
Oracle Multiple Schemas Aggregate Real Time View

All, Looking for some guidance on an Oracle design decision I am currently trying to evaluate: The problem I have data in three separate schemas on the same oracle db server. I am looking to build an application that will show data from all three schemas, however the data that is shown will be based on real time sorting and prioritis...

Ideas for build a document managment system

A customer need a document managment system and I'm building information about this. I know about sharepoint & alfresco, but in this case I'm evaluating the necesary info for build it from scratch, so please refrain to suggest the use of any of these (we are doing the evaluation of them separately, this is all about develop, not impleme...

Need help designing big database update process

We have a database with ~100K business objects in it. Each object has about 40 properties which are stored amongst 15 tables. I have to get these objects, perform some transforms on them and then write them to a different database (with the same schema.) This is ADO.Net 3.5, SQL Server 2005. We have a library method to write a single pr...

Tools and standards for technical design document

I would like to know what tools and standards are my colleagues using for technical design documents nowadays. In the past when in my company we were only delivering client-server win-apps we had word templates for our design docs. Our templates always started with the Database diagram, then the UI mockups, field mappings, functionality...

Declaring Variables

Hi, Say you have a variable called hotelPropertyNumber. The contents will always be a number but normally be used as a string. Would there be anything "wrong" with declaring it as a string so that you don't have to continually convert it to a string....or is that a bad programming habit? Thanks. ...

What language/technology/framework is Technorati built with?

Title says it all. I see no obvious indicators like .php or .jsp or .aspx file extensions. Anyone know ? ...

Where can I find a system architecture for a site that will stream music for thousands of concurrent users?

Does anyone know where I can find a system architecture for a site that streams music for thousands of concurrent users and can also scale. Also I would prefer to use open source system components. ...

Preventing XSS exploits using the type system as Joel suggested?

In Podcast 58 (about 20 minutes in), Jeff complains about the problems of HTML.Encode() and Joel talks about using the type system to have ordinary strings and HTMLStrings: A brief political rant about the evil of view engines that fail to HTML encode by default. The problem with this design choice is that it is not “safe by...

ASP.NET - loading grid data with heavy OO structure

Hello, Let's say I have an object that is fairly complex. Since it is so complex, it takes a bit to load from the database. Now let's say my users want a grid that shows all of these objects, and I know if I provide it the performance will not be desirable. I'm trying to put my finger on the best way to handle this. So far I have two...

One section, many implementations in C#

I would like to download a file, parse it and put it somewhere. So I have a few sections outlined below and I would like to use the directives below to guide what the program should be doing. I like this form of config and I would like to figure out how to get this to work somehow but I know it won't work exactly like this because I can'...

What is Abstractness vs. Instability Graph ?

Hi, I recently used NDepend and it produced a good report on my .net assemblies and related pdbs. The most interesting thing I found in the report was abstractness vs. instability graph. I wanted to understand this in real detail, I read their docs and online metrices but it could only help to an extent. Primarily I wish to understand...

Should class method code be accessing external variables directly?

I have certain PHP class methods that access external variables. These variables are not passed as arguments, but rather directly used by the code in the methods. One method uses a variable that is DEFINEd in a config file and whose purpose is to be available to every part of the app that needs it. This seems ok to me. The other method...

Should one steer clear of adding yet another field to a larger MySQL table?

I have a MySQL-InnoDB table with 350,000+ rows, containing a couple of things like id, otherId, shortTitle and so on. Now I'm in need of a Bool/ Bit field for perhaps a couple of hundreds or thousands of those rows. Should I just add that bool field into the table, or should I best create a new table referencing the IDs of the old table ...

Bing architecture and how it works underneath?

Hi, Could someone please explain how works underneath and what is it's architecture? Implementation (languages used) Brief description of algorithm approach Hardware it runs on Approaches for scalability ...

Is it ok to downcast?

I'm designing a framework which users can extend. Basically I will provide them a set of interfaces which they can implement, and my "manager" class will call their implementations like this: abstract1 = factory.GetConcreteExtension1() abstract2 = factory.GetConcreteExtension2() abstract1.DoSomething(abstract2) Where my client impleme...

How do get clean URLs like Stackoverflow?

On some .NET driven sites URLs don't end with page names, like default.aspx, instead they use a pattern or The site is mapped as sub directories off the root, ie. /tags, /users, /badges, the URLs would be /tags, /users, /badges respectively. StackOverflow, to use...

ASP.NET MVC vs WebForms: speed and architecture comparison

I had an argument with one of my friends who is an architect at a pretty large internet company. Basically he was saying that ASP.NET MVC is not for large-scale enterprise applications, that it is not as flexible as WebForms, and that an MVC app will be slower than a web forms app. From my own experience working with MVC, I can say tha...

Inheriting legacy COM architecture, is it any good?

Our system looks like this: One or many applications containing one or many in-process COM component(s), that communicate with some hardware via a single COM server. (Hope that makes sense - please ask if it needs clarification) The design decisions that led to this system design have been lost in the mists of time, however I think tha...

Mutliple sites on same server sharing code.

Hi, I am going to be making a series of about 5 sites. They need to all run on the same system. I am planning on making them all point to the same server, then depending on which domain is used to access it, different content/styles will be served. So its essentially going to be 5 or so different retail sites specializing in a particula...

JSF class diagramming tools

I have been asked to formalize the architecture of our front-end JSF code and beans. My first thoughts were that this would be just like any other class architecture. Fire up visio, make my UML diagrams, and that's that. However, there is no way that I can think of to express things such as bean scope, page navigation, the way differe...