
How Service-oriented architecture and Component-based development relate to each other?

Here is a pretty theoretical and abstract question: How Service-oriented architecture (SOA) differs from Component-based approach? Is the concept of SOA an extension to Component-based approach? What are your thoughts? Maybe you know any good papers that cover this subject? ...

Recommendations for Enterprise Architecture books

I've been looking at a couple of book around architecture for .net: Microsoft® .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise - Dino Esposito ASP.Net 3.5 Application Architecture and Design - Vivek Thakur Are these worthwhile, or are better resources to be found on-line? Does the patterns & practices Application Architecture Guid...

How do you design object oriented projects?

I'm working on a large project (for me) which will have many classes and will need to be extensible, but I'm not sure how to plan out my program and how the classes need to interact. I took an OOD course a few semesters back and learned a lot from it; like writing UML, and translating requirements documents into objects and classes. We ...

Is there a way to plan and diagram an architecture for dynamic scripting languages like groovy or python?

Say I want to write a large application in groovy, and take advantage of closures, categories and other concepts (that I regularly use to separate concerns). Is there a way to diagram or otherwise communicate in a simple way the architecture of some of this stuff? How do you detail (without verbose documentation) the things that a map ...

Tricky architecture question. 4 Base classes require a bit of extensibility.

Hi! I have 4 base classes: class A { virtual SomeMethod () { <code> } } class A<T> { virtual SomeMethod () { <code> } } class B { virtual SomeMethod () { <code> } } class B<T2> { virtual SomeMethod () { <code> } } Now, i have 4 implementations (each implementation is derived from the corresponding base type). class Aa : A { overrid...

To EJB3 or not?

I have an architecture scenario and I would like to discuss to get your opinion. I can choose between these two (this is a constraint imposed on me) Use EJB3+JPA - no Spring/Hibernate POJO + JDBC - again no Spring/Hibernate I have series of web applications (only intranet) that all need to be integrated. At database level, there wi...

Using a remote, external web service instead of a database

I am building an ASP.NET web application that will be deployed to a 4-node web farm. My web application's farm is located in California. Instead of a database for back-end data, I plan to use a set of web services served from a data center in New York. I have a page /show-web-service-result.aspx that works like this: 1) User requests...

Separation of ORM and validation

Hi all, I use django and I wonder in what cases where model validation should go. There are at least two variants: Validate in the model's save method and to raise IntegrityError or another exception if business rules were violated Validate data using forms and built-in clean_* facilities From one point of view, answer is obvious: o...

Will successful team projects get derived from simple strategies?

Learning a lot in my few years of programming that the best projects are the ones with a clear ‘strategic plan’. That means understanding the goal and research, Research, and RESEARCH! The most important concept that teams has to realize that it’s not the ‘goal’ to show how smart you are or use the most complex design patterns, but havin...

Performance of list(...).insert(...)

I thought about the following question about computer's architecture. Suppose I do in Python from bisect import bisect index = bisect(x, a) # O(log n) (also, shouldn't it be a standard list function?) x.insert(index, a) # O(1) + memcpy() which takes log n, plus, if I correctly understand it, a memory copy operation for x[...

What other MVC-like design patterns/architectures are there for highly flexible applications?

A while back i read somewhere about how to improve upon the MVC pattern to accomodate the highly flexible and layered (web)applications we see today. (and to my frustration, i can't seem to find that article again) For example, some of the Google applications like GMail or even a browser like Firefox. It consists of components that ca...

How to share code & xib files between iPhone apps?

I'm in the process of creating an app. I'd like to have a pared down free version and a full paid version. Obviously, they will share a lot of code and some xib files. How to I share these without just duplicating them? ...

Can 'moving business logic to application layer' increase performance?

In my current project, the business logic is implemented in stored procedures (a 1000+ of them) and now they want to scale it up as the business is growing. Architects have decided to move the business logic to application layer (.net) to boost performance and scalability. But they are not redesigning/rewriting anything. In short the sam...

ORMs and POCOs when having multiple Backends/DI - Architecture? AutoMapper?

Okay, the title is not saying too much, sorry. Essentially it's an Architecture Question about an Application that can have multiple database backends (Well, "Database" is loosely used here as it can mean anything from MSSQL to XML Files to an IList in Memory), essentially involving the Repository Pattern. I have a set of POCOs that ess...

Why Use Prism?

I am interested in making a decent WPF application which will be pretty huge. Someone suggested using PRISM which we are currently looking into. We might be using the MVVM pattern to implement this application. I saw some PRISM screencasts and it seems like PRISM is mainly used to inject the regions with different views. Is that the main...

Moving to client side, jQuery on ASP.NET

I'm building some simple web apps and using jQuery to call .net webmethods. The more I put together, the more I wonder where I draw the line between the aspx page and what I can produce with jQuery/jTemplate and a few ajax calls. It seems I can do everything on the client now, and easily too. At the moment I've just got one default.htm...

How to send String value from one screen to another in Blackberry?

Hi, Anyone please help me to pass String value from one screen to another screen in Blackberry ...

How to approach design problems like "design a vending machine"

Hello, I wanted to know what are the steps that I should follow to approach problems like design a vending machine and come up with a number of design documents (like use case, sequence diagram, class diagram). Is there any source/link that I can read where it talks about how to go step by step. Thanks. ...

Silverlight application architecture

I just started learning Silverlight, and I'm wondering about the typical architecture of a Silverlight application and the workflow in the application (I'm using Silverlight 2, but will move to 3 any time soon). In my test-application I currently only have the two default projects - MyProject and MyProject.Web. I'm familiar with the MV...

How do you assess/evaluate a messaging architecture?

I'm working on a project that relies on integrating with SMS/MMS messaging aggregator companies for deploying applications to cellphones as well as performing mobile payments through SMS. Many concepts in such architectures are closely related to messaging pattersn in enterprise integration and SOA worlds. I'm currently in the process of...