
Linq2SQL, Entities: Middle Tier or Data Access Layer

Folks, In a standard 3-tier architecture, where would you put your Linq2SQL dbml file? Is your answer the same for a entity data model? If the dbml file is in the middle tier, then do you have a data layer? Regards, Brett ...

What is a good architecture for a Lift-JPA application?

I was wondering what is the best practice for a JPA model in Lift? I noticed that in the jpa demo application, there is just a Model object that is like a super object that does everything. I don't think this can be the most scalable approach, no? Is it is wise to still do the DAO pattern in Lift? For example, there's some code that loo...

How can the javascript plugin architecture in raphael/jquery be done?

I'm looking for a barebones javascript example that demonstrates how the javascript plugin architecture works with large javascript libraries (such as raphael or jquery). In either scenario, you build plugins by ensuring your custom plugin follows this pattern: jQuery.fn.pluginName -- so assume I have a library: myLibrary = (function() ...

Single SignOn - Best practice

Hi Guys, I need to build a scalable single sign-on mechanism for multiple sites. Scenario: Central web application to register/manage account (Server in Europe) Several web applications that need to authenticate against my user database (Servers in US/Europe/Pacific region) I am using MySQL as database backend. The options I came up ...

coherence/memcache/AppFabric for pub/sub

Looking for advice/pro's/con's on using the memory cache servers for pub/sub esp wrt a high-throughput system ( 1000's of updates/sec ) Coherence seems to have pub/sub as a use-case, not sure about the others Would love to get some real-world input ! ...

How to write a complex reporting system in a maintainable way AND have debugging capabilities on the production site?

Here is the scenario: I am currently working on a legacy reporting system for a company which collects data from sensors. The database (SQL-Server 2005) is fairly big (ca. 500 GB) with hundreds of MB’s being added every day. The system runs a series of nightly jobs in order to aggregate and transform the newly added data into a staging ...

log activity. intrusion detection. user event notification ( interraction ). messaging

Have three questions that I somehow find related so I put them in same place. Currently building relatively large LAMP system - making use of messaging(activeMQ) , memcache and other goodies. I wonder if there are best practices or nice tips and tricks on howto implement those. System is user aware - meaning all actions done can be bind...

Using pointers, references, handles to generic datatypes, as generic and flexible as possible

In my application I have lots of different data types, e.g. Car, Bicycle, Person, ... (they're actually other data types, but this is just for the example). Since I also have quite some 'generic' code in my application, and the application was originally written in C, pointers to Car, Bicycle, Person, ... are often passed as void-pointe...

XCode : linking different libraries depending on architecture (cpu type)

I'm developing an iPhone app which needed voip support so i added the ARM version of pjsip libraries. But if I'm using the iPhone simulator i want to link the i386 version of the libraries. How can i do that? ...

Unsure how to design JavaScript / jQuery functionality which uses XML to create HTML objects

Hi, I'm using JavScript and jQuery to read an XML document and subsequently use the information from the XML to create HTML objects. The main 'C' nodes in the XML document all have a type attribute, and depending on the type I want to run a function which will create a new html object using the other attributes assigned to that particu...

Preferred style (delegates over abstract Classes or interfaces)

I have a utility class library I am writing. A have written a factory class that is generic enough that with a few delegates passed in from the caller it can be reused in many different situations. However, one of my colleagues suggested that I use an abstract class or an interface so it is more explicit what functions needed to be ov...

Generic multi-layer data access pattern?

I've been playing around with some new patterns for n-layer data access, and came across one that seems very flexible and easy to implement. Basically, I needed a solution that could make various data layers pluggable/swapabale on the fly - i.e., base data access from DB, distributed caching, local caching, etc. The code below is easily...

software architecture - Documentation cross view help

hi guys Does anyone know of an example that describes how a to document a cross-view in software architecture? From software architecture in practice book(9.5) i found: but i'm not sure how to go about this, i know that a cross view is simply a catalog of other views but how is done? I can really make use of an example. Thank you ...

Database app on iphone - architecture question

So this question is more around the design decision than anything else.Essientially, I want to build a iPhone/iPad app that will allow users to manage their database. Now there are two ways of doing this (i think). Create native objective-c drivers for each database that provide a complete wrapper around creating/managing databases (ta...

Alternative initialize for a Class to avoid processing already known information

I have a class, Autodrop, that contains several methods , a.o. 'metadata', that call an external API (dropbox). They are slow. However, I already often have that metadata around when initializing the AutodropImage, so I should make the methods smarter. What I have in mind is this: class Autodrop include Dropbox attr_reader :path ...

Is passing a repository interface to a domain level service clean?

Background: Our app is a fairly straight forward MVC web app that calls a service layer. That layer uses a unit-of-work pattern to access some repositories then pass those objects to a domain level service to perform some logic. It's very clean and works well for us. Issue: We now have a case where we get a large chunk of xml from a ...

Storing millions of URLs in a database for fast pattern matching

I am developing a web analytics kind of system which needs to log referring URL, landing page URL and search keywords for every visitor on the website. What I want to do with this collected data is to allow end-user to query the data such as "Show me all visitors who came from searching for phrase that contains 'red shoes'" or "...

Software Architecture: Unit of Work design pattern discussion

Hey everybody. According Martin Fowler's Unit of Work description: "Maintains a list of objects that are affected by a business transaction and coordinates the writing out of changes and resolution of concurrency problems." Avoiding very small calls to the database, which ends up being very slow I'm wondering. If ...

objective C architecture question

Hey folks, I'm currently teaching myself objective C. I've gone through the tutorials, but I find I learn best when slogging through a project of my own, so I've embarked on making a backgammon app. Now that I'm partway in, I'm realizing there's some overall architecture things I just don't understand. I've established a "player" clas...

Questions about the MVC architecture

I started coding a considerably complicated web application, and it became quite a mess. So I figured I'd try to organize it in a better way. MVC seemed appropriate. I've never used MVC before, and researching about it I'm trying to consolidate a better perception of it (and my questions obviously reflect what I think I've learned so far...