
Separation of responsibility in assemblies

Hi All, We are working on an project. It has two parts, first one is for the public users (to be used on internet) and other one is for internal use inside the organization. The processes and objects are more complicated, vast and intricate on the intranet side. Though both the sites will be using the same database (to be conne...

How do you describe your solution/system?

I am about to write some standards/guidelines and templates that project managers, developers and business analysts would use. The goal would be to better understand the solution that is or was developed. One part of this is providing a standard/guideline on documenting the solution. E.g. documenting the piece of software which solves/...

Models for developing WCF applications

Do you know any blueprints for organizing a WCF application in a way similar to Service Factory? The problem is that although Service Factory is well organized, my application is a medium-sized one and it would be an overkill to use the factory - some of the sub-projects that the factory creates for me, I wouldn't ever use. So what are...

IOC - Injection of multiple dependancies.

Consider the below: public class DependencyA {} public class DependencyB {} public class DependencyC {} public class DependencyD {} public class Service1 { public Service1(DependencyA a, DependencyB b, DependencyC c, DependencyD d) { ... } } public class Service2 { public Service2(DependencyA a, DependencyB b, DependencyC c, De...

Top Down v. Bottom Up design approach

Duplicate: I think I have found in my recent experience that I design software differently than most of my peers. I tend to take the incremental bottom up approach after gathering enough requirements to get a high level idea of the components in ...

Creating a specialised CMS by extending a desktop web-dev app. Options?

Background We need to develop a specialised CMS (internal use only) to support a technical writing team producing specialised long-form content for web (i.e. text with pictures, interactive features). To protect the writers from the nitty-gritty of web development (and to improve output consistency) we'd like to augment a regular WSIWYG...

what's the best way to communicate architecture design?

I have been responsible for architecture design in quite a few projects. The mostly used tools for communicating architecture design is class diagram, package diagram, sequence diagram, delopyment diagram. And in some cases flow chat is also used for important business process modeling. For now I think it is OK. But I am wondering if the...

How to build a library for two architectures (simulator, iphoneos) in XCode

I made a little library for the IPhone that I would like to redistribute, but I cannot find how to compile it to work on both the simulator and the iphoneos. I know there is a way to build a lib.a for both architecture, but I cannot figure it out. ...

DDD: Primary keys (Ids) and ORMs (for example, NHibernate)

Why is it considered OK to have an Id field in the domain entities? I have seen several solutions that provide base class with Id and Id-based GetHashCode/Equals. My understanding of domain model is that it should contain only things related to the domain. While in rare cases (trackable orders) Ids are meaningful, most of the time they ...

SharePoint setup best practices with ISA

Can anyone guide me on the best way to implement SharePoint with ISA? I'm interested in setting up a basic SharePoint farm. I have tried numerous times with mixed results and I am still not sure of the best way to go. When it is initially set up you are prompted to create a web app, but then when you go to create the ssp admin site it w...

Handling failures with MSMQ in BizTalk by resending

Has anyone got any pointers on good practices / potential designs for handling the situation in a BizTalk orchestration were the response from a long-running service has failed, so the initiation message needs to be resent I have the situation where an orchestration is sending a message to an MSMQ queue and then waiting on a response ba...

Is it bad practice to return partial views that contain javascript?

Hi, I am implementing a customer database which lets me search for users and companies, browse and edit their details, and many other things using ASP.NET MVC and javascript (jQuery). Whenever a post or get occurs, I do that via jQuery.load and insert the PartialView into the DOM. Some partial views include forms. I want those to be ...

Is using mysql ENUM a bad architectural solution?

For me it is like using hardcoded values instead of constant variables in application code. But there are different opinions out there. So I can't really decide for sure. P.S. For the scope of this question let us assume that performance is not an issue. ...

What are some Common 3D Game Patterns?

What are some of the more common design patterns used when developing 3D games? Are there any high-level architectural design patterns that are commonly used? What about general software patterns within the architecture? ...

Designing API using WCF

I am working on creating a API (using WCF) that will expose some of the internal systems of an ecommerce company to the outside world. The target users of the API are mostly small businesses who may not have extensive develper resources. To ensure the evolution of the API in the future, i have decided that the input and output parameter...

MVC as a Hot Paradigm

The Stack Overflow guys themselves on the Podcast mention how MVC is the new hot thing; .Net (presumably 4.0 will have it standard), Rails, & Django. But I want to know what is the big deal. It reminds me of asp/jsp from 2000 - interspersing lots of Request and Response commands with HTML. And I don't see why actually writing SQL in...

What should I keep in mind in order to refactor huge code base?

I'm going to refactor certain parts in a huge code base (18000+ Java classes). Goal is to be able to extract lower layers as independent libraries to be reused in other projects that currently use duplicate of this code base. Especially one part is of interest to be refactored into a framework independent of business logic. Ultimately I ...

WCF Layers

Hi I recently started with WCF ( yeah I know I am behind :-) ). The question is how I must structure it. I am used to DAL,BL and Presentation Layer. I am replacing( sort of) my DAL with entity framework. So I have this so far DAL(entity framwork) --> BL --> contracts (datacontract messagecontrol service contract behaviours etc) -->...

What are some alternatives to a Workflow Engine?

We are in the process of rewriting a large legacy system that makes extensive (mis)use of a workflow engine. Going forward, I'd like to consider alternatives to a workflow engine for the new application. One very interesting possibility is a Space-based architecture + Rules Engine. What other paradigms exist? I'll mention that this appl...

When designing a software platform, what are the key elements that make up a successful pluggable architecture?

I've been really impressed by the growing number of software platforms that let outside developers contribute code through a pluggable architecture (plugins/extensions). I've been studying which platforms have the best plugin communities... Excellent Plugin Architectures with thriving plugin communities: WordPress (and WordPress Mult...