
iPhone Developer account with someone elses credit card

Hi I wanted to enroll in Apples iPhone developer program the problem is I myself don't own a credit card is it Ok if I use some one else's credit card to sign up... I mean can I just use the credit card I have to pay apple 100$ dollars & specify my account details from any transactions originating from Apples side. (& yes I cannot get...

Appstore approval - Using activation codes.

Hi, I'm in the process of building an app related to healthcare IT. My company wants to be able to distribute it through the appstore, but only if a device identified by the UDID of is specifically provisioned in the database. I've got all that built, but I was wondering if Apple might reject something like this. Has anyone had any exp...

Is it possible to submit an update for an app on the AppStore without losing reviews?

Whenever I submit an update for me app, the number of reviews visible for it drops to 0. If the customer bothers to click through they can see the previous versions' reviews... But the damage has been done. Since the app has 0 stars, I see a significant drop in sales. It takes the app a good week of earning new reviews to restore sales....

iPhone app distribution: What name will appear on the AppStore?

Hi there, Is there a way to change the name that displays on the AppStore, rather than the name associated with the credit card/apple ID associated with the developer programme? For example, if my name on my credit card was foo, and the name on the apple ID was foo, but I actually want the name displayed on the AppStore (i.e. next to m...

iPhone App Update and Documents Directory

When i update my app I'd like the user to still be able to access their old files. What will the contents of the Documents directory be after updating? Any tricks or tips shared would be most appreciated on this process. ...

Iphone App submission: Status bar and screenshots

Hi all, I have read somewhere that the screenshots you send to Apple should NOT contain the status bar; however my app shows the status bar during runtime. After having a look around the App store I have noticed quite a few app screenshots contain the status bar. So my question is... Is including the status bar in application screensho...

Listing like appstore in firefox or any other browser for windows/desktop linux

A little question about the listing in iPhone OS and some other applications, and possibly in Android Market. When listing the apps, it fills the list in an automatic process, when reaching or is near to reach the end. My question is: How is that written in iPhone applications. But the main question is: Is that possible to make for Fir...

iPhone app store individual developer information

Is there a way to not publish the app developer's full name in the app store? ...

iPhone submission: "The binary you uploaded was invalid. A pre-release beta version of the SDK was used to build the application"

Hello, I have Xcode 3.2.3 (Pre-release) and an iPhone with OS 4. I just finished my game using Cocos2d for iPhone OS 3, and I want to put it on the AppStore. I followed this tutorial Building Your App for Distribution, and when I upload my .zip file, I get this error : "The binary you uploaded was invalid. A pre-release beta version o...

Moving APNS to Production with app that is alreay in appstore

I have a application in the app store, the current Distribution certificate was issued before I configured APNS. I want to build a update that will include APNS. My question is do I need to revoke and re-issue the Distribution certificate for APNS to work or is that just included? I know that I had to do that with the provisioning profi...

Does Apple approve a kind of mark-up language for AppStore?

AppStore now rejects applications made with non-Apple like languages. (with modified contract) However, is it allowed using declarative mark-up language formed with XML? (like XHTML, but different schema) The declarative mark-up is a code too, but not a script or logic code. Just a passive, static data, but forms some layout and part of...

Direct link to App Store on iPad?

Hello! Is there an URL that will directly open an application in the App Store on the iPad without redirecting through Safari? I am interested in http:// links, not itms://, as I want them to be usable outside the device. The phobos links used on iPhone do not seem to work on the iPad. ...

Publishing similar apps in AppStore

Hello guys, I have some questions that I think some one here can help me ... I have published 5 apps in AppStore that brings news to the users, for different countries. One app per country, because no one want's to read the news of other countrys. Now, I have submitted 3 more apps to publish and Apple reject it, because they say that I ...

iPhone app store approval - coredata design change

I created an app, uploaded to app store and approved by app store as well. Its ready for download. The app is based on coredata. Now I changed the design of the app to add new functionality. Changes include addition of new attributes to current entities, deletion of few entities etc. Now, if I upload the app to app store, does it approve...

Developing Application like Apple App Store

I've applied for internship program of a software company and I am expected to complete the task I am given by them. I write the description sent by them below. Could you please help me? "As you all know, in recent years applications have come into prominence for smart phones like iPhone, Android. The number of platforms like Apple App ...

link to iPad app in appstore from an iPhone version

Hi, I can't seem to get this to work. I can link to other iphone apps in appstore and they will take the user to the appstore. But iPad links do not seem to work? Has anyone managed to get a working link to an iPad app in appstore? ...

Is it possible to bundle a unique file for each copy of iPhone app downloaded from App Store?

Hi, I would like to verify the identity of each instance of the iPhone application that a user might use to connect to my service. To that end, I would like each instance of the iPhone app downloaded to include a certificate that I generate, or even some sort of UUID that I have generated. Does the App Store support the inclusion of uni...

App Store Submission

In the real world, how long does it take from submission to acceptance & availabilty for download. My boss wants to figure out a project timeline & I need to give him a time. Just wanted to get peoples input from their experiences. ...

In App Purchase no valid Product IDs

I'm trying to get In App Purchase with my existing iPad App working. I'm stuck retrieving the Product Information from App Store: - (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response The SKProductsResponse only contains invalid Product IDs. I tried every potential solution I found here...

iPhone: different icon for homescreen and App Store

I would like to know if the app icon on the iPhone can be slightly different than the one shown in a large version in Apple's App Store. It was discussed in short here: But I wanted to make sure if anyone has more experience with that. To ...