
Organising a GUI application

This is going to be a generic question. I am struggling in designing a GUI application, esp. with dealing with interactions between different parts. I don't know how I should deal with shared state. On one hand, shared state is bad, and things should be as explicit as possible. On the other hand, not having shared state introduces unwa...

JSP - Separate Design from Logics

I am just starting with coding some JSP, which I find isn't all that different from or any other "real" web-language / web-gateway. I found this question; Structure JSP/Java code where logic is not in the JSP file. However I don't find it helpful. My daily work contains of ASP.NET MVC development which is Really the best way I'v...

Do you have any good examples of "architecture for architecture's sake"?

Just listening to this week's podcast and thought it would be nice to group together some of your experiences where you've seen the "architecture" side of design dominate things a little more than it should. Java often gets a bad press in this respect, and an increasingly bad press as the perceived complexity of JEE increases. My Java e...

One big MySQL DB or a thousand little SQLite databases?

Hi all, I am working on a Web based organisation tool. I am not aiming the same market as the wonderful Basecamp, but let's say the way users and data interact look like the same. I will have to deal with user customisation, file uploads and graphical tweaks. There is a fora for each account as well. And I'd like to provide a way to b...

How to build large applications

I think I've become quite good at the basics of programming (for a variety of languages). I can write a *good** line of code. I can write a good method. I can write a good class. I can write a good group of classes. I can write good small or medium application. I do not however know how to build a good large application. Particula...

Adding scripting security to an application

Let's say I have an existing application written in Java which I wish to add scripting support to. This is fairly trivial with Groovy (and just as trivial in .Net with any of the Iron range of dynamic languages). As trivial as adding the support is, it raises a whole host of questions about script execution and security - and how to imp...

How to sketch out a high-level architecture for a project uses web services?

Using Web Service technology, we want to design and implement an online bookshop business. At the minimum, it should allow customers to browse the catalogue and order books, it should process credit card details, and coordinate shipping of books. Sketch out a high-level architecture for this system. The architecture should include key co...

Architecting/Maintaining/Deploying large applications

Here at work we have a very large application with multiple sub applications. (500 + dlls) As a developer it is very frustrating working with all these dlls and dependencies. You create a new project and add 5+ dlls to get core pieces of the system to work (Logging, Auditing, security, messaging ect). Each new subapplication we add, we ...

Best Practices: 3-Tier Architecture in LINQ

I'm working on a personal project (C# / ASP.NET) that will use LINQ to SQL. The Solution will have (so far) a Webform project, a Namespace project (business logic), and a Tests project. I'm in the very early stages so far (clearly in Design phase). Is there a paradigm for 3-Tier Architecture here? It seems like the DAL is entirely usele...

MSMQ vs Temporary Table Dump

Hi Guys, I know this question has been asked a bit before. But looking around I still cant make my mind up which route I should go down. Here's my scenario, hopefully you can help out: We will have a series of web services that will be hit on a scheduled basis by hundreds of mobile applications. These services will data on the device ...

Architecture guidance for appengine websites?

I've created unmaintainable websites using PHP because it was so easy to do things quick and dirty. I don't want to do the same thing with Python/Django on Google's appengine. Is there any good architecture references for creating websites using Django and appengine? (E.g. where to put business logic, where to put data access logic, ...

Would 2 tier be a valid choice for this scenario

Would 2 tier be a valid choice for this scenario: sql server database the business would never require more than a couple of hundred simultaneous connections to the shared database over a LAN the fact that (I believe) it is a lot less effort to develop a 2 tier application Client program updates automated over the LAN ...

import csv file/excel into sql database

Hi everyone! I am starting a project with visual studio 2008 / SQL 2000 (2005 in future) using c#. The tricky part for me is that the existing DB schema changes often and the import files columns will all have to me matched up with the existing db schema since they may not be one to one match on column names. (There is a lookup ...

Is there any programming language where the variables types sizes in bits depends on the platform (32 vs 64 bit)?

I am C# developer and I am almost certain that in this language an "int" is always 32 bits regardless of the platform (32 vs 64 bit), a "long" is always 64 bits, a float is 32 and a double 64 and so on. There is any language where its not like that? Where the int size depends on the processor? ...

Domain Model - Identifier Relationships vs. Hierarchal Objects

While fleshing out a hypothetical domain model, I have found myself wondering whether the better approach in relating domain objects would be to have a parent domain object contain a pointer (the identifier of the child) or if it would be a better approach to use the child objects to build a composite within the parent object. I can see...

"cloud architecture" concepts in a system architecture diagrams

If you design a distributed application for easy scale-out, or you just want to make use of any of the new “cloud computing” offerings by Amazon, Google or Microsoft, there are some typical concepts or components you usually end up using: distributed blob storage (aka S3) asynchronous, durable message queues (aka SQS) non-Relational-/...

.NET Remoting - How can the Server update the client?

Right now, I am in prototyping phase. So I am just getting started. Situation: Server - Will be run tests and publish progress to Client, must be low impact, no webserver, possibly running xp embedded or xp home. Client - Initiate tests and receive progress report. running xp pro. The two machines are connected via ethernet. I wou...

C# Common Library.

Hello and thanks for any assistance. I'm hoping to find an open source .net common library, but I'm having a hard time finding one. What I'm looking for a is something that contains : Logging, Caching, String Manipulation, Config Reading, ext?!?. Do you know if anything like this exists or is this more likely something that I will ...

How do I design the structure a CAD package ?

Hi all, I am developing, in C++, a Computer Aided Design package for Printed Circuit Boards and Schematics (aka EDA CAD). It uses Lua for some specific things, but I would like to expand the role of Lua so that it implements much of the user interface logic. I would like to re-build the internals in a way which lets people change the ...

ASP.NET MVC / ASP.NET WebForm data access application - what's the best architecture?

In response to an answer posted by Marc Gravell and his suggestion via email, I was wondering: What choices do people make when deciding on their architecture for a new project? This question could serve as a decent reference point for links/ideas/suggestions/architecture decisions, anything really that is of interest when deciding t...