
How can I share message classes across applications when using NServiceBus?

So I have two separate applications that I want to send messages between. I happen to be using NServiceBus, but that shouldn't really matter. How do I send a message from application A to application B and have them both be aware of the same contract? So app A has a class SecretMessage... public class SecretMessage : IMessage { pu...

What should be included in an Application Architecture checklist?

I'm trying to come up with a checklist or set of questions/criteria to assess and evaluate proposed or emergent architectures (perform architectural reviews). What are the most important questions you ask when trying to plan, assess or review an architecture? I know this is a large topic so I'd like to constrain it to a single end-to...

Building a minimal plugin architecture in Python.

I have an application, written in Python, which is used by a fairly technical audience (scientists). I'm looking for a good way to make the application extensible by the users, i.e. a scripting/plugin architecture. I am looking for something extremely lightweight. Most scripts, or plugins, are not going to be developed and distribute...

Scale Out Application (Split User Data) - How to establish single point of login?

Hello Ladies & Gentlemen. I have to make an architectural decision for an application and would like to know the best way to achieve the following, hopefully without having to keep information duplicated or in multiple places. Scenario: Application instances with separated, autonomous parts of the entire user data are split across mu...

ASP.NET MVC: Page-specific logic

There has been many discussion on ASP.NET MVC and Codebehind-files, mostly where it has been pointed out that these Codebehind-files are evil. So my question is, how do you handle page-specific logic? What we don't want here is spaghetti-code in the inline-code and we don't want page-specific code scattered throughout helper-classes or...

Reflection vs. Attributes in plugin architecture

I am working on an application that loads plugins at startup from a subdirectory, and currently i am doing this by using reflection to iterate over the types of each assembly and to find public classes implementing the IPluginModule interface. Since Reflection involves a performance hit, and i expect that there will be several plugins a...

Facebook Content and Ownership

Hello, I am working on an app that imports photos from facebook. It creates a few "auto albums" for the users including one called "Photos of Me", which I think is pretty self explanitory (Yes, the "photos you're tagged in" one, provided by facebook). Anyway, how do I deal with ownership of these photos within my app? do I... Give t...

Database System Architecture discussion

Hi, I'd like to start a discussion about the implementation of a database system. I'm working for a company having a database system grown over ca. the last 10 years. Let me try to describe what it's doing and how it's implemented: The system is divided into 3 main parts handled by 3 different teams. Entry: The Entry Team is respons...

Where do you perform your validation?

Hopefully you'll see the problem I'm describing in the scenario below. If it's not clear, please let me know. You've got an application that's broken into three layers, front end UI layer, could be webform, or window (used for editing Person data) middle tier business service layer, compiled into a dll (PersonServices) data a...

If SOA is dead, what's replacing it?

Please forgive me if this question is dense. Background: We have several internal applications that integrate at the database. We are looking at how to break that up, and it seems like moving to an architecture where each application exposes its functionality through services, instead of calling other apps' databases, makes the most se...

Architecture for Satellite Parts of a Larger Application

I work for a firm that provides certain types of financial consulting services in most states in the US. We currently have a fairly straightforward CRUD application that manages clients and information about assets and services we perform for each. It only concerns itself with the fundamental data points and processes that are common to ...

ASP.NET MVC Model & Business Objects

I am looking for some guidance on how to incorporate business rules into an mvc application and how they relate to the model. First a little background so we know what kind of solutions are relative for this question. At work we use WinForms, MVP, BusinessObjects, DataAccessObjects, and DataTransferObjects. The boundaries of...

What is the best practise design for a scalable web application involving session state

The reason I ask this is recentlydesigned an application , initially wanted to use no session state to keep things simple, but eventually succumbed to the ease of the session state idea for storing state. I was aware that moving to a web farm solution would involve configuring session state to run in sql. However I had never run across a...

Does a template for a system architecture/design proposal exist?

I need to prepare a proposal for the technical specification in the development of a new project, what I've done before was to include the following: Platform The primary technology and secondary ones the system will be programmed OS Target The target in which the system will run Application Server in the case of a web application Appl...

What is The Recommended Architecture for ASP.NET Web Applications?

In the first comment (by J.W.) to this question: Using ObjectDataSource and DataObjectTypeName, How Do You Handle Delete Methods With Just An Id Parameter?, it is said that using ObjectDataSource is a bad design. What is considered good design for well-architected ASP.NET applications? ...

Asynchronous architecture

I have a C# library that is surfaced through a webpage UI. There's of course the UI layer, which makes calls through a business logic layer, which in turn hits the data access layer to retrieve the data. The data is actually retrieved via a web service which has the capability to query data asynchronously. I'm starting to learn how to d...

What does middleware mean for Twitter and Scala?

Reference another SO question I had, I was given this article about Twitter moving from Rails to Scala, and in the article is this comment: By the end of this year, Payne said, Twitter hopes to have its entire middleware infrastructure and its APIs ported to the new language. Ruby will remain, but only on the front end. "We...

NS(Array|Tree)Controller Architecture for multiple NSViewControllers

I have a non document-based Core Data application. There's an NSTreeController that manages a collection of objects displayed in a single NSOutlineView as a source list. They are the usual kinds of things: headings, folders, smart folders, etc. Each of these container objects has a collection of contents objects. I have three separate v...

File naming convention for layers

Hi All, I have split my .NET project into three different layers Facade Layer, Business Layer and Data Access Layer. I am looking for the correct naming convention for the file names for these layers. For example if I have accounts related funtion in my project, I am currently having 'AccountsFAC.cs' and class name AccountsFAC in faca...

EagerReadDerivation: balancing the benefits with the costs

I'm studying Domain-Driven Design and Distributed DDD for an upcoming Silverlight application I'm going to be working on. The EagerReadDerivation pattern seems like it would improve the scalability of the application, but at the cost of increased complexity. The application will have potentially have thousands of users uploading large ...