
Should we introduce BizTalk/ESB?

My company are about to implement a new architecture in which we have proposed BizTalk (we are a Microsoft shop) as the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) in a SOA (please don't quote Service Oriented Ambiguity) environment. Our business is to take Orders through our new Order Capture GUI which must connect to our Customers Database, Product ...

Non persistent data in a Rails app

Hi, I'm somewhat new to rails so please be gentle. I'm working on an "analytics" page for a rails app. The analytics page does not persist any data of its own (it's very primitive at this point) but does utilize metrics that I'm grabbing from the DB (via the aggregate expressions built into ActiveRecord). Aside from gathering and prese...

Can MVC (or MVP) co-exist with SOA?

I think that business logic should exist in a model when using an MVC or MVP design pattern, but should be hidden behind a service in a service-oriented architecture. Can a software system use the MVC or MVP design pattern within a service-oriented architecture? If so, where does the model sit? ...

What am I not understanding about REST?

I'm building a framework and want developers who build with it to have the ability to allow parts of it to both share data with other sites and allow other sites to add/edit/delete data. For example, if someone makes a site that has book reviews, authors, quotes, code examples, comments, etc. the developer could make e.g. "book reviews"...

ASP.NET Web Site + Windows Forms App + WCF Service: Client Credentials

Let's say that I'm considering designing a WCF service whose primary purpose is to provide broad services that can be used by three disparate applications: a public-facing Web site, an internal Windows Forms application, and a wireless mobile device. The purpose of the service is twofold: (1) to consolidate code related to business proce...

Trusted subsystem on a single tier

Imagine a .NET application designed using a Layered architecture. Is it possible to use something like the trusted subsystem pattern when deploying all layers of an application to the same machine? Is this design insecure by default? ...

Domain Logic and Data Access of MVC at Remote API/Web Service Layer

Hi all, In our system, we have a Remote API layer (e.g. SOAP, XML-RPC, REST, etc.) to handle the domain logic and data access for web application and any client applications that're developed on top of it. Unlike in the past, I do not have business logic code and DB connectivity at the web application, all user actions are translated to...

.net architecture: Creating a IRepository<T> generically

I am using a generic repository interface which allows me to add, find, update and delete objects of different types. I have then implemented two concrete repositories and can switch them around without changing the application. Everything is wonderfully disconnected. But I have hit a snag. The code inside my repository methods just feel...

Is the LAMP stack appropriate for Enterprise use?

Is the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP / Ruby / Python) stack appropriate for Enterprise use? To be clear, by "Enterprise", I mean a large or very large company, where security, robustness, availability of skill sets, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), scalability, and availability of tools are key considerations. Said another way, a compa...

How should I structure a simple ASP.NET MVC app?

I've been reading a few things about ASP.NET MVC, SOLID and so on, and I am trying to figure out a simple "recipe" for small-to-medium ASP.NET MVC apps that would put these concepts together; the issue that I am most concerned with is ending up with controllers that are too complex and being like code-behind files in webforms, with all t...

Large data - storage and query

We have a huge data of about 300 million records, which will get updated every 3-6 months.We need to query this data(continously, real time) to get some information.What are the options - a RDBMS(mysql) , or some other option like Hadoop.Which will be better? ...

Design Pattern for Components that depend on each other

We are building a "configurator" application for conveyors. Basically user comes in and picks a model, then start picking the parts they want. Some components have dependencies on other components. E.g. if I pick Part A, then I am required to select 1 or more Part B's. It is somewhat similar to configuring a PC at The app will ...

setting up two CMS for one site, best practice

I am currently developing a (somewhat large) site for a magazine, the site mainly consists of sections like : news (for various categories), members, and some 'other stuff' (like shoutbox, polls, previous covers, photo galleries that can be tagged, and ad banners system). Now, since most part of the site is a typical blog style (single-...

What is domain logic?

What is domain logic? The Wikipedia page for domain logic redirects to business logic. Are they the same thing, and, if not, how do they differ? ...

Server asking the Client for information?

In a client-server system, is it considered good architecture for a server method to "ask the client" for more information? If so, what's the best way to design such a scenario? Is there a "pattern" for this? For example, suppose the end user selects a set of records they want to delete in the client UI, then the client makes a "delet...

Are event callbacks with (object, EventArgs) parameters a holdover from 1.1 and WinForms?

So I have started playing around with FxCop lately and one thing I've noticed is it insists that any method attached to an event should be in the form void Callback(object sender, EventArgs args) { ...} and to be attached with MyObject.Event += new EventHandler(Callback); Now that was all well and good back in the .Net 1.1 days but...

Architecture and caching considerations with large XML files

I'm building a website to display products, and categories of products. The data comes from an external service in the form of a 500k XML file. The website is ASP.NET, C#. The XML is structured as a list of categories. Inside each category might be some products and/or some more categories. Obviously, we cannot call this external servi...

API Design: Expose XML or Objects

We're embarking on a new middle tier service that will allow internal client systems to create and update and query records in some underlying data stores. The service will aggregate as many as 3 seperate underlying datastores. For the purposes of this question assume: Data store #1: Proprietary XML Database. Data store #2: Off the ...

Sometimes offline application architecture question

Hi Guys, I have a n-tier winform client server application running against sqlserver DB. I want it to be able sometimes to run "offline" (not connected to the DB) and on reconnect, reconsile the changes to the main DB. Now, this i have tough architecture decision to make: should i use database replication or manage it myself using queues...

Controllers handle application flow, so where does my business logic go?

I will begin this question by admitting I am very new to MVC. The design pattern makes sense to me at a high level, but now that I'm exploring ASP.NET MVC, some of the architectural pieces are challenging my preconceived notions. Learning is a good thing. I've been working with Oxite lately as a learning tool written by people at the co...