
What is the difference between MVC model 1 and model 2?

I've recently discovered that MVC is supposed to have two different flavors, model one and model two. I'm supposed to give a presentation on MVC1 and I was instructed that "it's not the web based version, that is refered to as MVC2". As the presentations are about design patterns in general, I doubt that this separation is related to Jav...

How to write a flexible modular program with good interaction possibilities between modules?

I went through answers on similar topics here on SO but could't find a satisfying answer. Since i know this is a rather large topic, i will try to be more specific. I want to write a program which processes files. The processing is nontrivial, so the best way is to split different phases into standalone modules which then would be used ...

is using private shared objects/variables on class level harmful ?

Hello, Thanks for your attention and time. I need your opinion on an basic architectural issue please. In page behind classes I am using a private and shared object and variables (list or just client or simplay int id) to temporary hold data coming from database or class library. This object is used temporarily to catch data and than t...

Convert ARM instruction to i386 instruction

Is there any ARM instruction to i386 instruction Converter available? ...

Does it make sense to have a model with only static methods?

Hey everyone, I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 project that I'm working on and I'm wondering where I should place some of my code. I currently have a UsersModel which consists of a bunch of static methods that operate against my data context. These methods include such things as: UserExistsInDatabase, UserIsRegisteredForActivity, GetUserIdFrom...

Structuring System Architecture in a Flex Web Application on a Budget (w/o Java)

I started a project a while back using the following architecture from Adobe Developer Article talking about Creating marketing platforms in Flex. I did my first set of coding locally forgetting that my server did not handle Tomcat. So I said okay, and cut some corners and then some other limitation came up and I cut some more corners. ...

REST authentication S3 like hmac sha1 signature vs symetric data encryption.

Hello stackers, I was arguing about an S3 like aproach using authorization hash with a secret key as the seed and some data on the request as the message signed with hmac sha1 (Amazon S3 way) vs an other developer supporting symetric encryption of the data with a secret key known by the emiter and the server. What are the advantage of...

Composite Views and View Controllers

Hi, I'm somewhat new to Android and am in the process of designing an application with a couple fairly complex views. One of the views is intended to involve a complex view displaying information associated with model objects and segregated into several different views; the navigation of which is meant to be achieved using sliding effe...

question and answer engine architecture

Can anyone give me insights as to how websites like / are designed. What could be the components involved when a user sends out an sms and how is that question stored. Should the question and answers be stored in a relational model or non relational? ...

Best approach to a customer portal in ASP.NET MVC

Hi All, The problem: client needs a website to serve 10+ customers, each customer has 5-10 people they wish to grant access using login & user name, once "logged in" the user can download files specific to their company. The files will be uploaded to a directory under the customer name, and displayed as a list. Currently using membersh...

What frameworks exist for data subscription and update?

There is one server with multiple clients. The clients are viewing subsets of the servers entire data. If the data that a client is viewing changes, the client should be informed of the changes so that it displays the current data. Example: Two clients are viewing a list of users in an administration screen. One client adds a new use...

How sophisticated should be DAL?

Basically, DAL (Data Access Layer) should provide simple CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) methods but I always have a temptation to create more sophisticated methods in order to minimize database access roundtrips from Business Logic Layer. What do you think about following extensions to CRUD (most of them are OK I suppose): Read: ...

What considerations should be made for a web app to be released on a cloud hosted system?

I have a web app that is primarily a WordPress app, but it pulls content from a Django app, simply by calling a service that uses Django models. My understanding of cloud computing is a bit vague. If the site needs to scale up with short notice, does the cloud provider (Amazon, Rackspace, whomever) simply spin up new instances (copies) ...

How practical to change MVC app from traditional authentication to cookieless?

I have an application written in MVC that uses your regular .Net Forms Authentication. There's nothing particularly new or exciting going on with it. My client has now asked that users be able to log in to the app on the same machine but in different browsers, or different tabs within the same browser. To my mind, he's asking for a sc...

Does USB 2.0 provide interrupts for connected devices?

I know every USB device has a control pipe, however I read somewhere that USB doesn't allow it to trigger an interrupt WHILE the device is connected. Thanks! ...

Enterprise Architect Vs IBM InfoSphere Data Architect

We are primarily going to model databases (mostly sql,db2) for our SOA intiative applications organisation wide. Let me know the highlights between choosing either of this tool and the recommendations out of your expereinces Aspects we see like 1. Repository 2. Integration with VS, TFS. 3. Collaboration 4. UML, code generation capabili...

VS 2010 Layer Diagram Validation Error is Showing A Dependency That Doesn't Even Exist (AV0001)

I'm getting the following validation error on my layer diagram Error 65 AV0001 : Invalid Dependency : Weld.Interface.Core(Assembly) --> Weld.Interface(Namespace) Layers: Application Framework Core, Application Framework | Dependencies: Namespace Reference D:\Projects\Windows Projects\Weld\Weld\ModelingProject1\Weld.layerdi...

How to evaluate "enterprise" platforms?

Hi all, I'm tasked with evaluating an "enterprise" platform for the next-gen version of a product. We're currently considering two "types" of platforms - RAD (workflow engine, integrated UI, small cores of "technology plugins" to the workflows, automatic persisting of state...) like / and "cloud based" (E...

How do you plan for starting a new web system?

I've been creating more and more systems recently and I find more and more planning and preparation I do before starting the project. I determine what libraries or frameworks I will be using, what languages, the basic architecture of how the site will flow, etc. I've also heard of other design processes such as hanging styrofoam balls ...

Visual Studio 2010 Architecture tooling

Has anyone played around with the architecture tools (uml diagrams, etc) in VS 2010 and if so what is your opinion? I really am liking Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect but am also curious about what is available in VS 2010. I'm not looking for responses about how much you hate Microsoft tools or love mircosoft tools, but more for ans...