
iPhone: Button "Vote in AppStore"

I would like to add a button "Vote Us" that opens App Store and brings automatically users to my app review page where they can vote my app. How can I do it? ...

Stuck in waiting for review

I created an app in itunesconnect on May 24th but I did't upload the binary until June 1st. The status is still "waiting for review" - in the past the status moved to "in review" fairly quickly. Is it normal to wait several days to move to "in review" - I am worried there was a problem and that I should reject my binary. Thanks for an...

Unknown and unreproducible crash causes App Store rejection

After submitting our application several times, we continue to receive the following response: Thank you for submitting My App to the App Store. We've reviewed your application and determined that we cannot post this version of your iPad application to the App Store because My App is crashing on iPad running iPhone OS 3....

Does an app name have to be unique between the iPhone and iPad app store?

If there was an iPhone app called 'gears' could I release a app for iPad called 'gears'? Also, has anyone heard if Apple will move towards limiting unique names to a category so it would be possible e.g. 'gears' the game and 'gears' the productivity app? App naming seems like a dark art. Any pointers to resources on Apple's stance woul...

Is there a way to create a feed of your recent app store purchases to put on your blog?

I'm trying to put together some feeds for my blog and I would love to include one that shows my recent app store purchases. Is there a way to accomplish this? ...

How to sell several apps sharing vars in App Store?

Hi everyone! I'm struggeling with a problem. I want to sell one app in AppStore. But, I want to sell it by parts. For example, you can buy one football team, and later, buy each player separately. I thought share vars between several apps, but I dont know if it's possible. Can anyone help me? Where can I take information about that? ...

How to remove App Ids from iPhone Provisioning Portal

While experimenting with iPhone app development, we have several AppIDs which should be deleted - except I can't find any way to delete them! What can I do with them? If delete is not available, how about renaming, hiding or permanently disabling? ...

Do I need to answer "yes" to the Encryption used question in the app store submission process as I am using Three20 library?

Hi, i am going to submit my application to Appstore. i have one question as i am using Three20 library in my project to load thumbnail images from server. My question do I need to answer "yes" to the Encryption used question in the app store submission process? while review the library i found Three20 library using md5 encryption so...

Should a company prevent employees from publishing an app in an appstore in their free time?

My company is trying to pass a policy forbidding distribution of any application (even free) in any appstore for all developers. Their reasoning is that "outside work activities create a conflict of interest". They don't want that "you use your spare time to work on your app, and once it takes off you quit your job" (quoting the Head of...

iPhone app identifier?

What is the unique identifier for an iPhone app? In the info.plist file, there are keys: Bundle display name Executable file Bundle identifier Bundle name If I have already submitted an app on the AppStore before. Then I change some of the keys in the project. Which of the above can be changed freely and AppStore still considers...

getting an AppStore Link before publishing the App

Hello, i want to send an AppLink in FB or Mail within the App like this: The Problem is, that i do not know the Link in Advance, 'cause i haven't send the App to Apple yet. I know that i can send the Binary later, do I get the Link then? Thanks ...

iPhone Application Uploading On Apple Store

I am new in iPhone world, I have register to iPhone Dev program today and I have to upload applications on App Store. But I don't know how to install certificate and upload applications on iTune Store can anyone briefly explain the steps for installing certificates and uploading the applications. Thanks in advance. ...

What happens to my apps after my developer account membership expires?

When my paid developer membership runs out with Apple, what happens to my existing apps on the app store? I know that I cannot add new apps then, but do my existing apps stay? Can I change prices? Can I get paid for sales? Can I update those apps? (Am I missing any questions here?) ...

Appstore - An application with only Youtube videos will be accepted?

Hi, this is my question... I have a compilation(UITableView) of videos from youtube of a particular genre (funny videos, for example) and I want to know if this app will pass the approval process. These videos are freely accessible by anyone in youtube, but isn't uploaded/recorded by me. This is a concept:

"The item you tried to buy is no longer available" storekit error in iphone sdk

Hi all, I'm trying to use the StoreKit API in OS3.0 for the iphone to do in app purchase. However, I'm getting the following error when trying to purchase something in the SANDBOX ENVIRONMENT. The item you tried to buy is no longer available [Environment: Sandbox] Here's the code I use to do the payments: SKPayment* payment = [SKPaym...

Plain text file in the compressed application bundle viewable by iPhone users?

There are some plain text files in my application bundle which has already been uploaded to the AppStore. These text files are read and displayed by the application. What I would like to know is, could people who downloaded the application from AppStore actually extract these text files and view them else where? Is there any encryptio...

What's the point of having different Build Configurations for Debug and Release?

What's the point of having different Build Configurations for Debug and Release? Must we do anything different in the Release Configuration before building the app for distribution over the App Store? ...

Source code for android apps?

I have just started learning to write apps for android using Eclipse. Where can I find free source code that I can use during my learning experience? Thanks. ...

Private iPhone apps?

Hello, i would be interested in writing apps that connect to intranets or extranet. In other words i would like to make private apps for my clients but if the only way to sell apps is the AppStore this can be downloaded by everyone and this is bad. Do you know if there is a way to distribute enterprise apps only to a certain number of pe...

is there a way to launch the iPhone App Store app and select the "updates" tab?

Hi, i currently notify users that we have an update to our iphone app using an UIAlertView and when they click ok, i open the URL to the app using [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:] That works fine and dandy & brings the user to the app's page in the App Store, but is there a way to just open the App Store a...