
Java applet to display and play midi files

Hello all, I am looking for a java applet to be embedded in a web page and be able to present notes or tabs based on midi files. I would also be very happy if it could be able to play these files. Does any of you know of such an applet? perhaps some kind of an open source project ongoing somewhere? ...

how to create a window focus hook

I have the page with iframe (having java applet), now I want to monitor where the focus is from the parent page. Is it possible to check whether Java applet was closed (inside iframe) by monitoring which frame/page has the keyboard focus? ...

Is JavaFX a replacement for Java Applets?

Is JavaFX technology for building rich internet applications (RIA) a direct replacement for Java Applets? ...

What is the equivalent of a Java applet in .NET?

What is the equivalent of a Java applet in .NET? Is it Silverlight? Is Java applet still widely in use? ...

How to prevent requests to server when loading properties that are already in applet jar file?

I maintain an applet that helps users to upload photos to our service. The applet jar file has a few .properties files: >> jar -tf applet.jar | grep prop res/ res/ res/ ... These are loaded during applet initialization. messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("res.messages");...

Java Applet fails to load with MSJVM

We have a web application that uses a third party java applet for encryption and authentication. It's always been a bit finicky, but right now it has me pulling my hair out. Over the weekend, we migrated to a MS Load balanced cluster, upgraded our DNS, and rolled out all of the MS patches. Now the applet fails for all of our users who...

Detect repainted area of screen in java

I am creating an applet which will do something like screen sharing . For that I am using Robot class to capture screen area . I want to capture the dirty / repainted areas after first screen shot. I think RepaintManager manager can be used for that. but i dont know how can I use it. I am a novice so a java code will be helpfull. thanks ...

Change the "name" value of a signed Java applet

Hi, I've (self-)signed a java applet, so when a user views this applet in a browser, the browser will show a "digital signature cannot be verified" confirmation dialog. That's all ok, but: The value of the "Name:" property (seen above the "Publisher:" property) of this confirmation dialog is set to something I don't remember setting w...

Adding a png image to a java applet

Hello all, I am very new to java, I want to add a PNG image to my applet. From some reason when I add this image I receive the following error: Exception in thread "Image Fetcher 0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java.awt.image.DataBufferInt.(Unknown Source) at java.awt.image.Raster.createPackedRaster(Unknown So...

Java applet won't load

Hi all, I am building a small applet in java. It works fine (really!) when I run it in eclipse as an applet. Problems start when I export it as a jar and than try to load it through an html page. Here's the html code: <body> <applet archive="myJar.jar" width=650 height=850> </applet> </body> Now when I run other jar files in this ...

Lots of browser tabs with java applet causes OutOfMemoryException

I have an applet that consome quite a lot of Memory. If a user opens multiple tabs with a webpage that has the applet, they get an OutOfMemoryException. This can be explained by the fact that browsers use just one instance of a virtual machine. Is there any way I can prevent this? The OutOfMemoryException can't really be caught, since i...

Notify minimised window of an event occurrence in an applet

Hi, I have a JApplet which is used for chat. I would like to make it possible that when the applet is minimised and a chat message is received by the user, the minimised window becomes orange (and thus shows the user that something has occurred). How is it possible to make the applet do this? Thanks, Tim ...

Closing JFrame of java applet using buttons on the system frame causes delay

I have written a java applet which opens a JFrame (so when run in the browser, it will popup a small new window). The problem is, when pressing one of the buttons of the window frame, there is a slight delay (cannot move the mouse for 2 or 3 sec) before the window will close/minimize/maximize. The hidden menu actions (accessed when pres...

Considerations when making a java application into a web applet

I am in the process of turning my java application into a web applet. So far I can export the jar, sign it, and apparently launch it. The Java loading image plays endlessly and my application's JFrame window pops up and connects to my application's server. Unfortunately, as an applet, the JFrame seems to be frozen. It never renders anyth...

How does URLConnection.setUseCaches() work in practice?

I have an Applet which is loading images over a http connection using URLConnection. I am setting setUseCaches(true) for all connections, but still not seeing any caching behavior. My image's HTTP headers have reasonable cache settings. If you look at bug 4528599 there is this rather mysterious statement: The current version (1.3.1) ...

Flash drag and drop uploader?

I've seen this done with a signed Java Applet, but is it possible with Flash? ...

Using Runnable Interface in Applet program?

Hi, i am on developing Sound Recording applet.Here is the code import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import; import; import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine; import javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;...

java.lang.SecurityException: class "XYZ"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package

I have an applet which runs in a browser and is called from Javascript. There are 2 classes: PortalLauncher and ParamSplitter and these are in the default package. Javascript calls a method in PortalLauncher which in turn calls a function in ParamSplitter. The applet is in a signed jar. This works most of the time. However, a few users ...

Java Locale issue in vendor Applet

I have a vendor Applet that is trying to use no longer supported locale settings. De compiled Code is as follows String s1 = System.getProperty("java.version"); String s2 = System.getProperty("user.language"); String s; if(s1.regionMatches(true, 0, "1.4", 0, 3)) s = System.getProperty(""); else s...

Running an applet in Linux?

I did a voice recorder applet and deployed in Apache Tomcat server. In Windows I tested the URL (http://localhost/Sound.html) in Firefox and IE; it's working fine. But the same applet is not loaded in Safari browser in Linux. I have signed the applet too. What might I be doing wrong? ...