
Managing codebase for related apps developed sequentially

I've been working on a series of applications with related functionality with each app being delivered for a different customer. The apps have significant amounts of functionality in common but there are some features unique to each customers requirements which cannot be provided to any of the others. Because all the versions belongin...

[Mac] Finding the architectures that Python was built for, but from within Python itself

Essentially I am looking for a way to find the following, but from within Python without having to run system commands: $ file `which python2.7` /Library/.../2.7/bin/python2.7: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures /Library/.../2.7/bin/python2.7 (for architecture i386): Mach-O executable i386 /Library/.../2.7/bin/python2.7 (fo...

Determining Windows OS architecture in a non locale-sensitive manner

Hey all, I'm looking for a reliable way to determine the Windows OS architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) in a manner that isn't sensitive to Windows version or the system locale/display language. I will be using C# to do this. To clarify, I need the OS architecture, not the processor architecture, and not the application architecture. I kno...

Any architecture tips for sending out daily, weekly email updates that require calculation.

I have a web app that will send out daily, weekly email updates depending on the user permissions and their alert settings (daily, weekly, monthly, or none). Each email to an account (which would have multiple users) requires a few DB calls and calculations. Thus making these daily/weekly emails pretty expensive as the number of users ...

Making User Information Available on Every Page

I'm an amateur, admittedly so, but I'm having fun trying to learn a little more about programming, and php in general, using CodeIgniter. I have a test site up and running and feel like I have a decent grasp of MVC. Without any formal background though, I know my architecture is screwy and sloppy so I poll from time to time for best pr...

How does database tiering work?

The only good reference that I can find on the internet is this whitepaper, which explains what database tiering is, but not how it works: The concept behind database tiering is the seamless co-existence of multiple (legacy and new) database technologies to best solve a business problem. But, how does it implemented? How does...

How to have my derived class only accept a specific derived type of another object

I have a couple different custom backup programs and I want to combine them into a single one. Doing so, I'm working on my OO design to help keep the driving program simple and easy to follow by abstracting my server and database information. I'm using two different hosts (Discount and Rackspace). Both of them go about their bac...

Validating Jpa Entities: In service or by lifecycle listeners

The question is where it is better (or in other words: where do you prefer) to put business validation logic of Jpa Entities. Two ideas are: In the EntityListener that before save or update would validate the entity In the service that provides access to jpa persisting methods. There are pros and cons of both. When using approach N...

What's the most appropriate way to apply the Open-Closed Principle in this app using C#?

Scenario Each night we perform a series of calculations on about a million customer contracts. Each contract is related to one fo a group of about ten products, each of which may employ variations on the set of calculation for be performed (although the overall flow is largely the same). All the contracts for a given product will use th...

How helpful are videos to you when learning about new tools?

Clint Edmonson, Microsoft Architect Evangelist, posted a video series on Channel 9 about how to use the Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate visualization and modeling tools in your software development process. How helpful do you find these kinds of videos in learning how to use these tools? Here are the video links: Part 1: Brainstorming a...

Linq-to-Sql vs CRUD object?

I have a linq-to-sql object from a table. I want to store a similar data in the profile collection. Technically, I don't need all of the data in the linq2sql table and do not really prefer the legacy naming construct. My first thought would be to create a collection of CRUD objects. But, if I choose this solution I will have double the ...

Performance difference for multi-thread and multi-process

Few years ago, under Windows environment, I did some testing, by letting multiple instance of CPU computation intensive + Memory access intensive + I/O access intensive application run. I develop 2 versions. One is running under multi-process, another is running under multi-thread. I found the performance is much better for multi-proces...

On OS X, how do I find out what architecture a shared lib is compiled for?

I need to know whether I compiled libjpeg for 32 or 64 bits architecture, but don't know how to find out, is there a command that will let me check? ...

Can I use a continuous background thread to update the iPhone UI without using NSTimer?

Let's say that if I read from, I get a random number. In my iPhone app, I want to be able to continuously read from that address and display the new number on the screen after each request is finished. Let's also assume that I want this process to start as soon as the view loads. Lastly, as a side-note, I'm using A...

What is the exact meaning of 'N' bit processor ?

hi, While reading(one frescale processor manual) i stuck some where , which specifies that it is a 32 bit processor. May i know the exact meaning and logic behind that? /Kanu__ ...

How to integrate SEO and ensure the performance in Portal Architecture Design ?

I need to develop a Portal for B2C from scratch, right now I faced two problem: 1.How can I integrate SEO into the architecture design ? 2.How to design the architecture to ensure the performance ? I need to revamp a website like this : And why all the enterprise level website are using *.html ? bu...

Server architecture

I have a TCP server responsible for handling requests and I have a web server need to send request to TCP server and TCP server forward that request and after handling, send response to web server Im using Socket for communication between web server and tcp server I want to know which one of the following is best practice? and why? 1) C...

What are the biggest advantages to moving from n-tier to SOA?

At my company we are currently using the classic n-tier architecture using NHibernate as our persistence layer with fat objects. Seeing many issues with this pattern, such as full hydration of the object graph when entities are retrieved from the database we have been looking in to other alternatives. In this process we have moved to a...

.Net Web Application architecture performance

Hello, I'm building a new n-tier web application and I would like to know the performance differences between developing my tiers in one single assembly (each tier with its own namespace) or into different assemblies, one for each tier. Thanks. ...

architecthure for a large data driven website

I know how to create small data driven websites but want to get an idea on how to convert them to handle large data flow. The questions are based on a site that would act mostly like stack overflow, craigslist etc where people could post stuff and others reply and would have basic search capabilities based on tags. Are regular relatio...