
What would you suggest for a DAL for isolation between the BL and a middleware stack?

Here's the situation: I have a middleware stack (third party, no sources) that provides services to a database using an HTTP XMLRPC server. The middleware provides several methods to query data and also a way to pass in a SQL string to the database and return the results if applicable. This is fine for simple scenarios but highly ineff...

Defining an interface which is blank and its implications

I recently came across the situation where I wanted a set of classes to be passed into a method (so that method took an interface as a parameter). However, the classes under the interface each had a different number of methods, so the interface itself was blank. What, if anything, does this say about the design of my application? I was...

Recommendations for online articles / books about database architecture?

Hi, I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations for some good free resources where I could learn about complex database architecture? All suggestions appreciated. ...

Python project architecture

I'm a java developer new to python. In java, you can access all classes in the same directory without having to import them. I am trying to achieve the same behavior in python. Is this possible? I've tried various solutions, for example by importing everything in a file which I import everywhere. That works, but I have to type myClass ...

Simple Architecture for just JSP, Servlet and Beans

Hi! I'm trying to develop a simple "homework submission system" with Java. I'm working on it as a practice for java web development but it is also goint to be used by my students. I read many stackoverflow threads and decided to use just JSP, Servlet and Beans and not to use any enterprise solution, framework etc. Because this is a learn...

I need to implement a plugin system like Wordpress; Quickly..

Hello, I know wordpress doesn't get much respect around here but I like how flexible it is. Are there any books on this subject that are not too complicated? Or books that cover the aspect of this architecure without going too deeply into design patterns in general? If you know of other open source projects that have a well coded plug...

Design Methodology: use case driven vs. domain driven

Just for discussion, to me it seems that 2 different terminologies actually are saying the same thing. Is there any tangible differences between this 2 design approaches? ...

Application Architecture Question

I'm new to designing OO systems. I have a simple Flash Cards app where I'm having trouble figuring out the proper way to architect the system. The application has a simple GUI with a question, answer, and couple buttons. The questions and answers dataset are stored in a Derby embedded database. Quick Setup: Database Class - Handles the ...

ASP.NET calculated properties on object, should be in db or calculated runtime?

Hi I have a small webshop-like web application, and i have big plans :-) I have a basket object and a basketitem object, the basket has a list of basketitems. At runtime i dont have the list, it has to be loaded from database (using a repository pattern) with the id of the basket. The basket can exist for several days (max 30 days) and t...

what is the architecture of workflow server ?

we are planing to develop a wf server with Microsoft WF4 the requirements is to create a end user designer for the workflows , client application so every user track the tasks what is the best architecture for this server ? I appreciate your help More details : we are developing a document management system , we need to create workf...

Where should WCF / WebSerices reside in a Silverlight application?

I'm looking for best practices on where to host associated Webservices/WCF Services for Silverlight applications. One approach I see quite often is to host these services in the same web application project that is used to host the silverlight application. This seems convenient because it unions the two pieces together. However, with ...

Getting Architecture of Windows (32/64 bit version)

Hey i got a little problem: im tring to get the architecture of the OS, the problem is my programming language doesnt support such functions. Therefore i need to read this information form an windows dll (like kernel32.dll) i did try to get the infos with the functions GetNativeSystemInfo/GetVersionEx/GetSystemInfo. Unfortunately i wer...

What topics fall under architecture?

Hi, I am an experienced coder. During the time I learnt C#, I followed a set of topics eg serialisation, exception handling, graphics, etc. However, what topics are there in architecture and software design? My list contains the concept of roundtrips, tiers, layering, is there anything else? Thanks ...

which dbms is suitable for a mmorpg game server?

which dbms is suitable for a mmo rpg game server? ...

Modifying SESC Emulator (MINT)

I'm trying to get MINT to display the contents of its register file during run time. Does anyone have experience using SESC/MINT to emulate a MIPS architecture? I found a function defined in icode.cpp under .../sesc/src/libll/ that dumps the operands of the ALU and the current PC, instruction, and ALU target. I need to be able to see ...

RESTful VS XML-styled requests

I'm developing API for booking(hotels, cars, apartments, etc.) system. Response will be in XML but how to handle requests in the best way ? Should they be an XML requests like on Travelfusion or RESTful like on Cleartrip ? Service is written in Grails. ...

What to take care of when using NHibernate with WCF?

I am just a simple beginner with both NHibernate and WCF. I would like to use NHibernate as my ORM in the class library where my repositories are. I also need to use WCF to expose my business logic, and behind that my repositories, to the rest of the company. Is there some good documentation on how to accomplish this task? Are there pit...

ResX files and extra application layer...

Hello, we are making an web application using some big web toolkit. At the beginning we created a lot of base classes such as commands and server controls to make our work easier. Now when we built our application using this we decided to biuld another one. To not copy all our work, and not making it from scratch we decided to...

C# - Improving a Multi-Threaded Application Design.

Specification C# Distributed Application. Client/Server design. Client (Winforms), Server (Windows Service), Communication via .Net Remoting. The below question relates to the Server-Side of the application. (EDIT) The Server-side of the application runs on a server with 8 Cores and 12Gb Ram (EDIT) The CPU of this server is always hitt...

Books on Computer Architecture and Software Construction

I once started C++ about 3 years ago, and my skill literally frozen up at that point, because I can't find a good practical reading sources that can fill the gap between beginner and expert. I tried to read and understand other expert's open sources code but most of their implements are just too confusing, and most of the time requires a...