
What's the difference between "Solutions Architect" and "Applications Architect"?

As far as I can see Solutions Architect is just a different "marketing" term for Applications Architect. Is that correct or are the roles actually different somehow? If so, how? And yes, I have searched for this both on StackOverflow and on Google. ...

ASP.NET web application architecture design advice

Hello everyone, previously my ASP.NET web application connects to a database directly using ADO.NET. Now I want to change it to 3 layers, ASP.NET layer, middle web service layer and backend database layer. I think there is benefit that I could abstract data source to ASP.NET front layer, loosely coupled and reduce potential security ris...

How to use NHibernate in distributed architecture?

I start build a system with distributed architecture by all applications will communication by REST service to expose some data(DTO) or invoke some updates. I would like to know how to use NHibernate to help with manage domain object because they are in different applications. How NHibernate identify which objects are new for inserting a...

Is WCSF for me?

I have a 3-man .NET web shop. Over the years we've developed a number of tools for content management, blogging, e-commerce, social network, and so on. We've never really modularized the software, though; so that porting functionality from one site to another is labor-intensive (we typically just copy and paste bits of code and other ass...

Types of computers.

I have read somewhere recently something related to the kind of computers. The reading was related to Lisp and Emacs that fit into an "architectural" model more like a Turing Machine. In the other hand it was C and the "other" architectural model was named after someone whose name I don't remember, but named as the most successful type...

Should we build our next generation web application on the DotNetNuke platform?

We are currently considering using DotNetNuke as a base for our future portal-based and client-customizable web application that is going to be hosted centrally. The idea is to make the dynamic parts as DNN modules that in turn talk to backend WCF-services which takes care of the business processing and data storage. What are your good/...

How strictly do you follow the n-tier architecture and separation of concerns between the layers in your projects?

I suppose most of the developers have an idea of multi-layer architecture. We have DAL (Data access layer), we have BLL (business logic layer) and somewhere near the end of the road we have our UI. If you have a project which somehow follows these principles, do you keep (or at least try) to keep/put the things where they conceptually be...

ASP.Net MVC View Architecture

Can the folders within the View have subfolders? if so, how does the Controller reach them? For example... I would like to have the following urls work correctly: Admin/Index Admin/Profile/Index Admin/Profile/Edit/1 Admin/Group/Index Admin/Group/Edit/1 So, would I create a folder for Profile and Group as a subfolder within Admin? I ...

Best Database Change Control Methodologies

As a database architect, developer, and consultant, there are many questions that can be answered. One, though I was asked recently and still can't answer good, is... "What is one of, or some of, the best methods or techniques to keep database changes documented, organized, and yet able to roll out effectively either in a single-deve...

Best practices with Unit testing on Third Party software API's (AutoCAD)

Hi, We are developing applications for use within AutoCAD. Basically we create a Class Library Project, and load the .dll in autoCAD with a command (NETLOAD). As so, we can use commands, "palettes", user controls, forms etc... AutoDesk provides an API through some dll's, running in their program directory. When referencing these dll'...

Not understanding where to create IoC Containers in system architecture

Hi, Say I have the following 4 .net assemblies: Winforms UI Business Logic SQL Server Data Access (implementing an IRepository) Common Interfaces (definition of IRepository etc.) My business logic (2) makes calls to the data access layer (3) through IRepository (defined in 4) using constructor dependency injection. However when I ...

WCF: Individual methods or a generic ProcessMessage method accepting xml.

My company is developing an application that receives data from another company via TCP sockets and xml messages. This is delivered to a single gateway application which then broadcasts it to multiple copies of the same internal application on various machines in our organisation. WCF was chosen as the technology to handle the interna...

Client - Server: If the clients announce their presence to the server, and then the server takes over, is it still client server, or is it P2P?

Greetings readers! So I am trying to develop a client server system.. Since I have not designed a client server system before, I thought that I would post a question and see what the experts here have to say. Requirements: .NET 3.5 WCF minimum of 2 computers, Master and Slave. The use case is a testing environment, where the slave run...

Should a company enforce the use of a single architecture across all development efforts?

I know it's a slightly rhetorical question, but I'd like to hear opinions that support or reject this doctrine as it will help me build a better case in my request to not use the dictated solution. A little background: I develop and maintain a large, mature application (VFP for the UI, Oracle PL/SQL for the middle and back end) that i...

javaEE application layout

I've been tasked with writing a new webapp in javaEE, which will be a first for me. I'm familar with the java language, but all of my previous projects have been in .net. So I've downloaded netbeans and I'll probably be using Hibernate, and started digging in. My question is, what's the best way to lay out a javaEE app? Should all da...

Advice on moving to a multi tier Delphi architecture

We have a relatively large application that is strongly tied into Firebird (stored procedures, views etc). We are now getting a lot of requests to support additional databases and we would also like to move a lot of the functionality from the client to the server. Now seems like a good time to move to a 3(4) tier architecture. We have a...

Designing system architecture for real time acquisition and 'control'

Brief description of requirements (Lots of good answers here, thanks to all, I'll update if I ever get this flying). A detector runs along a track, measuring several different physical parameters in real-time (determinist), as a function of curvilinear distance. The user can click on a button to 'mark' waypoints during this process, th...

Document key ingredients of good software development?

I am writing an architecture and design document for software development at our company, that will contain the rules and guidelines for developers to follow. It is targeted at J2EE web applications, but I constantly keep mentioning the same basic 'ingredients' (for lack of a better word, and to avoid buzzwords) to introduce and defend c...

Parsing huge data with c++

In my job, i need to parse different kind of data files from different data sources.Sometimes i parse them by writing directly c++ code (with the help of qt and boost:D), sometimes manually with a helper program. I must note that data types are so different from each other it is so hard to create common a interface for all of them. But i...

Concrete class specific methods

I have an interesting problem. Consider this class hierachy: class Base { public: virtual float GetMember( void ) const =0; virtual void SetMember( float p ) =0; }; class ConcreteFoo : public Base { public: ConcreteFoo( "foo specific stuff here" ); virtual float GetMember( void ) const; virtual void SetMember( float p ...