
How do you bring Denormalized Values Into your Business Objects?

I have two Tables. Order - With Columns OrderID, OrderStatusID OrderStatus - With Columns OrderStatusID, Description I have an Order Object which calls to the database and fills its properties for use in my code. Right now I have access to Order.OrderStatusID, but in my application I really need access to the "Description" field. How...

Flex app architecture, how can I build component library that can be overriden

Hey there, I've got a rather large flex app that we've just built for a client. Now, the bossman tells me that more clients are interested in the app. However, their implementations will need a few small tweaks (don't they always!). We're using Cairngorm and from what I can tell thus far, the only things that will be different between ...

Web Service or DLL?

I'm creating an app that needs to be accessed by both a web front end hosted on an internal network and also run as a scheduled task. Nothing will need to be accessed outside of our internal systems and once the app is up and running we don't envisage anything changing for some time. My initial thought is to create a DLL encapsulating t...

Best Design for a User/Role Management System?

Here's a software design question I've encountered several times and have never found an ideal solution for (I'm also dealing with it now again.) Many applications need some form of user/role management. You have base users, groups that these users can belong to (not limited to just one), roles and permissions they have, organizational...

Pluggable edit component in JQuery

I'm developing an editing component (iframe-based) in JQuery. My intention is to make it easy to extend the functionality of the editor through plug-ins. So for example, you might make a plug-in that puts wavy underlines underneath spelling mistakes, or allows images to be inserted, etc. I'm happy to work out the technicalities of this...

Using Web Browser as a Thin Client to Access certain applications on Server

I have an ASP.NET MVC application, when a user clicks on the submit button of that application, the server should capture all the information in the form, and call a local windows application ( located at "c:\Program Files..." and do some processing before passing back the data to the users. Now, is this possible? Is there any security ...

Design Question: Building a DAL for a performance critical, high volume application

I'm working on a large scale performance critical asp web application with a pretty much denormalized database (lots of data is duplicated across tables for performance reasons). The application is highly performance critical and large. There is almost no sense of any kind of n-tiered design. I can't touch the database, it's carved in st...

DB access directly from Windows client - good or bad???

Assuming this is a multi-user system ...

Using spring to get your service layer - good idea?

Suppose I have service layer doing hibernate and DB stuff. Silverlight and windows clients need to get service layer through some kind of remote service. ASP.NET would benefit if could get it directly (on the same machine, same process, class instantiation). Is it a good idea to use spring or other tool to "get" your service layer throu...

Active Record / Three Tier Architecture

I would like to separate my application into three tiers to use a service layer. I would also like to use the same domain model in both the UI tier, and the business layer tier because I control both ends. This makes sense, but I would also like to use Castles Active Record for the Data Access layer. Because of this I can not longer ref...

Help! Evil services are killing my objects...

When I believed in American dream about encapsulation and polymorphism, intrusion of Web Services washed my objects off with RPC calls... When I cherished my resurrected PONOs, ugly army of barbarians called proxy objects conquered my lands... Later, peace seemed to come back with DDD and NHibernate on the server side, but the SilverLi...

How to implement "Last 20 something" property in your domain class?

Let's say I need to implement domain model for StackOverflow. If I am doing ORM, how can I define (and map) property for fetching "last comments" and other "last" things? It looks to me like this should be reflected in the domain model. Sometimes I might need "all comments" though... ...

How to rearchitect Hibernate DAO layer of ASP.NET app to move it to Silverlight?

Last try to get an answer on this. I have a simple ASP.NET app which uses Hibernate for data access. GUI can call methods on Customer object like "CalculateTotalSumOfOrders()". Lazy loading (even though it's not optimal) will work for me, and when Orders and OrderLines collections are referenced in the domain objects, they will get auto...

Did Scott Hanselman have too much cough syrup on show #135?

So this question will get technical – eventually – but first check out Hanselminutes with Atwood (et. al.) where Scott basically invites developers to try to hack this site. It’s a hoot. I first thought (out loud of course, because with headphones on you get the best stares from people as you think out loud) “he either just got off a p...

When and why should I consider MVC?

I've noticed a lot of talk about MVC lately, but I haven't come across a clear or compelling description of when, where or why I would want to use it over WebForms. Let's say I wanted to build a small web application that allows a person to advertise some items online. The website will have 4 use cases: Search adverts View l...

Is there a real need of a server side architecture for a RIA application?

Do we really need a server side architecture to create a RIA application? My idea is the following: Create a complete RIA application using only Html pages, JQuery and a full client side UI set of components (choose your poison between the large number of different components available open source and not) Server side I have just one ...

Evidence that SharePoint has no SQL injection vulnerabilities?

My company has a requirement that all production sites pass an AppScan security scan. Sometimes, when we scan a SharePoint installation, the software detects a blind SQL injection vulnerability. I'm pretty sure this is a false positive--AppScan is probably interpreting some other activity in the HTTP response as success of the blind inje...

Convincing a company to add new technologies and techniques to their body of standards?

I work in an organization that relies heavily on technology standards. For the most past this is great and helps provide direction to developers and helps them move across teams really easily. However in the past year I have discovered more effective ways of doing things using new technologies and I am struggling to get these strategie...

What database schema can I use to save different types of billing data?

I have a system that creates an order and that order can be billed to a house account, sent Cash on Delivery (COD), or charged to a credit card. I've created the following tables: ORDERS order_id billingoption_id BILLINGOPTIONS billingoption_id I'm unsure of how the next table should be built for the billing data. Should I build a s...

What is N-Tier architecture?

I've seen quite a few developer job postings recently that include a sentence that reads more or less like this: "Must have experience with N-Tier architecture", or "Must be able to develop N-Tier apps". This leads me to ask, what is N-Tier architecture? How does one gain experience with it? ...