
Web App Architecture Question (Large DB, exponentially). Use Azure Tables or SimpleDB instead?

I have a web app that stores a large amount of text data. The db is currently increasing by 1GB a week. I expect this to grow exponentially as we get more customers, so 1GB this week, 2GB next week, 4GB the following week, then 8GB, etc... Right now this data is stored in a single MS SQL 2008 database that 10GB in size. Performance is ...

How Do Redirection Sites Work?

I've always had a question on my head about sites like Anonym.To, about: How do they work? What they are used for? ...

RESTful HTTP: Showing different representations to two users on the same URI

I'm designing a hypermedia API, yes, a RESTful API, with the hypertext constraint. Each user of the system will access the system using their own credentials, so every request we process is authenticated and authorized. Each user will typically have specific credentials so that they may have different permissione (e.g. none, read, read...

.NET - Strategy for multi database support

Our current web application is using SQL Server, we have a requirement for support Oracle now. There are a few options: Data Facade pattern: use Data Facade interface in Business Layer, so SQL Server and Oracle can have their own implementation of Data Access Layer. The problem is it's hard to synchronize DAL code for different type o...

Help refactor legacy custom reporting module

I have intranet win.forms (click once) application with custom built-in reporting module (40+ WinWord & Excel reports). Module is in separated assembly and abstracted via interfaces. We have sources and continue to support it. Common interfaces look like: IReportProvider { // introspection stuff IEnumerable<ReportCategoryInfo> Ge...

ModelState reported as invalid for private properties on a model in ASP.NET MVC 2

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2.0 and I am trying to take advantage of the model binding in my controller and also the modelstate validation. However I have come up against a problem and wanted to share it with people on here to see what you think. Ok I have my clean User poco in my model class library... namespace Model { public part...

best way to develop multi user database driven application. (C# wpf sql server replication)

we have a C# wpf based application and want it to be a multi user thingy now. database is ready for it. We have database replication say across 10 sites ... which is the best architecture for converting this into a multi user application? this is a desktop application. thank you. ...

Load balanced server best practice with WCF

Hi there, I'm working on creating a service using WCF: custom binding, SSL, soap, ... Now is hosted in a shared hosting, but I have to create some documentation to suggest best practices in order to support a lot of traffic in the future. I have looked for some documentation on how to do this, e.g. Service factory in codeplex, but it's ...

"Parametrized" database model & backend storage system as well as data mining manipulation

Hi Guys I have implicitly made this a community wiki seeing that the answers can be quite broad. I'm working with a start-up company to accomplish the following goal. In a medical research, a patient medical record can have infinite amount of data regarding a patient for a specific diagnosis, e.g. a smoker has a higher chance of catchi...

Application name for project maintenance tasks implementation

There was a discussion (windows service or task scheduler) about maintaining projects. Personally I prefer a console application on task scheduler. I wonder what is the best thing to call such applications? The last team I took part in used the title JobMachine, but is there a more appropriate name for such an application? ...

What´s the single most influential database book or tutorial every DBA should read?

I am looking to learn more about databases (MySQL for starters), particularly about choosing the right approach (e.g. stored procedures vs views and triggers for data aggregation) in a situation. Maybe this example shows what I mean: Yesterday I asked a general SQL question about aggregation of data and received the answer that "it depe...

Server <-> silverlight client communication with potential heavy traffic

I'm working on a design for my new application and I need to make a decision what sort of communication is best for Silverlight client and a server. (it could be a winform app or a web app) Couple of main points: Multiple Silverlight clients will connected to the Server. Most of the client-to-client communication will go through the s...

Where to throw an exception in layered architecture?

I've an application that offers its Business Layer through a Service Layer developed with WCF. What I'm thinking about is: this service layer offers operational method like Create, Update and so on. These operation then reroute these calls to the Business Layer. The question is: suppose that one of these call doesn't accept a null input ...

Best practices for a heterogeneous .NET WPF & J2EE 3-tier architecture

I'm mostly an ASP.NET developer, so I'm not very familiar with either J2EE or WFP best practices, patterns etc, but I feel that the project I'm involved in could have been done better, but I can't quite put my finger exactly on what's wrong with the architecture. What is the best(*) architecture for a heterogenous distributed 3-tier app...

Does the REST architectural style require physically separate clients and servers?

Is it a requirement that RESTful interactions occur between physically separate clients and servers? i.e. does the interaction need to involve the network stack in some way? Is there any benefit to employing an HTTP-like "calling convention" between the various components of an application? It seems to me that the benefits of REST, su...

ASP.NET Authentication To LDAp

We have a web site that we have moved to LDAP authentication. But we are getting many "server not available" LDAP errors, even though the LDAP server remains in service. Do I need to worry about multiple users, each in their own thread causing concurrent authentication requests to the LDAP server and or causing too much authentication tr...

C# - Should an object be responsible for creating a history object when it changes something like status?

This is more of an architecture/best practices question than anything else, so please feel free to add your two cents. I know i stated status in the title, but this goes for any basic property of an object. I think the account example below will help demonstrate my question a little better than status. Here is a sample Account object: ...

Application settings in a EJB3 app / maven multi module

Hi, What's the norm / best practices for saving/retrieving application settings in a EJB3 app? I'm using maven as a build tool, and I have a multi module project. I was thinking of putting some properties file on some common module that would be available application-wise as a jar but I'm not sure if an EJB is more suited for this. E...

Exception handling in a real time, SQL-Server driven system

Hi, I have developed a report viewer in .NET Winforms (it just runs queries and displays results). This works against a reporting database. However, the above is a small subset of a much larger application, which gets data from another database. It looks like this: Monitored system has a change in state (e.g. latency increases) => Eve...

Is PHP serialization a good choice for storing data of a small website modified by a single person

Hi, I'm planning a PHP website architecture. It will be a small website with few visitors and small set of data. The data is modified exclusively by a single user (administrator). To make things easier, I don't want to bother with a real database or XML data. I think about storing all data through PHP serialization into several files. ...