
WebApplication Architecture - Advice on keeping HTTPContext in the Presentation layer

The majority of the Application Architecture advice seems to advise strongly that only Presentation Layer should have access to HTTPContext (to promote loose coupling, decrease dependencies, increase testability etc). So, how do people deal with Caching and Session? Very specific DataAccess and Business Logic knowledge is required to de...

I just discovered why all ASP.Net websites are slow, and I am trying to work out what to do about it...

I just discovered that every request in an ASP.Net web application gets a Session lock at the begging of a request, and then releases it at the end of the request!!! I mean, WTF Microsoft! In case the implication is lost on you, as it was from me at first, this basically means the following: Anytime an ASP.Net webpage is taking a long...

How is Node.js inherently faster when it still relies on Threads internally?

Hey all, I just watched the following video: Introduction to Node.js and still don't understand how you get the speed benefits. Mainly, at one point Ryan Dahl (Node.js' creator) says that Node.js is event-loop based instead of thread-based. Threads are expensive and should only be left to the experts of concurrent programming to be ut...

Is it double work creating a data access component and business component?

I am designing my first Layered Application which consists of a Data, Business, and a Presentation layer. My business components (e.g, Business.Components.UserComponent) currently has the following method: public void Create(User entity) { using (DataContext ctx = new DataContext()) { ctx.Users.AddObject(entity); ...

nginx and apache web servers

This question is not nginx vs apache. I am more interested in the architectural advantages of NGinx over Apache. As I was able to understand - nginx is an asynchronous, event-driven, web-server which outperforms Apache by a huge margin. Why is this? Where does Apache fall behind? ...

Where to put "domain services" in your domain model project

I've been working with S#arp Architecture but this can probably be applied to any DDD architecture (Domain / Core, Application Services, Infrastructure, and Presentation). There are many ASP.NET MVC examples that show the controller operating on the domain model through repository interfaces. In fact, the S#arp Architecture tutorial ha...

Help with Event-Based Components

I have started to look at Event-Based Components (EBCs), a programming method currently being explored by Ralf Wesphal in Germany, in particular. This is a really interesting and promising way to architect a software solution, and gets close to the age-old idea of being able to stick software components together like Lego :) A good star...

Design pattern for multiple consumers and a single data source.

I am designing a web interface to a certain hardware appliance that provides its own custom API. Said web interface can manage multiple appliances at once. The data is retrieved from appliance through polling with the custom API so it'd be preferable to make it asynchronous. The most obvious thing is to have a poller thread that polls ...

Can CQRS be used for a site like StackOverflow?

Can you use the CQRS (Command-Query Responsibility Segregation) architectural pattern to build a site like StackOverflow? I'm relatively new to CQRS and DDD (Domain Driven Design) and am exploring the pattern and trying to model sites that I'm familiar with to the pattern. While I can see CQRS being useful for many aspects for a site l...

ORMs for WebServices DataSources?

There seems to be lots of great Object Relational Mappers out there - several of which I have used myself (LLBLGen being one I like a lot). Does anyone know of any .Net tools out there to help build a rich Data Access layer when the DataSource is not a database - or more specifically, where the datasource is multiple, highly granular, we...

System architecture, integrating two apps with an API.

I'm having an implementation challenge at the moment, it basically consists of two different rails apps. One rails app (app A) just provides a response in JSON, a record in this case for the nutrition data for one particular food ingredient. The other app (app B) also Rails provides a front-end for users to view ingredients and match t...

Simulations and The Entity Framework

I'm coming from a background developing business applications so am used to MVC/n-Tier development. Most of my applications have an architecture something like this: GUI -> BL (which deals with entities) -> DAL (SQL DB) Now, I'd like to write something which is a cross between an interactive story and a simulation - There is a persis...

Application Architecture Suggestion

Hi all, I am preparing a J2ME application, Which is basically data capturing utility, Which reads data from end user from form and the data will be submitted to server as the application will get connection. I am planning to capture photo also. Now my arch. is MIDlet will fetch data from user and will store it in RMS and as th...

Twitter Live Search

I was trying to reverse engineer Twitter-Live Search. Maybe we could discuss it here. I am talking about the feature where Tweets are shown even latest to "1 sec ago" etc. Trying to understand how the following might happen - There must be some layer between when the user tweets & when the index (updates) happen. Is this layer MySQL or...

Real time collaborative web application architecture

I want to build a real time collaborative web app where people can interact with components and drag them around, allowing the collaborators to see the dragging in real time. I don't know the first thing about how to build an architecture to support such a system, but it seems to me like it is like building a real time multiplayer 2d g...

Architecture and framework choice team issue

We are in the process of planning for a rewrite of one of our fundamental applications. It is web based, and we are locked into PHP. However it is not a web 2.0 site. It's closer to an enterprise application. It's by no means simple. There are at least 2 main interfaces (I think there are 4, but that's another topic). It needs to be...

Combining MVVM, ORM and some hardware interfaces

Hi I'm trying to plan a architecture for a robot-controller application, which will be written in WPF. Since that MVVM is the de facto pattern for WPF, and in general is much more sexy I decided to use it as a base layout. The application will have some controllers that access hardware, beyond the domainmodel that represents the databa...

How can I choose between 32-bit or 64-bit build in C# Express?

I'm having a problem when I try to build my solution in C# Express 2008. I need to build it for 32-bit architecture, but it always build for 64-bit. In Visual Studio 2008 I can choose the architecture, but I can't find this option in C# Express. Is there a way to do this in C# Express? ...

Limitations of SunRPC mechanism as a Client-Dispatcher-Server architecture and comparison with Broker

I am reading a book on design patterns (an old edition) "Pattern-oriented software architecture". In the chapter dedicated to Client-Dispatcher-Server, SunRPC is cited as a Client-Dispatcher-Server architecture, with portmapper acting as Dispatcher in the Client-Server negotiation. I never used SunRPC practically, although I know more or...

Method for associating state information with an ASP.NET control?

What is the best method or best practice for associating state information with an ASP.NET control? The context is that I'm dynamically generating a user poll. I may have several polls to choose from that the user could answer. I will dynamically generate the label prompt, radio selections, validation, and submit button. Currently I am ...