
What is the best Networking implementation for my application?

I am in the planning phases of a project for myself, it is to be a single and multi-player card game. I would like to track statistics for each person such as world rankings etc... My problem is I do not know the best approach for the client - server architecture and programming. My original goal was to program everything in C# as I w...

Is the design notion of layers contrived?

Hi all I'm reading through Eric Evans' awesome work, Domain-Driven Design. However, I can't help feeling that the 'layers' model is contrived. To expand on that statement, it seems as if it tries to shoe-horn various concepts into a specific, neat model, that of layers talking to each other. It seems to me that the layers model is too s...

Good things to know when developing a GUI architecture from scratch

What are best practices, tips, and general things to keep in mind for building an OOP GUI architecture? ...

Can I architect a web app so it can be deployed to either the cloud or a dedicated server / VPS ? How?

Is there are an architecture versatile enough that it may be deployed to either a cloud server or to a dedicated (or VPS) server with minimal change? Obviously there would be config changes but I'd rather leave the rest of the app consistent, keeping one maintainable codebase. The app would be ASP.NET &/or ASP.MVC. My dev environment is...

Architecture of a single-page JavaScript web application?

How should a complex single-page JS web application be structured on the client-side? Specifically I'm curious about how to cleanly structure the application in terms of its model objects, UI components, any controllers, and objects handling server persistence. MVC seemed like a fit at first. But with UI components nested at various dep...

Class Interface in PCMEF

Hello, I have one question of PCMEF. The "interface" class between the layer, are is essential? How can I choise it's? ...

Difference between MVC1 and MVC2

Can any one please let me know what is the difference between MVC1 and MVC2 and are they different from MVC Architecture? ...

UML interface: URL iframe integration

I have two applications, A and B, both with a web-based user interface. Both applications are integrated via an URL iframe mechanism. A user can click on a link in application A and then gets the UI of application B as am iframe in application A. Now, since both applications have an interface between each other (do they?): Who provide...

ANSI C as core of a C# project? Is this possible?

I'm writing a NON-GUI app which I want to be cross platform between OS X and Windows. I'm looking at the following architecture, but I don't know if it will work on the windows side: (Platform specific entry point) -> ANSI C main loop => ANSI C model code doing data processing / logic => (Platform specific helpers) So the core stuff I...

Should I have one dll or multiple for Business Logic?

In my situation, my company services many types of customers. Almost every customer requires their own Business Logic. Of course, there will be a base layer that all business logic should inherit from. However, I'm going back and forth on architecting this--either in one dll for all customers or one dll for each. My biggest point of con...

Design pattern for loading multiple message types

As I was looking through SO I came across a question about handling multiple message types. My concern is - how do I load such a message in a neat way? I decided to have a separate class with a method which loads one message each time it's invoked. This method should create a new instance of a concrete message type (say AlphaMessage, Bet...

how to organize classes in ruby if they are literal subclasses

I know that title didn't make sense, Im sorry! Its hard to word what I am trying to ask. I had trouble googling it for the same reason. So this isn't even Ruby specific, but I am working in ruby and I am new to it, so bear with me. So you have a class that is a document. Inside each document, you have sentences, and each sentence has...

Where to do an HTTP request when a model changes and be able to send a url to access it with the request

I'm trying to implement a PuSH Publisher on rails. To do that I need to send an HTTP POST request to another server (a PuSH Hub) when my model updates and one of the parameters is a url to my feed (the model that changed). Where in rails (in the MVC) am I able to do this request when my model changes and can build the url to the changed...

Opaque tenant identification with SQL Server & NHibernate

Howdy! We're developing a nowadays-fashionable multi-tenanted SaaS app (shared database, shared schema), and there's one thing I don't like about it: public class Domain : BusinessObject { public virtual long TenantID { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } } The TenantID is driving me nuts, as it has ...

One application instance for two domain name

Hello, I have two web applications in ASP.NET which are quite the same (same business logic, same DAL, same DB scheme but different instance). The only thing that I need to change is the design (logo, color,...) and the text (global and local resource) to adress two separate business sector. We cannot "subdomain" the application becau...

Making legacy straightforward win.forms application code more clear

I have legacy win.forms application written in pretty straightforward approach where forms communicate with DAL on UI events. For example there are textboxes: login/password, button - "Login" and a click-handler where business logic is implemented (DAL is asked to get user by id/password, if not null - than show next screen, if null - sh...

Is there an equivalent to COM on *nix systems ? If not, what was the *nix approach to re-usability?

I have an understanding of windows COM and the ideas behind it. I am trying to understand if *nix systems even have an equivalent or why they don't? ...

What books should be read to become an excelent software architect.

Possible Duplicates: Books for software architect Books for an aspiring software architect. I know there are good books to start with, but let's make a short list of 3-5 books, i don't think only one book could help you in the way of becoming a good architect. I read some time ago that an architect takes years to have the kn...

Can libpcap be compiled for iPhone/armv6?

Hey, Trying to compile a basic program which uses pcap.h. I've set up the environment on my Mac OSX box which uses the iPhone 3.1.3 SDK for an iPhone 3GS. I've also installed libpcap to ~/libpcap so I can tell gcc where to look for the headers using the -I flag. However, it fails with an ld warning saying the file is not of the required...

Suggestions/Recommendations for a Web Application with Sub-Apps

Hello. I’m starting to think about and develop an architecture for a big web application, and I wanted to get suggestions and/or recommendations on which technologies and/or frameworks to use. The application will be an Intranet-based web site using Windows authentication, running on IIS and using ASP.NET. It’ll need to be structured ...