
Very simple Enterprise Application Architecture - making it scale

I'm using a very simple architecture for one of my intranet enterprise applications. Client: 1 agent running on each computer sending system config data (one time), reports (every 2 to 5 min) => size of the data flowing from client to server is a few hundred bytes and rarely touches a kB. Server: 1 web application (front-end to ...

What layer does a UserControl's base class belong in?

I have an usercontrol (ascx) that inherits from an abstract class (that inherits from a UserControl). My Project is in a 3-tier architecture (DAL -> Bll -> UI/Views). Currently there are no class files in the UI layer (other than the code-behinds). Which layer should I add this abstract class to? Thanks so much. ...

Which arch shall I specify for Intel Threading Building

I ran into O'Reilly's new book on TBB in bookstore today. Really liked how TBB abstract the threads into tasks. But I noticed that the tutorial, in page #12 install on Linux* systems, there are only three available s: ia32, intel64 and ia64. Dmesg on our server shows this: [ 0.132804] CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.6...

What counts as a flop?

Say I have a C program that in pseudoish is: For i=0 to 10 x++ a=2+x*5 next Is the number of FLOPs for this (1 [x++] + 1 [x*5] + 1 [2+(x+5))] * 10[loop], for 30 FLOPS? I am having trouble understanding what a flop is. Note the [...] are indicating where I am getting my counts for "operations" from. ...

How can I do a cloud setup to stress test a website portal?

Can you please give an architectural/design flow of the system which will be able to achieve this purpose? Please note that I am looking to use as less money as possible for this activity...which means I am trying to build the cloud with opensources/servers etc but rying to avoid service providers like Amazon. ...

What shall I learn if I want to stay ahead of the curve?

What are the most recent technologies being used by startups and companies like Google? For example: Databases: Redis, MongoDB. ...

Web Service Architecture - multi tenancy design pattern (maybe)

Hi All I having a slight design problem : I have to create a Web Service (asmx or wcf) that retrieves customer data from multiple database servers, each one is exactly the same except they will contain data for different States (1 DB server per state, big states can have multiples etc). This will be used by a call center, for example, ...

Date Created - should this value be set in the BL or DAL?

Date Created a specific example I'm interested in - but there are other bits of data that fall into the same category: data which you'd want to capture about any vaguely important entity. Where best to do this: business logic (BL) or Data Access layer (DAL)? Until now I've relied on SQL Server's getdate() to populate the date created f...

Is JMS (or any messaging solution) appropriate for a follower/following model

For the sake of simplicity, let's assume I'm cloning twitter (I'm not). So every user can follow other users, and be followed by other users. For each user you follow, you receive all tweets he sends. Everything is stored in a data storage (be it a NoSQL solution or a sharded relational database). However, when users are online, do you ...

Presentation layer / Public Services layer. A common term?

While defining our application architecture (which contains both web UI and external web services) we stumbled upon our inability to find a common name for the topmost layer. It is quite clear that there are DAL (data access layer) and BLL (business logic layer) in our application. On the top of BLL, there reside the UI, which is commonl...

Which design pattern to choose

Hi, i need a pointer i the right direction. I have been looking around and cant seem to find any design pattern (GoF) that will point me in the right direction. I am developing a small digital signage application prototype, where there is a simple server and an amount of player applications (displaying an image/video) connected to this ...

advice on architecting mvc applications

I've been using MVC for about two years now and I'm still learning the best way to structure an application. I wanted to throw out these ideas that I've gathered and see if they are "acceptable" ways in the community to design MVC applications. Here is my basic layout: DataAccess Project - Contains all repository classes, LIN...

Publish/subscribe with large files as message payloads

We have an existing system that processes a lot of files on an ongoing basis. Roughly speaking, about 3 million files a day that can range in size from a few kilobytes to in excess of 50 MB. These files go through a few different stages of processing from the time they are received to when they are finished being consumed, depending on...

android, object oriented programing vs designing for performance

I am a complete noob to android but I have been programing c# for a long time. I am writing an android application and have gotten to a point where the c# programmer in me wants to start creating a loosely coupled design and and moving code into different layers, using interfaces, etc. But then I stumble upon the Designing for performa...

Why is MVC so popular?

I was originally going to make this a longer question, but I feel like the shorter I make it, the better you'll understand what I mean. The MVC architectural pattern has 3 dependencies. The View depends on the model. The Controller depends on the View and Model. The Model is independent. The Layers architectural pattern defines N - 1 d...

Power efficient and Speed efficient architecture for Multimedia Applications

Hi, I am working on evaluating a embedded processor architecture which offers below features: a] 8 SIMD co-processing DSP kind of cores, b] Each core can do a 8 way SIMD c] Each core is a 8 execution slot VLIW as well. I want to use high video encoder(H.264, 1080p, 60fps) or 3D Video encoder to run on this processor/hardware. I am t...

Managing users when using a stand alone database as the membership provider

When using a stand alone database as a membership provider, is it usual to then have an application specific users table in the database serving the application? For example say I have an application that manages messages for a user. Normally I would have a user_messages table and reference the users table foreign key? However if I just ...

How can I use internal constructors in public data contracts?

I've got several data contract classes like this: [DataContract] public class FooData { [DataMember] public string Name; // ... many more members public FooData (string name) // again, many more arguments { Name = name; // ... } } Since FooData is always used to transport Foo objects over the ...

Hosting Multiple Drawings in one Visio vsd Diagram

I'm using Visio 2007 and strawed creating some flowchart diagrams. One on each page. For the same project I would also like to create class and entity relational diagrams. Is it possible for me to have multiple drawing types in a single vsd? I tried creating an ERD by adding the Entity Relational shapes to my palette, but when I dragge...

Unit of Work with multiple Data Sources?

It's possible (even probable) that I'm just not fully grokking the concept of a "unit of work." Basically, I see it as sort of a broad transaction used in an object-oriented environment. Start the unit of work, interact with the objects, commit or roll back. But how does this break down to the actual transactions on the data stores be...