
The way cores, processes, and threads work exactly?

I need a bit of an advice for understanding how this whole procedure work exactly. If I am incorrect in any part described below, please correct me. In a single core CPU, it runs each process in the OS, jumping around from one process to another to utilize the best of itself. A process can also have many threads, in which the CPU core r...

Application Development architectures

Hi , I would like to know various application development archtecture available for free/commercial . I know Appfuse and Spring Roo . Do we have any other best choices? ...

Some good websites to learn about JavaScript and programming architecture?

I'm not sure if 'architecture' is the correct term, but I've been looking for some articles online which talk about programming design and more about how best to use languages such as JavaScript in a code design sense rather than the actual syntax itself. I have found many websites but a lot seem to be very out dated, and I'm not sure w...

Strategies for Error Handling in .NET Web Services

I have a fairly substantial library of web services built in .NET that I use as a data model for our company web sites. In most .NET applications I use the Global ASAX file for profiling, logging, and creating bug reports for all exceptions thrown by the application. Global ASAX isn't available for web services so I'm curious as to what...

How many layers is too many?

As I have been learning about software development the last 2 years the more I learn, it seems the more gray areas I am running into. One gray area I have issues with right now is trying to decide how many layers an application should have. For example, in a WPF MVVM application what fashion of layering is ok? Is the following too sep...

Asp.Net MVC2 TekPub Starter Site methodology question

Ok I've just ran into this and I was only supposed to be checking my emails however I've ended up watching this (and not far off subscribing to TekPub). Now this app is a great starting point, but it raises one issue for me and the development process I've been shown to follow (rightly or wrongly). ...

SOA design principles with regards to database relationships

If I were to extricate my current membership provider from my solution, i.e. as a dll and expose it as a web service with it's own db, how would I model the relationships with regards to SOA design. For example I have a table: USER id, name, lastname, username, password, role. and table PRODUCT id, name, price, createdate, userid t...

Decoupling into DAL and BLL - my concerns.

Hi, In many posts concerning this topic I come across very simple examples that do not answer my question. Let's say a have a document table and user table. In DAL written in ADO.NET i have a method to retries all documents for some criteria. Now I the UI I have a case where I need to show this list along with the names of the creator...

What's wrong with the architecture of a game object drawing and updating itself?

What are the reasons for and against a game object drawing and updating itself? For example, if you have a game where the player has a position on screen, why not have an all-encompassing class: public class Player { private int x, y, xVelocity, yVelocity; private Sprite s; //... public Player() { // load the sp...

What pattern is layered architecture in ?

Hi, I am a developer and don't know much about patterns and architecture. I will very thankful if you can please guide me here. In my web applications I use 4 layers. Web site project (having web forms + code behind cs files, user controls + code behind cs files, master pages + code behind cs files) CustomTypesLayer a class l...

ASP.Net MVC Where do you convert from Entities to ViewModels?

Title pretty much explains it all, its the last thing I'm trying to work into our project. We are structured with a Service Library which contains a function like so. /// <summary> /// Returns a single category based on the specified ID. /// </summary> public Category GetCategory(int CategoryID) {...

Integrate F# into existing .Net Application

I am interested in leveraging F#'s strengths in the area of parallelism into an existing .Net application. That is-I would like to factor in an F# component that would handle only the concurrent messaging of my application while leaving most of my existing .Net project as is. The existing app would call into the F# component. 1) Is t...

Should Android services be completely independent of an application?

We currently have an application that starts its own background services to manage syncing of data and downloads of files/images. We want to automate some of those services and we have a difference of opinion on what the best way forward is. I contend that having services completely separate and driven through intents is a better way to...

Simulating relations in MongoDB

Being one of the most popular NoSQL solutions MongoDB has most of the advantages of this approach. But one issue I'm still struggling with is how reflect object relations in NoSQL data store, specifically - MongoDB. For example, let's consider a simple data model: User, Post and Comment. It is clear to me that comments have no value on ...

Is Embed Resource a good approach for a read only xml database?

I have an open source application (here) This application get a character or a sentence and give some unicode information about it. Iuse Unicode Character Database which provided by this is a XML document (130MB) At first I embed this XML to my DLL but I don't know is it a good approach or no. because DLL size growth just ...

Design Decision - Scaling out web based application's architecture

This question is about design decision. I am currently working on a web project that will have 40K users to start with and in couple of month expected to grow 50M users (not concurrent users though). I would like to have a architecture that can be scaled out easily without much effort. In order to explain, I would like to use a trivial ...

Importing data from third party datasource (open architecture design )

How would you design an application (classes, interfaces in class library) in .NET when we have a fixed database design on our side and we need to support imports of data from third party data sources, which will most likely be in XML? For instance, let us say we have a Products table in our DB which has columns Id Title Description Tax...

Where to include business logic in a domain driven architecture

I'm trying to learn effective DDD practices as I go, but had a fundamental question I wanted to get some clarity on. I am using ASP.NET WebForms and I am creating a situation where a user places an order. Upon order submission, the code-behind retrieves the user, builds the order from the inputs on the form, calls the User.PlaceOrder()...

Roadmap for Architecture

Ok, I am a developer for 6 years now and I came from a hater to an enthusiast about technology. I am a senior developer, almost all focused in web applications,, quite experienced and very, very focused in develop myself. I come to a crossroads in my area, I want to become an Architect, not an analyst or a project manager. I like...

.net configurable business error messages

Hi all, I need to implement some kind of solution such that in our business logic layer when certain conditions are met an error message is returned. That error message should be configurable either in a file or table that can be edited at run time if needed. I've seen it done before a few ways and it always ends up something like "Th...