
Why not to use Classes that generated by EF in large Projects ?

Hi everyone. I'm going to use Entity Framework 4 in sort of big project. And i know that many professional programmers advice to depend on my business classes instead of EF Model classes. Actually there is sound inside my brain tell me "Don't depend on that generated classes !. Just make your hand dirty with your stuff don't let some...

Is CoreData typically used as the Model or is it an implementation detail of the Infrastructure?

I would like to use a Sqlite datbase in an iphone application. The example in the book I am reading has the controllers directly calling into CoreData objects. Coming from MVC/MVP in .NET to me this is akin to opening a SQL Connection in a button event handler. I would typically have a repository that handled the details of retrieving...

Is this a good architecture / design concept for handling/manipulating file uploads?

Hi folks, I'm looking at adding multi-file uploading to our ASP.NET MVC web application. I am going to use the 3rd Party Multi-File uploader Aurigma to handle the actual uploading. Once each file is 100% received by the web server, it needs to be checked for the following is it an image or video. if it's an image, does it need to be...

Which architecture should I select for a web based CRM app?

I m planning a web based CRM app. Target users will be small firms with few hundred clients. I am planning to use Rails framework and Rackspace Cloud Server/Amazon EC2 for hosting. Since the data will be confidential I would prefer not to use a single database for all users. Does that mean that I will have to fire up a new instance of...

software architecture book

Does someone knows good book that describes 3 layer architecture, data transfer object, business object, domain object model ... Please do not reference Martin Fowler (I have already read Patterns of Enterprise application Architecture. I would like to read some other books as well). ...

Best technology for web-to-application video chat?

I'm starting to look into technologies to support a project that involves video chat between one party using a web browser and another party using a fat client (technology TBD, per below). I see three components that need to be identified (and I'd prefer to avoid reinventing any wheels): the web client (video recording & playback), fat ...

How should I implement a database cron job logger?

I use PHP and Oracle, with crontab executing the PHP scripts at scheduled times. My current logging/auditing solution involves simple log files. I'd like to save my cron execution logs to a database instead. Right now I'm trying to design the process so that when a cron job starts I create a record in an CronExecution table. Then eve...

Why should C# developer learn IronPython?

We all knows that C# is a static language while Python is a dynamic language. But I want to know what are the features that Python has and c# does not. Also, is it advisable/beneficial to use IronPython with c# in the same application? Also what points I should focus to learn before I try to convince my boss to use IronPython? ...

Separated Presentation on a UI Centric Application

Hello all, I having trouble figuring out the correct architecture for this kind of application: it's a diagramming application, which resembles MS Visio. The diagrams are used to generated data which is passed to another application. When designing applications, I've always tried to used layering, but now I can't decide how to do this ...

Bulk insert efficiency in NoSQL databases

I am developing a service that needs to perform bulk insert of tens of thousands of rows/items/objects at a time, about 20 times per second. (The NoSQL storage can be sharded, so inserts can work in parallel. The sharding strategy, and sharding in general, do not matter for this discussion.) The question is: which NoSQL products in yo...

Abstract Base Class vs. Concrete Class as a SuperType

After reading the most excellent book "Head First Design Patterns", I began proselytizing to my colleagues the benefits of patterns and design principles. While extolling the virtues of my favorite pattern - Strategy Pattern - I was asked a question which gave me pause. Strategy, of course, uses inheritance and composition and I was on...

Design Qn RE: System-wide timer (C#). What timer in what layer?

Hi all, Thanks for taking time to read this question. I am designing a 3-tier solution written in c# that needs to carry out processing every minute. The processing should be initiated at the same time from different unconnected parts of the program. What's the best way to implement a system-wide timer? Should it be in the business ...

In what situations is an OOP design approach suboptimal?

Possible Duplicate: Pitfalls of Object oriented programming I recently had an argument with a friend who believed that every application should be designed in an OOP manner. I know that there are definitely applications where OOP would not fit well over the design but could not think of any specific example. Can someone give m...

How much time does it take to fetch one word from memory?

Taking Peter Norvig's advice, I am pondering on the question: How much time does it take to fetch one word from memory, with and without a cache miss? (Assume standard hardware and architecture. To simplify calculations assume 1Ghz clock) ...

How to Implement Queue Based Workflow System?

I'm working on a document management system. An example workflow would be something like this: A document is emailed to the system The system does a number of preparatory actions to the document Document is presented to a user for further processing Afterwards, document is sent to Quality Assurance Afterwards, the system does a number ...

Does anybody still use Client Server Architecture

I have been writing software for several decades now and these days everything is web. Before the web we had Client Server apps that were basically thick client applications that spoke directly to the database. They had some disadvantages, such as deployment was cumbersome, Did not scale because DB handled all traffic. Of course back th...

Questions about common patterns in WCF, in a layerd architecture

We're about to set off our first larger WCF project, and we're having some concerns on how to layer our application correctly and where all the patterns go. The services will primarily be consumed by applications on the Intranet, and secondly by customers over the Internet. Our idea was to layer the application this way, inspired by DD...

Architectural tips on building a shared resource for different processess

Hi all, In the company I work at we're dealing with a huge problem: we have a system that consists in several units of processing. We made it this way so each module has specific functionality. The integration between these modules is done using a queue system (which is not fast but we're working on it) and replicating messages between ...

table data gateway and data access object architectural difference

Hi, Can someone describe the main difference between table data gateway (TDG) and data access object (DAO) ? TDG can operate with all row for that table but so and DAO (DAO can save, delete the specified object, but also can do operations on entire table) Regards ...

JSF2: Open Session in View with EJBs?

Hi, Does it make sense to talk about the Open Session In View Pattern within JSF2 applications? My app has JSF2 Managed Beans calling Business Service EJBs that do all the db-related stuff (there's a DAO layer but that doesn't matter right now). Having OSIV pattern would mean that the Managed Bean would have to somehow make sure the un...