
A modern n-layer web application sample?

So my is very very rusty, and i'm trying to get back into best practices and what not. So, I whip out google and start looking for examples and samples and tutorials, but what do I find? Old crusty stuff that tends to be written even before "the latest" technology was released back in the stone age. Sure, the concepts may stil...

Web application architecture design

I am starting a new project trying to create a web application for an electronic programme guide for TV. This is not going to be a large scale project, but just something that I can use to learn web application programming. I am going to be using PHP for this. Before beginning coding for the application, there is a crucial question that...

Authentication and authorisation in an n-tiered architecture

Hi, I need to be able to tighten my business layer - access to particular data. The UI can make a call to the business layer and receive a userdetail. The UI can then call .Save() on a user and the business layer will call the data access layer to save the user. Although, the problem here is that I don't just want any user to be able t...

What technology/platform to use for an extendable factory of objects?

We're starting to work with a new project and seeking an advice on what technology/platform to use for it. This system is going to be an aggregator of "objects" written in different languages and on different platforms (C++, Java, PHP, Python, whatever). These objects will have to communicate with each other through a centralized object ...

Is it possible to create a dependency graph using the architecture explorer?

VS2010 has got an option in the Architecture menu called "Create dependency graph". It works great except it seems to be all or nothing - all solution items end up in that graph and its very slow for our large solution. I want to create a dependency graph by class, whose root is only a single class that I specify. Is it possible to cr...

Multi ORM solution

Hello, I would like to know what's the best way to develop an multi ORM solution. Until now all the projects I saw are strongly related with the choice of ORM and they stick with it until the end. Nhibernate, Castle ActiveRecord, Linq to SQL, WilsomORM, LLBLGen, SubSonic, Entity Framweork, others... I was thinking if I should or not, ...

Exist another kind of "Application architecture" available?

I only found "Document-Based Application Architecture" in Cocoa. Is there another kind of "Application architecture" available? ...

Mapping a Private Field in NHibernate (with Fluent NH)

Hi friends! I'd like to know, How Could I map (with fluent nhibernate) this model: public class Category { private IList<Product> _products; public IEnumerable<Product> Products { get { return _products; } } /* others properties */ public Category() { _products = new List<Product>(); } // to add...

Data design - multiple short trips vs one big trip

Boiled down: Is it better to have the calculated field returned with the rest of the results or is it better to calculate it later when you need it? Example: I have a GridView that displays search results that has many fields like: Application ID Name Account Type Account Number etc. The account number field is not always consisten...

XMPP/Jabber based architecture for Android (pseudo) peer to peer?

I have no experience of XMPP but undertsand it's an extensible realtime messaging protocol. What I don't really have a feel for are the architectural components that I'd need to put in place if I were going to use it to meet my requirements. I'm building a pseudo peer to peer application to allow users to collaborate. All message paylo...

Moving a session based application to an n-tiered architecture

I've inherited a large website that relies heavily on session information. There is a back-end system that feeds it necessary information as needed through web services, but the application itself has no database, and everything is kept in session through a bunch of Data Objects which are accessed directly throughout the entire...

Where does my code go? Controller, Service or Model?

So we have a PHP+Zend Framework+Doctrine 1.2 application that has the following structure: Controller -> Action -> Service -> Model Not all models are interacted with through a service. Our current opinion is that a controller could use a model directly and a service could possibly use other services. My question is: If you have a pi...

Class methods implementation: should it change a class' member variable or take in arguments?

I guess I'll try to explain my question through 2 code snippets: // snippet 1 class FooBar { private int value; public int DetermineSomeResult() { PerformSomeCalculationOnValue(); PerformSomeMoreStuffOnValue(); return value; } public int GetCachedValue() { return value; } } The fir...

I need architecture suggestions for a web service

I want to encapsulate every resource from the client application with only one web service which can use my classlib. I'm confused to access to other resources (web services, databases...) from the class library. Because i think ClassLib should only have classes to reach objects within hierarchy, calculate some things etc. If i set dat...

architecture of loaded framework

My application is linked with one system framework. The framework architecture is 32/64 bit standard Universal. The architecture of my application is also the same. 1.First I run My application in 64 bit architecture so it will load the framework with 64 bit architecture. 2.Next I run the My application in 32 bit architecture . Que...

Java graphic class proposition

I'm working a java+swing+miglayout project we settled on a class design for graphical classes that inherits from JPanel & JFrame, here is the skelletons : class GammaFrame extends JFrame { private JPanel __pane__ = null; public static GammaFrame open(...) { _instance = GammaFrame() __pane__ = _instance.getContentPane(); _...

What is the architecture of a social networking program?

For instance, when Mark Zuckerberg says in an interview that he wrote Facebook in 2 weeks, what exactly (or at least approximately) did he write? I imagine "user" objects in a big database or tree with the ability to negotiate links to other user objects, but I'm wondering how the overarching manager of the tree works. When a user log in...

Methods/tools to figure out software logic?

(If you think another site on StackExchange or elsewhere is a better location to ask this type of question, please point me in the right direction.) What do experienced developers use to figure out how the code of an existing application work, before being able to modify/add to it? Is there a more productive way than going through line...

Large Data Service Architecture

Everyday a company drops a text file with potentially many records (350,000) onto our secure FTP. We've created a windows service that runs early in the AM to read in the text file into our SQL Server 2005 DB tables. We don't do a BULK Insert because the data is relational and we need to check it against what's already in our DB to make ...

Exposing EF Model to a variety of clients

Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing well. I have (more-less) a broad question referring to exposing a model to various clients. Here is my situation: I have a model (sitting on top of Oracle) that is created using EF 4.0 and 3rd party Oracle provider. The model resides in a library so it can be easily referenced by multiple projects. ...