
Modules on the same layer in layered architecture

In theory in layered architecture you can have multiple modules on the same layer. Can this modules cross reference to each other? Is is possible technically, eg. using .NET? ...

How do multiple servers work in sync for web application

Ok, I am a n00b at web applications, databases, servers etc. However, I have been trying to learn by going through questions in stackoverflow and also everywhere else on the web. I have two related questions here. My first question is, I often read about people using multiple dedicated servers to run their websites, and process queries...

3-tiers pattern and large amounts of data

Here is my situation: I am trying to follow as hard as I can the 3-tier pattern (i.e. Presentation, Business and Data layer). When I need data from the DB, the Business layer calls the Data layer which returns the information. The Data layer never return a SqlDataReader or DataTable object, but often an enumeration of custom object known...

How to design scalable applications?

How to design/architect a scalable application? Any suggestion of books or websites that could help to understand how to scale out application? Thanks ...

The client (desktop app) pulls data...but I want the server (web app) to push data

I have a client-server application - wherein the server is essentially an ASP .NET web application and the distributed clients are desktop applications. The clients need to receive some data from the server - when there is new data for the client. Right now, the way this is done is - the client keeps querying a web service every x minut...

What is change request management tool?

Can anyone please tell what is change request management tool and what is involved when a change request is submitted to this tool? ...

DDD, Anti Corruption layer, how-to?

At the moment, we have to build an application which is based on a legacy one. Code for that old application should be thrown away and rewritten, but as it usually goes - instead of rewriting it, we need to base something new on it. Recently, we decided to go the DomainDrivenDesign path. So -- anti corruption layer could be a solution ...

What is Cyclomatic Complexity?

A term that I see every now and then is "Cyclomatic Complexity". Here on SO I saw some Questions about "how to calculate the CC of Language X" or "How do I do Y with the minimum amount of CC", but I'm not sure I really understand what it is. On the NDepend Website, I saw an explanation that basically says "The number of decisions in a m...

Html formating in domain classes

I have a simple address object in my domain that has a ToString() method that returns the address like this: 123 Test Ave Appt 1A Spokane, WA 99201 We will be diplaying this in a webpage on several different occasions so it makes senses to add the functionality somewhere to display the address with Html formatting, but if I where to ad...

cache managment

hi, I am building a web application and I want to manage cache for several objects, so I don't have to go to the DB each time. my problem is that this objects`s data can be modified by other application on the DB. Does anyone knows a good pattern to keep my cached objects in sync with the BD?. I read this article (

passing data in an ntier application

How do you pass data to layers in an n-tier application? I have mapped out 3 different methods. A) generic .net objects generic data tables, Hashtables, generic datasets, strings, ints etc... then using the datasets to fill your business objects which get sent to the UI layer.

Flex Databinding Array to Canvas as Objects, General Client Architecture

Hi I have creating a distributed note taking application in flex, it basically is a notepad I can keep in my desktop tray. When I add notes and goes back to a server and saves it in a database. To am struggling to design the application correctly, I want to have a Syncing service that polls the webserver for changes and updates an Arr...

Is this a bad way to structure my Sql Server database?

Hi folks, I have a table that contains a few columns and then 2 final (nullable) columns which are varbinary (actually, they are SQL 2008 geography types, but I want to keep this post database agnostic). I've hit around 500mb with around 200K rows. The varbinary is the problem - and I need the data. So, I was wondering if it's bad if ...

Recommended Table Set up for one to many/many to one situation

I need to create a script where someone will post an opening for a position, and anyone who is eligible will see the opening but anyone who is not (or opts out) will not see the opening. So two people could go to the same page and see different content, some potentially the same, some totally unique. I'm not sure the best way to arrange ...

Most efficient design to search for this data in my database?

Hi folks, I have the following database tables and a view which represents that data. The tables are heirachial (if that is how u describe it) :- EDIT: I've replace my 3 tables with FAKE table names/data (for this post) because I'm under NDA to not post anything about out projects, etc. So yeah.. I don't really save people ...

Best implementation for a rss feed in C# (

The thing I have a web app ( which needs to have a feed. So I used the System.ServiceModel.Syndication namespace to create the function that creates the 'news'. The thing is it executes everytime somebody calls it, should I use it just to create an xml file and make my rss url point to the file? What's the best approach? Edit...

Real time process communication in game development

If you make a game architecture that splits up system components (IE, rendering, physics, logic, input, scripting, etc) into different threads, how do you handle cases where real-time communication is necessary? For example, if a script wants to draw a box on the screen, it would ideally do this when the rendering component issues a "Fr...

Is UML still seen as a viable way of documenting a software design?

Is UML still seen as a viable way of a documenting a software design? Extra points for references that back up any claims :) ...

Data exchange standards

There are international standards, which define various high-level aspects of information exchange in distributed systems. By "high-level" I mean describing how information should be organized and presented, what interfaces must be provided, how to communicate metadata etc. For example, energy utilities use OPC (DAIS), CIM; simulations ...

Refactoring away from the Shared Database pattern

At work, we have several applications with databases in a centralized SQL server. Whenever one application needs to work with data from another application, it just queries it or updates it through the database. I believe this is the “Shared Database” pattern as described in the Enterprise Integration Patterns book (Hohpe & Woolf). Th...