently, I generate results from statistical analyses (e.g., a three dimensional plot) and then "manually" move it to processing - a graphics programming language) where I can (with some simple coding) export an interactive java applet (e.g., allow the person viewing the plot to move in, out and around the data points). Can I keep thi...

Java applet as stand-alone Windows application?

I have a Java applet that is meant to run only on Windows. (It uses a 3rd party COM object; it is not cross-platform.) Is there a way to run a Java applet as a stand-alone application on Windows? ...

Simple Java Sound Applet won't work!!! ARG!!!

import java.applet.*; /** * - a simple applet that plays the "" sound file. */ public class AppletGame extends Applet { public void init() { super.init(); resize(0,0); AudioClip gong = getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "");; } } In Eclipse applet viewer it loads and d...

Internet Board Games

Hello I'm looking to create a web-page where users can play Gomoku live with eachother, kind of like, or yahoo's online pool. I would like to be able to.. 1) Have the players to chat with each other while they play. 2) Have registered users where a ranking can be kept track of. 3) Users can create 'rooms' where another ...

how to grant an applet permission for the resource accesses it needs?

hi, i have a problem with define permission for my applet that would to spacial resource access like get property or file system command like create,read, write directory or files... the applet must write any data -ex. images- that received from a web application in such files in temp directory with using to make ...

where policy file location for my applet that needs clients permission to access resource?

hi i find out that i must write a policy file to grant permission for my applet... but i really confused with it... :( i want to write a applet that is a map viewer, i need to save image tiles on client that run my applet to locally access tiles for gain speed and time safely viewing map which is benefit to user... so, the applet nee...

Printing GIF files from a browser

We are currently leveraging a third party tool to convert pdf files into gifs and displaying them in the browser. We have been adjusting the DPI of these images so that when printed they will look as close as possible to what the original pdf looked like. We've found that at least a setting of 300 DPI matches roughly the clarity of what ...

Where Java applets game portals?

I have started making some small Java games that run in a browser and have found a couple of game portals where I can host then (, and Most of the other portals I find either only allow Flash or offer the games for download. Apart from those above, what other portals exist that allow hosting ap...

Applet issue with jre 1.6

Hi all I have an applet, and it consist of an CLOSE button which closes the applet and redirects user to the home page. Home page consists 3 frames (Top, Left and Right). Once user clicks on the CLOSE button, the home page is appearing in the right frames, due to this now user has inconsistent view (multiple frames) of the page. Code ...

jscrollpane to scrolling a panel

hi i have to writing an applet, in left side i must use an panel to contain a list of vehicles that can be a list of buttons,what is the problem, number of the vehicles are not given !!! so, i need to scrolling panel when number of vehicles is too much, i do this for jframe, but it didn't work correct with panel, please help me with ...

Help with Java Applet

I'm new to Java and I need some advice/information on how to debug my Java Applet. I have created a applet that simply updates a mysql database. The applet seems to load in the webpage with no errors. When I click on my button to update the database it seems to actually make the call to the applet, BUT nothing happens, i.e. no new ins...

Reuse the browser's ssl connection in an applet

Hello everyone, I have an strange issue here. In Spain we have an electronic ID Card which has personal certificates in it. The problem is that when windows certificates store asks for private certificate the windows component made for the Spanish card asks for a password. As you imagine it is asking for the password so frequently, for ...

Using separate_jvm to start applet in individual JVMs not always working

I have an applet that takes a fair amount of memory so we want to start it with separate_jvm = true so that each instance gets its own JVM (rather than a shared one) so we don't run out of memory upon repeated invocations. This works on our development boxes, but fails on our clients' computers. Are there security reasons for this? Thi...