
Unity Newbie Question

I'm attempting to use Unity for the first time and I think I might have bitten off more than I can chew. We have a n-tier application that has a base library with several abstract types and then several business scenario specific libraries on top of it w/ concrete types. For ex: The abstract type lead has two implementations, one in a Ne...

Handling multiple sites via git

Here's the situation: there are 9 sites, they all share a similar codebase, but there are differences: Type A: 2 of them could be considered "social" sites (events, news, profiles, login) Type B: 3 of them are your regular sites (events module, news, etc) Type C: 4 of them are small "brochure" type sites (just pages and a contact form)...

Is LINQ to Everything a good abstraction?

There is a proliferation of new LINQ providers. It is really quite astonishing and an elegant combination of lambda expressions, anonymous types and generics with some syntax sugar on top to make it easy reading. Everything is LINQed now from SQL to web services like Amazon to streaming sensor data to parallel processing. It seems like s...

Architecture for Game - To couple or not to couple?

I'm building a simple game which consists of Mobiles -- the in-game characters (Mobs). Each mob can perform certain functions. In order to give that functionality to the Mob, I've created a Behavior. For example, let's say a mob needs to move around the game field, I would give it the MoveBehavior - this is added to an internal list of...

Is it a good idea(tm) to use REST ideas to design 'some service' from the ground up?

If you wanted to start a 'website' that could be accessible from multiple 'endpoints'. Is it a good idea to design from a REST perspective from the begining? I'm thinking that the answer is 'yes' ... but are there other opinions? Should REST be your 'starting point' for the design of systems that are hopefully extensible and also acce...

What is a clean/intuitive approach to extending a sealed class in .NET 1.1?

Hey all, I'm in the process of architecting a library that will be used in multiple releases of a product, and part of its job is to augment some of the functionality that doesn't exist in .NET 1.1, since we're required to use it. Probably the best example of this is the String.IsNullOrEmpty method, whose functionality we rely on fairly...

Top Level Architecture Funny Comics

I have seen a pretty funny comics titled "Top Level Architecture". I remember the comics depicts making software is akin to making food. It shows a food (with some spaghetti) making process. I can't find it online. Do you know where to find it? ...

Suggested architecture for associating code to db rows

I have a situation where I have a bunch of rows in a database. For example, let say we have a table called ReportRendererType. Rows might be: Line Graph Bar Graph Grid etc. I can use the database to store how particular users want to view particular reports. Eg. Frank likes the Profit Report displayed as a Bar Graph. It would b...

LINQ to SQL architecture. What is best?

Hi all, This question is sort of a pool. We are trying to identify the best archtecture while using a ORM like LINQ to SQL. The archture we are defining is for sort of framework that other applications will access either trough directly referencing the DLL or through a webservice. We have .NET apps and PHP apps. The possibilities are: ...

Challenge - Keep Code and DB Rows Separate

We all agree that the db is for storage and that the code shouldn't be tightly coupled with it. How do you achieve this when you store preferences in the db. Let me give an example. Suppose that you are creating a little online poll. Each poll can have a "vote type". Here are some vote types: Anonymous Voting Ip based voting etc. ...

what is Data Transfer Object?

what is a Data Transfer Object? In MVC are the model classes DTO, and if not what are the differences and do we need both? ...

Design db for questions and answers with tags on a blog page

Use XML files based or SQL server? Which would be more efficient based on storage size, retrieval and performance? ...

Patterns for non-layered applications

In Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Martin Fowler writes: This book is thus about how you decompose an enterprise application into layers and how those layers work together. Most nontrivial enterprise applications use a layered architecture of some form, but in some situations other approaches, such as p...

Application Buddy Lists and Authentication - How does it all go together

This is a broad but specific question. The idea is that we want to tie in a 'buddy' functionality to a communications app. Very broadly, I believe that the application clients would connect to a central database/auth service which would provide the buddy data and then allow client apps to connect directly to eachother, without passing ...

How can I avoid properties being reset at design-time in tightly bound user controls?

I have UserControl 'A' with a label, and this property: /// <summary> /// Gets or Sets the text of the control /// </summary> [ Browsable(true), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Category("Appearance") ] public override string Text { get { return uxLabel.Tex...

What are the absolute and relative costs of different operations in PHP?

I'm looking for a elaborate list comparing different operations in PHP. For example: echo vs. printf, ++$i vs $i++, a direct function call vs. object function call, array access vs. direct data access, global vs. local variables, mysql_fetch_assoc vs. mysql_fetch_row etc. Of course these figures probably highly depend on the used version...

Which symbol represents a distributed cache?

In a system architecture diagram, just like a "cloud" represents the internet, what general symbol would you use to depict a distributed cache e.g. Coherence or JBoss? ...

Settings class architecture.

Just wondering what the best practise advice would be on the architecture for a settings class. We've a number of tables which will be used to populate the class, I'm guessing a Hashtable is the best way to go? It also would be nice to have a strongly typed collection available through the scope of the app in Intellisense. e.g. Settin...

If I wanted to authorize connections between my client apps.. how would i?

Hi, I am trying to figure out how to handle authentication and data for client applications who will connect to eachother. In other words, each client app would authenticate to.. and use a central service to find out info about the other client so that they can connect directly. Specifically, what should I deploy to accomplish this and...

Why does the web need HTTP?

No, wait. I'm being totally serious. When HTTP was invented, FTP already existed. Why couldn't FTP be the web's transport protocol? Sure, it has a lot of missing feautres, but most were added as an afterthought to HTTP and could be added to FTP too, such as caching, compression, virtual hosting. You could event think of a protocol like...