
Best way to write a Proof of Concept (PoC) app?

I am currently working on a project with which I need to program up a bit of a proof of concept app. I have written PoC apps before but they have only been really small and haven't really had lots of layers where as the app I'm writing now has a: Form layer - talks to data layer. Data layer - talks to Database and Interop layer. Inter...

Object Architecture Design Question

I'm trying to figure out how to best lay this out. I'll explain what I have now, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to do this. I have a class Section that has basic properties: Name, Description, I use a list of Sections for the users to choose from. They can add a Section as many times as they want to a Parent object an...

WPF, Winforms, or something else?

We're about to embark on development of a new product. Our current product is a conventional client-server winform app written using VB.NET. Is WPF ready for a business application? From what I've seen, it seems like it's harder to develop a user interface with WPF than it is with Winforms. But I suppose speed comes with experience. ...

EpiServer CMS 5 R2: Custom Page Providers - The right choice?

Hello, I'm using EpiServer CMS 5R2 on a new project. I've been tasked with creating a CustomPageProvider to link to an existing back end store which we don't have control of. However looking at the sample provider (XmlPageProvider) it appears that the provider is responsible for maintaining the meta information that EpiServer needs for ...

Implementing a nested asynch "call stack" scenario in .NET

I'm attempting to refactor some moderately complex existing .NET code to be usable in Silverlight. The core issue is that all Silverlight web services calls must be asynch, and the existing code was implemented in a fairly typical synchronous manner. Existing call stack for a typical operation might be something like this: Page -> Get...

Coldfusion App today -- Flex next year. Considerations to maximize re-use of logic tier next year?

I have started design of a Coldfusion application that is entirely web based. Not much use of Flash forms, or AJAX. The first version is a strict web app. Version 2 will be a Flex front end. I want to design and build things so that the Flex layer can use existing logic. It's okay if it means I have to do extra work in version ...

A backup persistence store. What are my options ?

I have a service that accepts callbacks from a provider. Motivation: I do not want to EVER lose any callbacks (unless of course my network becomes unreachable). Let's suppose the impossible happens and my mysql server becomes unreachable for some time, I want to fallback to a secondary persistence store once I've retried several times ...

Recommended location for document storage - in database or elsewhere?

Background: We have an in house document storage system that was implemented long ago. For whatever reason, using the database as the storage mechanism for the documents was chosen. My question is this: What is the best practice for storing documents? What are the alternatives? What are the pros and cons? Answers do not have to...

Is BizTalk the "correct" technology for this problem?

I'm currently working on a solution that involves the following work flow: System sends out an email which includes some kind of identifier/sessionID. User replies to email. System receives reply, and parses email for sender, identifier, and user response. System queries a sql database to retrieve some information based on the user res...

How do the decentralized behaviour of Distributed Revision Control Systems Work?

I wonder how do the decentralized DVCS's work? If there is no central server how can a developer machine knows and syncs the repository with the other developer machines' repositories. And how does the changes are merged? Because lack of central server seems like to me the system might cause each repository have a different revision numb...

Can multiple CPUs simultaneously write to the same RAM location?

Are machine word size (or smaller) writes serialized? Only one native opcode is needed to copy register content to RAM. ...

How to store many prices for a product in a flexible way?

I want to build a shop in which the products have a little wizard through which the price then is determined. In this case I'm talking about printing products. So for (a little) example when you come to the shop and want to print a business card, you get to decide if you want to print black and white or in color, if you want to choose t...

Is it worth using 3-tier architecture for small(ish) applications

I'm working on a relatively small web application and am wondering if there is really a need to employ full n-tier architecture. For an idea of size; there are about 20 database tables. In the past I have used a 2-tier approach where business logic and data access are grouped together into a single class library with was an asp...

When NOT to use the Entity Framework

I have been playing around with the EF to see what it can handle. Also many articles and posts explain the various scenarios in which the EF can be used, however if miss the "con" side somehow. Now my question is, in what kind of scenarios should I stay away from the Entity Framework ? If you have some experience in this field, tell me ...

Comparing scalable web-app architecture on Java and .NET

What are the recommended steps for creating scalable web/enterprise applications in Java and .NET? I'm more interested in what it takes to go from a low volume app to a high volume one (assuming no major faults in the original architecture). For example, what are the options in each platform for clustering, load-balancing, session manage...

What objects should you return from the data access layer to the business layer an n-tier system

If you have, for example, a database table called Person (ID,Name etc) what kind of object should the data access tier return to the business tier? I'm thinking something like this: //data access tier public class DataAccess{ public interface IPerson{ int ID{ get; set; } string Name{ get; set; } } internal class P...

When should you build a web application vs. a thick client?

I would like to hear other people's advice on when one should build a web application versus building a thick client. Over the last few years, I have participated in several discussions about whether an application should be built (or an old application upgraded) with a web browser interface. Usually these were internal systems used wi...

Handling Web Service Timeouts While Performing Long-Running Database Tasks

The architecture of one of our products is a typical 3-tier solution: C# client WCF web service SQL Server database The client requests information from the web service. The web service hits the database for the information and returns it to the client. Here's the problem. Some of these queries can take a long, long time, and we do...

Best way to store Badge criteria?

I've been thinking about how to implement the badge feature similar to SO's on a new website. What is the best way to store criteria for badges? Two ideas: All code 'Second system' - create a meta architecture for defining badges and their criteria. Store some info in the database and have code query it to figure out the badges and th...

Lazy loading - what's the best approach?

I have seen numerous examples of lazy loading - what's your choice? Given a model class for example: public class Person { private IList<Child> _children; public IList<Child> Children { get { if (_children == null) LoadChildren(); return _children; } } } The Pers...