
Pattern for very slow DB Server

I am building an MVC site where I have a fast dedicated server for the web app but the database is stored in a very busy Ms Sql Server used by many other applications. Also if the web server is very fast, the application response time is slow mainly for the slow response from the db server. I cannot change the db server as all ...

Highly Customizable App in C# (Like Apache Ofbiz)

Hi, I have recently been exploring Apache Ofbiz and was impressed by its ability to customize most areas of the application: UI, workflow, entities. Is there any similar (not necessarily an ERP system) application developed in C#/.Net which offers a similar level of customization? I am looking for examples of applications developed i...

Physically Separating Secure and Non Secure Web Requests

We have been doing some research into physically isolating the secure and non-secure sections of our web application into two applications. All "http" requests would be served by one server (or cluster) and all "https" requests would be served by another server (or cluster). The reason that we are looking into this is partially for the...

Factory Pattern Advice Needed Please

I'm working on wrapping my head around the factory pattern by using it in a simple data storage project in my free time. The idea is to take simple data and save it to a database using a simple factory pattern in VB.NET. I think I have a basic understanding of the pattern itself, however, what I'm struggling with is how to fit the fact...

What do you think of an AWS based architecture

I was reading through this article: And I was wondering if this was good or bad. I am a fan of AWS myself, but I what to hear what the crowd thinks... ...

How is a video game architected?

I cannot fathom how modern games perform in anything near real-time.. For example, to allow the player to fire a bullet, you have to handle the user-input, check if they have any bullets left, then play a sound, and an animation, then calculate the bullets trajectory, then check if it impacts with anything constantly, drawing a particle...

Design Patterns - Architecture Astronaut

First, feel free to close this if it's not appropriate, as this is my first time on Stack Overflow. Perhaps my question is similar in nature to this one: Do you use design patterns? The programs that I write are small 50-75 K line programs mostly using Windows Forms and ASP.NET. These programs are GUI intensive allowing the design an...

ASP.NET Web Architecture Design

The problem I'm having with writing a web application architecture is that I want separate components that work together. By this I simply mean, for example, a navigation bar and the actual page content (as well as a header, which is static) in ASP.NET. Now, here's where it gets interesting: There are no two pages the same The naviga...

Updating an application with 100% uptime

In a past interview, I was asked how would I write a mission critical windows service which must maintain 100% uptime, be very responsive, and also be updatable. The service was described as a remoting based application which takes in requests, performs calculations and sends a response back. My solution was to have a very generic servi...

Does One Persist XML/CSV/Other Through Repositories/Services/Other

I have an application that imports information from a CSV file or from a database and exports it to XML. This XML is currently being persisted to a file. However due to project needs I have decided it may be better to persist this XML to a database. Currently I have CSV, XML and SQL repositories that deal with importing/exporting data. ...

Has anyone used Google Gears in an Enterprise scenario?

Hi All, I want to create an application which will have a client and server components. The client may not be connected to the internet all the time, and hence will have to store data locally and then sync with the server whenever the internet connection is available. The data sync will be both ways: client to server and server to clien...

What Is The Best Place To Store An Object's XML/CSV/Other Representation

When an object has various formats (XML,CSV) it can be represented in, where should one store knowledge of those formats. Should the object have knowledge of how it's represented in XML (i.e. letting the object convert itself through some method on the object such as GetXML()). Is this too much knowledge for the object and should this b...

Would you use EnterpriseServices in a new enterprise development?

As you may already know, managed code (.NET apps) can make use of COM+ through EnterpriseServices, making issues like distributed transactions, resource pooling and synchronization "simpler to program" because the solutions are provided as a supporting infrastructure to the application by COM+. If your application servers reside in a W...

Frameworks vs. SDKs

What is the difference between a framework and an SDK? Take, for example, the MS platform SDK and the .NET framework. Both have API's, both hide their inner workings, and both provide functionality that may not be quickly/easily accessible otherwise (in other words, they serve a real-world purpose). So what's the difference? Is it pr...

Abstracted References Between Entities

An upcoming project of mine is considering a design that involves (what I'm calling) "abstract entity references". It's quite a departure from a more common data model design, but it may be necessary to achieve the flexibility we want. I'm wondering if other architects have experience with systems like this and where the caveats are. Th...

Disconnected Architecture With .NET

Hi, I'm working with an n-Tier application using WinForm and WCF Engine Service (Windows Service) => WCF Service => Windows Form Client Application The problem is that the WinForm Client Application need to be 100% available for work even if Engine Service is down. So how can I make a disconnected architecture in order to make my win...

Design from the database first through to UI or t'other way round?

Do you always lean towards thinking of db schema when starting or planning a new project it or do you go the other way and start designing UI then moving down the stack? Or do you have a different way of developing? Not really an agile/waterfall/specs/stories question just a way of getting a handle on which way people lean when working...

NHibernate Mapping/Design advice - join tables

Hi, I have a design issue that I would appreciate some input on. I would like to make an calendar event system based on the following 4 tables: tb_events id, date, summary, tb_group id, name, parent, lineage, tb_course id, name, tb_staff id, name, email, The event class is currently set up as id summary date calDetails IL...

Where do you like to catch exceptions and why?

Where do you like to catch exceptions and why? I'm interested in seeing where people find it useful to put their try/catch blocks in the hope that some general patterns might emerge. I'll post my two example answers in C++ but any language is fine. One location and reason per answer please. Thanks. ...

Why do you pick a particular language/platform?

So I know that developers don't always get to pick the languages and platforms that they're working in - but in a sense they do, cause they can always ask, pursue, or leave a job... so with that in mind: why do you end up settling on particular a particular language or platform - what different factors play in to the ultimate decision. ...