
RESTful API sorting dilema

Hi folks I have REST api implemented following the principle that rest just gives back the basic documents and refs in those documents howto get other things etc etc For example a /car/5 will give me model:blabla , user_id: 1 and then if you need the owner you'll get /user/1 to get user data.. This way JOINS and stuff are avoided ...

.NET Windows Service - Architectural Decisions

Hi, I currently have a Windows Service which continually runs throughout the day. It has multiple threads which kick off: tasks daily to update cache tasks weekly to do cleanup 24/7 task to import XML into SQL Server tasks which run for around 12 hours per day kicking off a console application to manage ETL The tasks are not the imp...

Architecture: How to realize this web app in JEE + JSF2? [revised]

Being new to web app dev, I'm currently insecure what architecture would best work for an eCommerce web app including enduser programming where privileged endusers (managers) can declaratively define via a manager online tool (a) additional enduser roles (like customer types), (b) categorized products/services, (c) product prices in dep...

Is PHP still a viable choice to build a massive app like Facebook?

Much has changed since 2003/2004 when Wordpress and Facebook were started. If you were starting Facebook today, knowing in hindsight the functionality and scale required, would you choose PHP (today)? Why or why not? If not, what would you choose as the basis for a massive, interactive, multi-facetted application like Facebook? I know t...

Update only 1 field of a big Business Object inside a transaction (Best approach) ?

Hello fellows, Good day. I am in a situation where I have to perform a transaction master detail record (Drop prev details, insert new details, Update Master status) Master Business Object has 20 fields Details Business Object has 4 fields only Now I have to update only 1 field in master table and 4 fields in details table for i...

Inherit a business object for a DTO ?

Possible Duplicate: Update only 1 field of a big Business Object inside a transaction (Best approach) ? Hello fellows, I want to update only two propertes of a big business object/class. Business Object(20 fields), UpdateObject(4 fields) Can I make a small child object inheriting those 4 fields from the business object and p...

.NET Multi tier Design LINQ

Hi, I am quite new to the architecture and I am desiging an application for my next .NET project. My proposed architecture design is as follows: It is traditional three tier application which contains: DataLayer (LINQ + Partial Classes) BusinessLogicLayer (Entities + Validation Logic) (Optional) Service Layer (WCF) UI (Web site and Win...

Logout: GET or POST?

This question is not about when to use GET or POST in general; it is about which is the recommended one for handling logging out of a web application. I have found plenty of information on the differences between GET and POST in the general sense, but I did not find a definite answer for this particular scenario. As a pragmatist, I'm in...

Structuring the WinForms in my presentation layer

Hi Everyone, At our company we are developing an application that has a large number of winforms that are all created in the same UI layer, namespace and assembly. Is there a decent way / design pattern to structure this layer? Our UI layer communicates with the business layer wich consists of mutiple namespace like business.calculatio...

Template Design / Architecture

I am looking into creating something similar to a form template system on my web site. As an example, say I want the users to be able to create form templates (similar to Wufoo, they can define any number of inputs, etc). Then from these created templates, anybody would be able to use these templates, fill them out, and therefore creat...

Qt thick database client architecture

My goal is to create a thick client to the database. Basically it is all about managing three lists of data. I would like to slice my application into decoupled layers so using Qt's Model/View framework seems natural to me. When should I create QSql*Model instances? I need to be able to connect/disconnect to/from the database severa...

How to/Most Efficient way to send a message to many users?

Ok so I have a site with users. I want a user to be able to send a message to multiple users based on a search query. Eg. John searches for "Florida" and this search returns 1 million users/companies. Whats the best way to let john send a message to all those users/companies returned by the search result? Lets say, Susan was 1 of thos...

unit of work pattern and history

Hi All, In this page: I have read that: "A unit of work is a design pattern described by Martin Fowler" Did Martin Fowler discovered this pattern before hibernate boys and is Martin the only source of describing this pattern? Regards ...

Facebook Architecture

I have been scrounging for articles/info about the architecture at Facebook, the challenges & ways they tackle them. What they use & why they use. How do they scale & what are the design decisions for what they do etc. Main underpinning being to learn. Knowing about sites which handles such massive traffic gives lots of pointers for arch... mvc model inheritance for "simple forms"

How would you implement this ? I have the following model : class Something { public string Label { get; set; } public DateTime Date1 { get; set; } } class SomethingStage2 : Something { public DateTime Date2 { get; set; } } class SomethingStage3 : SomethingStage2 { public DateTime Date3 { get; set; } } And the ...

Programming with N-tier

What are the general guideline today for structuring a 3-tier application in Visual Studio 2010 with C#? Create blank Solution Create a class library to hold data sets Create a class library to hold data entity Create a class library to hold the business logic Create a class library to hold user interface (WPF or windows forms) Is t...

so many data access options, what to use ?

I am an web application developer and I always have used Enterprise Library DAAB with stored procedures for data access with 4 seprate layers (presentation layer, custom types layer, business logic layer and data access layer). My feeling is that this approach is wasting much time. I have not worked with other ways of accessing...

benefit of properties in business objects ?

In my projects I am using 4 layers (userinterface, custom types, business logic and data access layer). I heared a lot about benefits of properties but in practicle I just used business objects for transfering data between layers and not getting any benefit of properties. I read that business rules, validations and checks can be implem...

How to apply Framework in any project ?

We do have various frameworks in java, like spring, jsf etc. At the beginning of any project, how this frameworks are applied to project. If I want to use JSF in my project, what should be starting? Is is based on architecture like MVC ? or in case of Spring, how to apply DI & AOP within project ? How to mixup two frameworks in same p...

iPhone Compiler Fails: No architectures to compile for.

Hey guys, I'm trying to implement this in my iPhone app: . I figured I'd first try to run the sample they provide. I'm attempting to open and compile the project located in /Source/examples/CPTestApp-iPhone/ . It says my base...